Signature: Date Dr. L.L. Ekanayake MSc in Construction Project Management Dissertation DEDICATION Dedicated to My beloved parents, Sister, Brother and Husband. ii MSc in Construction Project Management Dissertation ABSTRACT Cost overrun in any sector brings bad image to the organisation and unrest to the professionals. The cost overrun can be resulted either due to risk events or non risk events. Possible non risk events in bridge projects are the scope changes, design changes, quantity increase and variations. However those non risk events produce a justification to the additional cost incurred and it enhance the value of the project adding more properties. On the other hand risk events take place unexpectedly and it wastes the project money and degrades the value of the project. Therefore in order to absorb this risk cost, without making any burden to the project, conventionally it is practicing to allocate contingency budget. However still the most road and bridge contracts do not meet set cost targets as a result of improper assessment of risk factors inherent in construction. The majority of time and cost overruns are attributable to either unforeseen or foreseen events for which uncertainties were not properly accommodated. The Sri Lankan practice is to add a 10% contingency sum in bill quantities to cover the risks or uncertainties. However, even with the presence of this contingency allocation, cost overruns still prevail in the industry. Identification of the root causes for the contingency budget overrun and presenting preventive strategies for the small bridge contracts cover the research topic. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I must thank to many people who helped and supported me while engaging in this research. This research thesis could not have been prepared if not for the help and encouragement given by my research supervisor Dr.L.L.Ekanayake and I heartily thank him. Also I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr.Asoka Perera and Dr. Rangika Halwatura for the immense guidance and instructions given throughout the Msc. Course and research period. Further I extend my heartfelt thank to Mr. Sujeewa Wijewickrema for the courage given me at initial stage. Lastly, I offer my best regards and sincere appreciation to all of those who supported me in any respect during the completion of the research. N.D.M. Liyanage iv MSc in Construction Project Management Dissertation CONTENTS DECLARATION i DEDICATION ii ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Definition 3 1.3 Objectives 4 1.4 Scope 4 1.5 Methodology 4 1.6 Main Findings 5 1.7 Guide to the Report 5 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Background 7 2.2 Risk Management 12 2.3 Contingency Budget 13 2.4 National Procurement Agency Guidelines 14 2.5 National Procurement Agency Procurement Manual 15 2.6 Practice of the Road Development Authority 16 2.7 Variations 17 2.8 Condition of Contract for Cost Control 18 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 23 3.1 Case Selection 24 3.2 Evaluation of the Selected Methodology 25 3.3 Methodology 25 CHAPTER 4: CASE STUDIES 28 4.1 Case 1 : Bridge No 31/4 on Galle Deniyaya Madampe Road 28 4.2 Case 2 : Bridge No: 12/1 on Alawwa Dampellassa Road 31 4.3 Case 3 : Bridge over Mahaweli Ganga on Balantota - Dekinda Road 36 CHAPTER 5: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 43 5.1 Analysis 43 5.1.1 Case 1 : Bridge no : 31/4 on Galle Deniyaya Madampe Road 43 5.1.2 Case 2 : Bridge no : 12/1 on Alawwa Dampellassa Road 47 5.1.3 Case 3 : Bridge over Mahaweli ganga on Balantota - Dekinda Road 51 5.1.4 Risk percentages 55 MSc in Construction Project Management Dissertation 5.2 Discussion 57 5.2.1 Factors affecting the non contingency cost 57 5.2.2 Factors affecting the price contingency cost 58 5.2.3 Factors affecting the physical contingency cost 59 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 62 6.1 Conclusions 62 6.2 Recommendations 63 6.2.1 Recommendations for the non contingency cost 63 6.2.2 Recommendations for the price contingency cost 63 6.2.3 Recommendations for the physical contingency cost 64 6.3 Recommendations for Future Research 65 REFERENCES 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY 68 Appendices A: Data Gathered on Bridge Contracts 69 Appendices B: Particulars of Galle-Deniyaya-Madampe Bridge 78 vi MSc in Construction Project Management Dissertation LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 : Flow chart 25 Figure 2 : Bridge No 31/4 on Galle Deniyaya Madampe Road 46 Figure 3 : Bridge No 12/1 on Alawwa Dampellassa Road 49 Figure 4 : Bridge over Mahaweli ganga on Balantota - Dekinda Road 53 vii MSc in Construction Project Management Dissertation LIST OF TABLES Table 1 : D o m e s t i c and fore ign funds rece ived to the R D A 2 Table 2 : C o n t i n g e n c y percentages for different procurement m e t h o d 9 Table 3 : R e c o r d s o f smal l bridge projects o f G O S L funding 2 6 Table 4 : Se l ec ted critical bridge projects 2 8 Table 5: Particulars o f Br idge 3 1 / 4 o n Gal le D e n i y a y a M a d a m p e R o a d 3 0 Table 6: Particulars o f E x t e n s i o n o f T i m e for Gal le D e n i y a y a M a d a m p e Br idge 31 Table 7: Particulars o f B r i d g e 1 2 / I o n A l l a w w a D a m p e l e s s a R o a d 3 2 Table 8: Extra w o r k detai ls o f A l l a w w a D a m p e l e s s a R o a d 33 Table 9 : Quanti ty Increase detai ls o f A l l a w w a D a m p e l e s s a R o a d 3 4 Table 10 : Quantity Increase detai ls o f A l l a w w a D a m p e l e s s a R o a d 3 4 Table 11 : Quanti ty Increase detai ls o f A l l a w w a D a m p e l e s s a R o a d 35 Table 12: E x t e n s i o n o f T i m e particulars o f A l l a w w a D a m p e l e s s a R o a d 3 6 Table 13: Particulars o f Balanthota Br idge 38 Table 14: Extra W o r k Particulars o f Balanthota Br idge 3 9 Table 15: Quantity Increase Particulars o f Balanthota B r i d g e 4 0 Table 16: E x t e n s i o n o f T i m e particulars o f Balanthota Br idge 4 2 Table 17: B r i d g e N o 3 1 / 4 o n Gal le D e n i y a y a M a d a m p e R o a d 4 3 Table 18 : B r i d g e N o 3 1 / 4 o n Gal le D e n i y a y a M a d a m p e R o a d 4 4 Table 19 : B r i d g e N o 3 1 / 4 o n Gal le D e n i y a y a M a d a m p e R o a d 4 4 Table 2 0 : B r i d g e N o 3 1 / 4 o n Gal le D e n i y a y a M a d a m p e R o a d 45 Table 21 : B r i d g e N o 12/1 o n A l a w w a D a m p e l l a s s a R o a d 4 7 Table 2 2 : B r i d g e N o 12/1 o n A l a w w a D a m p e l l a s s a R o a d 4 8 Table 2 3 : B r i d g e N o 12/1 o n A l a w w a D a m p e l l a s s a R o a d 4 8 Table 2 4 : B r i d g e N o 12/1 o n A l a w w a D a m p e l l a s s a R o a d 4 9 Table 2 5 : B r i d g e over M a h a w e l i g a n g a o n Balantota - D e k i n d a R o a d 51 Table 2 6 : B r i d g e o v e r M a h a w e l i g a n g a o n Balantota - D e k i n d a R o a d 5 2 Table 2 7 : B r i d g e o v e r M a h a w e l i g a n g a o n Balantota - D e k i n d a R o a d 5 2 Table 2 8 : B r i d g e o v e r M a h a w e l i ganga o n Balantota - D e k i n d a R o a d 53 Table 2 9 : S u m m a r y o f N o n Risk Cos t and Ri sk Cos t 55 Table 3 0 : S u m m a r y o f Risk Percentages 5 6 Table B . l : Quanti ty Increase o f Gal le D e n i y a y a M a d a m p e Br idge 7 9 vi i i MSc in Construction Project Management Dissertation ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BOQ - Bill of Quantities CAPC - Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee CE - Chief Engineer DPC - Department Procurement Committee EE - Executive Engineer EOT - Extension of Time GOSL - Government of Sri Lanka HD - Head of the Department ICTAD - Institute of Construction Training and Development MOU - Memorandum of Understanding MPC - ' Ministry Procurement Committee PD - Provincial Director / Project Director PMBOK - Project Management Body of Knowledge RDA - Road Development Authority SBD - Standard Bidding document TEC - Technical Evaluation Committee VO - Variation Orders ix