Lfc/DOM/a/120 fx E F F E C T O F ULTRASOUND M I X I N G ON E S T E R I F I C A T I O N O F FFA IN R U B B E R SEED O I L Madusanka Nishan Dayananda Mal l iyawadu (07/8203) Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Sustainable Process Development Department o f Chemical & Process Engineering University o f Moratuwa Sri Lanka November 2011 University of Moratuwa 102521 /0252/ -t • CD -RO*o 102521 DECLARATION I declare that this is my own work and this dissertation does not incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a Degree or Diploma in any University or other institute of higher learning and tQ the.best of my knowledge and belief it does not contain ariy material previously published or written by another person except where the acknowledgement is made in the text. J ^ i ^ U _ _ _ _ . . 3 / 1 1 / a ° U M.N.D.Malliyawadu Date I hereby grant the University of Moratuwa the right to archive and to make available my thesis or dissertation in whole or part in the University Libraries in all forms of media, subject to the provisions of the current copyright act of Sri Lanka. I retrain all proprietary rights, such as patent rights. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis or dissertation. M.N.D.Malliyawadu Date I have supervised and accepted this dissertation for the award of the degree. Supervisor Dr. SHP Gunawardena ABSTRACT There is an increasing demand for biodiesel, because of its environmental friendly nature and especially due to the depletion of petroleum reserves. Currently, most of the biodiesel is produced from edible oils under base catalyzed transesterification. However, large amount of non edible oils are underutilized and can be converted to biodiesel. The difficulty with base catalyzed transesterification of non edible oil is its higher content of free fatty acids. These free fatty acids react with base catalyst to produce soap and which prevent the separation of ester from the glycerin. The reduction of free fatty acid content of rubber seed oil under catalyzed esterification with ultrasonic mixing (20 kHz, 500 W) was investigated in this study and compared with mechanical agitation. Batch esterification of rubber seed oil was carried out using 2.5:1 (w/w) methanol/ FFA and 0.05:1 (w/w) H2S04/FFA and effect of ultrasound frequency, reaction temperature and reaction time were studied. With the increase of ultrasonic amplitude, mixing intensity was increased and as a result, maximum FFA% reduction of 88.9 observed at the amplitude of 75% and at a temperature of 55°C. When the esterification reaction carried out at elevated temperatures, it shows a greater reduction of FFA% under ultrasonic and mechanical mixing. However, optimum result was gained under mechanical mixing at the temperature of 55°C and at a reaction time of 30 min and the final FFA% of rubber seed oil was 2.75. At the same reaction conditions, acid esterification of rubber seed oil under ultrasonic mixing achieved a FFA% of 3.31. Keywords: Biodiesel, FFA, esterification, ultrasonic mixing, ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is a great pleasure to express gratitude to those who were behind me in completing my research successfully. First, I would like to offer grateful thanks to the supervisors Dr. (Mrs.) SHP Gunawardena and Dr. (Mrs) FM Ismail, Senior Lecturers, Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa who's guided and supervised me throughout the research beyond my perspectives. Then my sincere thanks are due to Dr. PG Rathnasiri and Dr. BAJK Premachandra, Senior Lecturers, Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa for their valuable comments, suggestions and the encouragement given. I must specially thank Dr. ADUS Amarasinghe, Head of the Department, Department of Chemical & Process Engineering and all other lecturers of the Department of Chemical & Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa for the help given in various aspects. All the staff of Chemistry, Food & Microbiology, Latex Technology and Energy Engineering laboratories; specially Mr. Masakorala, Mr.Lalith and Ms. Amali Wahalathanthri, are gratefully acknowledged for their support given in various occasions. Finally I would like to thank all the colleagues of the PG Division of the Department of Chemical & Process Engineering and my family, for the help and cooperation given. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Biodiesel 6 2.2 Feedstock 7 2.3 Process Technologies of Biodiesel production 9 2.3.1 Direct use 9 2.3.2 Micro emulsion 10 2.3.3 Pyrolysis 10 2.3.4 Transesterification 10 Homogeneous alkali catalyzed transesterification 11 Homogeneous acid catalyzed transesterification 14 Dual step transesterification 16 Heterogeneous acid and base catalyzed transesterification.... 18 Enzymatic transesterification 20 Supercritical alcohol transesterification 20 Microwave assisted transesterification 21 Ultrasound assisted transesterification 22 2.3.5 Process variables of biodiesel production 25 iv Effect of alcohol/oil molar ratio 25 Catalyst type and concentration 26 Effect of reaction time and temperature 26 2.3.6 Downstream processing of biodiesel 27 Separation of biodiesel 27 Purification of biodiesel 28 Alcohol recovery 28 Washing of biodiesel 28 Drying of biodiesel 28 Distillation of biodiesel 29 2.4 Analysis of Biodiesel 29 2.4.1 Thin layer chromatography 29 2.4.2 Gas chromatography 29 2.4.3 High performance liquid chromatography 30 2.5 Stability of Biodiesel 30 2.6 Emission from Biodiesel and Diesel 30 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY 32 3.1 Materials & Chemicals 32 3.2 Equipments 32 3.3 FFA Value of Test Samples 32 3.4 Dynamic Viscosity of RSO 33 3.5 Acid Catalyzed Esterification by Mechanical Agitation 33 3.5.1 Effect of temperature on esterification reaction 34 3.6 Acid Catalyzed Esterification by Ultrasonic Irradiation 34 3.6.1 Effect of temperature on esterification reaction 35 v 3.6.2 Effect of reaction time on esterification reaction 35 3.6.3 Effect of ultrasonic amplitude on esterification reaction 35 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 36 4.1 Properties of RSO 36 4.2 FFA Conversion under Mechanical Agitation 36 4.3 FFA Conversion under Ultrasonic Irradiation 38 4.3.1 Effect of amplitude on acid value reduction 38 4.3.2 Effect of Temperature on acid value reduction 40 4.4 Comparison of Ultrasonic Irradiation and Mechanical Agitation 41 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 44 CHAPTER 6. REFERENCES 45 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 : World energy consumption by source in 2007 : 1 Figure 1 -2 : Crude oil imports to Sri Lanka 4 Figure 1-3 : Crude oil price variation 4 Figure 2-1 : General equation for trans-esterification of triglycerides 11 Figure 2-2 : Reaction steps for trans-esterification of triglycerides 11 Figure 2-3 : Mechanism of alkali catalyzed transesterification 12 Figure 2-4 : Free fatty acid reaction with base catalyst 13 Figure 2-5 : Effect of FFA on the yield of methyl ester during transesterification... 13 Figure 2-6 : Mechanism of acid catalyzed transesterification 15 Figure 2-7 : Acid catalyzed esterification reaction 15 Figure 2-8 : Mechanism of acid catalyzed esterification 16 Figure 2-9 : Acid value variation with time in esterification reaction 17 Figure 2-10 : Variations of the reaction mixture composition (mole %) with time .. 18 Figure 2 -11 : Cavitation bubble formation and disruption under ultrasonic irradiation 23 Figure 2-12 : Droplet sizes created by ultrasound and mechanical mixing 24 Figure 2-13 : Process flow schematic for biodiesel production 27 Figure 3-1 : mechanical mixing of rubber seed oil 33 Figure 3-2 : ultrasonic mixing of rubber seed oil 34 Figure 4-1 : Rubber seed oil Acid value with reaction time 37 Figure 4-2: Variation of Acid value with the amplitude of ultrasonic wave 38 Figure 4-3 : Acid value reduction in different ultrasonic wave amplitudes (without temperature control) 39 vii Figure 4-4 : Variation of Acid value of oil with different temperatures (amplitude of 60%) 41 Figure 4-5 : Comparison of ultrasonic irradiation and mechanical mixing 42 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 : ASTM D 6751 Biodiesel Specifications 6 Table 2-2 : Fatty acid composition and physical properties of oils 7 Table 2-3 : Alkali catalyst for transesterification 14 Table 2-4 : acid catalyst for transesterification 16 Table 2-5 : Heterogeneous catalyst for transesterification 19 Table 2-6 : Emission comparison of biodiesel and diesel 31 Table 4-1 : Rubber seed oil Acid value reduction with reaction time 37 Table 4-2 : Acid value reduction in different ultrasonic wave amplitude 39 Table 4-3 : Acid value reduction in different ultrasonic wave amplitudes (without temperature control) 40 Table 4-4 : Variation of acid value of oil with different temperatures (amplitude of 60%) 40 Table 4-5 : Comparison of ultrasonic irradiation and mechanical mixing 43 ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Description ASTM D 6751 American Society for Testing and Materials Btu British thermal unit B100 Pure Biodiesel DG Diglycerides FAEE Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester FFA Free Fatty Acids FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester MG Monoglycerides RSO Rubber Seed Oil TG Triglycerides WEO Waste Edible Oil