INVESTIGATIONS ON STATICALLY STABLE, SLOPING, RUBBLE MOUND COASTAL STRUCTURES b y Prasanthi Dilukshi Mirihagalla A thesis submitted to University of Moratuwa for the Degree in Master of Engineering 073027 University of Moratuwa O Q C D G » ) @ Q e®oge 3d© 8ej3)@o. @ &>m& Research supervised by Professor S.S.L.Hettiarachchi ? ^ 3 5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF MORATUWA MORATUWA SRI LANKA September 2000 7 3 0 2 7 0!s\ tit ABSTRACT The ability to predict the level of reflection, transmission, run-up and run-down for various types of coastal structures plays an important role in the assessment of their hydraulic performance. These parameters together with the hydraulic, geotechnical and structural stability of the individual components and of the structure as a whole determine the overall performance of the structure. The porosity and permeability of the structure too has a significant influence on the hydraulic performance and the economics of construction. This study has done a literature review and presents the results from a study of the hydraulic performance of a wide range of structures used in harbour and coastal engineering. The results of two detailed hydraulic model investigations of trapezoidal layered breakwaters at scale 1:20 (tested at LHI). The results are compared with a model investigation done on a homogeneous breakwater at scale 1:40 (tested at Imperial College, London). The investigations were designed to obtain a full profile of the energy dissipation characteristics of the structures tested, including the damping of waves as they propagate through the structure. The results are discussed in the context of the importance of porosity and permeability of wave absorbing structures, their application in practice and further research. Key words Breakwaters, Reflection, Transmission, Dissipation, Porosity, Permeability, Scale Effects i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincere gratitude goes to the research supervisor Professor S.S.L. Hettiarachchi for introducing m e to the area Statically Stable Sloping Rubble Mound Coastal Structures and for the guidance given to m e in many ways. I am also grateful for h i m for the valuable criticism, advice and c o m m e n t s , encouragement given and handl ing the tedious task of correcting the study. I am thankful for h i m for arranging me to work at Lanka Hydraulic Institute (LHI), Katubedda, Moratuwa, for my mode l investigations. G u i d a n c e and encouragement given wi th respect to publ ishing and presenting research papers are appreciated. I am thankful for h i m for giving m e an opportunity to get an exposure t o the industry by permitt ing m e to attend conferences , seminars and workshops . I a m grateful t o the Vice Chancel lor , D e a n o f the Engineering Faculty and the Senate Research C o m m i t t e e , Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Director, Postgraduate Studies o f the University of Moratuwa, for funding this project and giving m e an opportuni ty for research. I wish to thank the management and staff o f Lanka Hydraulic Institute (LHI) for their u tmost corporation and making available their facilities at a reduced cost. My special thanks g o to Mr. Jayantha Rajapakse for the support given in my mode l testing. I thank Peter Hyllested of the Dan i sh Hydraulic Institute, Denmark, for he lp ing m e to sort out the wave gauge distance calculations for the measurement o f wave reflection through e-mail communica t ions . My heartfelt gratitude goes to Dr. (Mrs.) Premini Hettiarachchi for the assistance, ideas, c o m m e n t s , criticism and advice given. I am thankful for her for he lp ing m e in many ways. I thank my parents a n d my husband for the encouragement given and standing by m e throughout . I thank my father for b inding this thesis. My thanks g o to my friends Rarnesh Perera and Subashi Pooliyadda for the support given. ii Declaration This thesis is a report of research carried out in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, between March 1999 and September 2000. Except where references are made to other work, the contents of this thesis are original and have been carried out by the undersigned. The work has not been submitted in part or whole to any other university. This thesis contains 90 pages. Supervisor Prof. S.S.L.Hettiarachchi Department o( Civil Engineering, I Iniversity of Moratuwa. Sri Lanka. P.D.Mirihagalla Department of Civil Engineering, I Jniversity of Moratuwa. Sri Lanka. in CONTENTS Abstract [ Acknowledgement u Declaration i u Contents i v Summary of Tables and Figures 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Objective of the study 2 1.3. Guide to the thesis 3 2. Design issues and review of literature 4 2.1. Design issues 4 2.1.1. Harbour design 4 2.1.2. Classification of harbour and coastal structures 5 2.1.3. Breakwater design 5 2.1.4. Analysis of wave reflection, transmission and dissipation 6 2.1.5. Influence of porosity and permeability with respect to stability 7 2.1.6. Importance of wave reflection 8 2.1.7. Prediction of wave reflection 9 2.2. Review of literature 11 2.2.1. Non porous sloping structures 11 2.2.2. Rock armoured sloping structures 12 2.2.3. Concrete armoured sloping structures 12 2.2.4. Porous sloping protection to vertical structures 14 2.2.5. Armoured porous trapezoidal structures 14 2.2.6. Field investigations on wave reflection 15 iv 3 . Exper imenta l p r o g r a m m e - D e s i g n a p p r o a c h a n d detai ls 25 3 .1 . Relevance of large scale hydraulic models 25 3 .2 . Investigating energy dissipating characteristics 25 3 .3 . Structures investigated 26 3.3.1. Rock Armoured Trapezoidal Layered Breakwater 27 3.3.2. Concrete Armoured Trapezoidal Layered Breakwater 27 3.4 . Experimental Set-up 27 3.5 . Test condit ions and parameters measured 28 3.6. Instrumentation and data acquisition 28 4 . D i s c u s s i o n o f results 35 4 .1 . Approach to the discussion 35 4.2 . Rock armoured trapezoidal layered breakwater 35 4 .3 . Concrete armoured trapezoidal layered breakwater 38 4.4. Comparison between rock armoured and concrete armoured 40 trapezoidal layered breakwaters 4.5. H o m o g e n e o u s trapezoidal breakwater 41 5 . C o n c l u s i o n s a n d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s 64 Re ference 67 A n n e x e A 70 A n n e x e B 79 V S U M M A R Y OF TABLES A N D FIGURES TABLE DESCRIPTION PAGE 2.1 Damage reported to seawalls (Thomas and Hall, 1992) 17 2.2 Structural configurations investigated 18 2.3 Prediction equations for wave reflection, based on experimental data 19 2.4 Prediction equations for wave reflection, based on field investigations 22 3.1a Prototype characteristics of armour material for rock armoured and 30 concrete armoured (secondary layer) trapezoidal layered breakwaters 3. lb Prototype characteristics of core material for rock armoured and 30 concrete armoured trapezoidal layered breakwaters 4.1a Prototype conditions investigated experimentally on rock armoured 44 trapezoidal layered breakwater - scale 1:20 4. lb Percentage of wave energy dissipation at the sections where wave 44 transmission was measured - rock armoured trapezoidal layered breakwater-scale 1:20 4.2a Prototype conditions investigated experimentally on concrete 45 armoured trapezoidal layered breakwater - scale 1:20 4.2b Percentage of wave energy dissipation at the sections where wave 45 transmission was measured - concrete armoured trapezoidal layered breakwater-scale 1:20 4.3a Effect of wave period on wave transmission and reflection for the 46 rock armoured trapezoidal layered breakwater 4.3b Effect of wave period on wave transmission and reflection for the 46 concrete armoured trapezoidal layered breakwater 4.4a Equivalent prototype conditions investigated experimentally on 1:40 47 scale models of homogeneous trapezoidal breakwaters - (tests conducted at Imperial college, London) 4.4b Percentage of wave energy dissipation computed from model 47 measurements corresponding to the sections where wave probes were located. Scale ratio 1:40, water depth = 8m (prototype) vi FIGURE DESCRIPTION PAGE 2.1 Types of rubble mound breakwaters 23 2.2 Relationship between block stability and voids ratio 23 Willock (1981) 2.3 Reflection performance of rock protection to existing seawall 24 Allsop and Hettiarachchi (1989) 3.1 Prototype breakwater cross-sections of the structures investigated 31 3.2 Lanka Hydraulic Institute (LHI) - Laboratory Flume 32 3.3 Experimental set-up for 1:20 scale model of Rock Armoured 33 Trapezoidal Layered Breakwater tested at LHI 3.4 Experimental set-up for 1:20 scale model of Concrete Armoured 34 Trapezoidal Layered Breakwater tested at LHI 4.1 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Steepness for Rock Armoured 48 Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Regular waves) 4.2 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Steepness for Rock Armoured 49 Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Random waves) 4.3 Coefficients of Transmission and Reflection vs. Steepness for Rock 50 Armoured Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Regular waves) 4.4 Coefficients of Transmission and Reflection vs. Steepness for Rock 51 Armoured Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Random waves) 4.5 Coefficient of Reflection vs. Iribarren Number for Rock Armoured 52 Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 4.6 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Relative Distance for Rock Armoured 53 Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Regular waves) vii 4.7 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Relative Distance for Rock Armoured 54 Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Random waves) 4.8 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Steepness for Concrete Armoured 55 Trapezoidal Layered Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Regular waves) 4.9 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Steepness for Concrete Armoured 56 Trapezoidal Layered Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Random waves) 4.10 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Relative Distance for Concrete 57 Armoured Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Regular waves) 4.11 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Relative Distance for Concrete 58 Armoured Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Random waves) 4.12 Coefficients of Transmission and Reflection vs. Steepness for 59 Concrete Armoured Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Regular waves) 4.13 Coefficients of Transmission and Reflection vs. Steepness for 60 Concrete Armoured Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 (Random waves) 4.14 Coefficient of Reflection vs. Iribarren Number for Concrete 61 Armoured Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:20 4.15 Coefficient of Reflection vs. Steepness for Homogeneous Trapezoidal 62 Breakwater at scale 1:40 4.16 Coefficient of Transmission vs. Steepness for Homogeneous 62 Trapezoidal Breakwater at scale 1:40 4.17 Details of the 1:40 scale model - Homogeneous Trapezoidal 63 Breakwater viii