PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MODIFIED KAOLIN CLAY FILLED RUBBER COMPOUNDS M.Sc (Polymer Technology) A.R.M.W.W.K.Ranasinghe University of Moratuwa October, 2001 Phys ico-mechanica l propert ies of modif ied kaol in c lay filled rubber c o m p o u n d s By A.R.M.W.W.K.Ranasinghe This thesis was submitted to the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering of the University of Moratuwa in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Master of Science in Polymer Technology eSftOQ© S H a Surges. § -i (=®)OQS. ' Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. October, 2001 _ ^ 074446 6 6 " O V IJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIffllllilll 6 1 6 - 4 1 University of Moratuwa 1'IJ-IF-LL-G 74446 " I certify th;il this thesis docs not incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any University and to the best of my knowledge and belief it does not contain any material previously published, written or orally communicated by another person except where due reference is made in the text" Signature of the candidate ( Miss A KM WW Is. Kanasinghe) " To the best of my knowledge, the above particulars are correct" l)r ( Mrs )0lga Gunapala Department o f Chemical Superv isors Dr l \Y. Gunapala Department o f Materials l.-ingineerinu and Process Kiigineering ABSTRACT A n attempt has made to activate the inert structure ol Rubber grade kaol in clays through ion-exchange process. Counter ions absorbed by unsa l i s l l ed s i l i con , oxygen and hydroxy l ions at the edges o f planar surfaces o f kaol in i tc mineral to preserve electrical neutral i ty were replaced wi th complex organic ions containing active functional groups (amine, hyd roxy l , carboxyl ) in their organic radicals. S t rong ly attached to the clay surface Ihese complex ions project their organic aryl or a lky l radicals outwards to suspending medium rubber matr ix making inorganic kaol in surface effectively organic and therefore hydrophobic one. Such change in kaol in surface facilitated rubber- f i l ler interaction owing to better wetting o f the filler surface wi th organic rubber polymer and formation o f suf f ic ient density grafted polymer layer bonding the rubber matr ix to filler. Carried out physico-mcchanical testing o f filled rubber compounds showed that modif ication o f kaol in wi th chosen basic electrolytes ionized in aqueous medium was effective. Increase in strength characteristics has made possible in commercial practicability o f rubber formulat ion technology the subst i tu t ion o f expensive reinforcing fillers w i th lowest in cost appropriately modif ied kaol in Clay. A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s I am very much grateful to my supervisors Dr ( Mrs) Olga Gunapala and Dr P.Y Gunapala for their encouragement, guidance, and their patience paid through out my research. Also a special word of thanks to Dr ( Mrs ) B.M.W.P.K .Amarasinghe,the head of the department and Mr S.A. Perera former head of the department and all other academic staff of the Chemical and Process Engineering and the Materials Engineering departments. My special thanks are due to Mr K Subramanium, head of the Polymer division, Mrs Shantha Maduwage , Mr P. Weragoda for their great support given me through out my research. Also I would like to thank technical and technical assistant staff of the Polymer Processing laboratory, Latex and Testing laboratories, Ceramic laboratory and all laboratories of Materials Engineering department. My thanks are due to the officers of Polymer department of ITI providing me the facilities to get the rheographs. My special thanks are due to Miss Duminda Liyanage, Mrs Samadara Jayarathne, Mr Nalin Gangodavilage and other colleagues for their great support and the encouragement given me to complete my research successfully. My heartiest gratitude is for my family members for their great support given me through out the research. Finally, I would like to thank the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for granting me the financial assistance to cany out my research successfully. 2 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 : Introduct ion 1.0 Introduction 10 CHAPTER 2 : L i te ra ture review 2.1 Types of fillers and their properties 13 2.2 Structural chemistry and processing 19 2 .3 Chemical modification of china clay 20 2.4 . Physical modification of kaolin 24 CHAPTER 3 : Mater ia ls and Experimental methods 3.1 Materials used for the experiment 33 3.2 Experimental procedures 38 CHAPTER 4 : Results and c a l c u l a t e s 4.1 Results obtained from the Kjeldahl experiment 46 4.2 Results obtained from the Mooney Viscometer and Monsanto Rheometer 50 4.3 Tensile properties of vulcanized samples 53 4.4 Abrasion resistance test Results 56 4.5 Flex cracking and crack growth lest Results 57 4.6 Bound rubber content test Results 58 4.7 Swelling test Results 59 C H A P T E R 5 : Discussion and conclusions 5. I D i s c u s s i o n 5.2 C o n c l u s i o n s C H A P T E R 6 : Suggestions and recommendations 6.1 Sugges t ions 6.2 Future R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s R E F E R E N C E S A P P E N D I X I ( T e c h n i c a l data o f k a o l i n ) A P P E N D I X I I ( C h a r a c t e r i s t i c C u r i n g c u r v e ) A P P E N D I X I l l ( E q u i p m e n t s used for s a m p l e tes t ing) LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 3 Table I : Properties of RSS I Rubber 34 Table 2 : The standard formulation of 111 led natural rubber based compounds 37 Tabic 3 : The mixing schedule for mixes on an open two roll mill 41 Table 4 : Required amount of 0.1 I IC'I lor the titration 46 CHAPTER 4 fable 5 : Results obtained from the Mooney Viscometer 50 fable 6 : Results obtained from the Monsanto Rheometcr 50 fable 7.1 : Tensile properties of mixes, extended with modified and standard kaolin before aging 54 fable 7.11 :Tensile properties of the mixes extended with Modified and standard kaolin after aging 54 Table 8 : Abrasion resistance test results 56 fable 9 : Results of De-Mattia flex cracking test 57 fable 10: Results of bound rubber content test 58 Table I I : Results of swelling test 59 5 LIST O F ( IRAPUS CHAPTER 4 6 Graph ! : Curing curves obtained from Mooney Viscometer 5 I Graph 2 : Kheographs obtained from the Monsanto Rheometer 52 Graph 3 : Comparison of tensile properties before aging 55 Graph 4 : Comparison of tensile properties after aging 55 Graph 5 : Comparison of abrasion test results 56 Graph 6 : Comparison of De-Mattia Ilex cracking and crack growth tests results 57 Graph 7 : Comparison of bound rubber content test results 58 Graph 8 : Comparison of swelling test results 59 Graph 9 : Differential thermal analysis (DTA) of raw rubber filled with kaolin treated with monoethanolamine 60 Graph 10: Differential thermal analysis of kaolin sample treated with monoethanolamine 61 LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 2 Figure I I I b - Sketch of a Din-Abrader used lo measure abrasion resistance Figure I I I c - A Pendulum/general type tensile strength tester, for measuring force and elongation at specified time or at break Figure.I l l d - The mechanism of the De-Mattia flexing machine used to find the crack initiation and the rate of cracks growth Figure I.a - Structure of Kaolinilc Layer Figure l.b - Micropliotograpli showing Book-shaped arrangements of hexagonal plates in kaolin Figure 2.a - S i lane coupling agents Figure 2. b - Diagram showing polymer strand bound lo kaolin through Sikine coupling agents Figure 3 - Diagram illustrating the Mechanism of adsorption and modification APPENDIX II Figure 4 - Characteristic Curing cure APPENDIX III Figure I l i a - Sketch of an Oscillating Disk Rheometer used lo monitor the cure characteristics NOMENCLATURE DTA -. Differencial thermal analysis MEA - Monoethanol amine PVA - Polyvinyl alcohol UF - Urea formaldehyde NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Mix N° - Mix Number N - Newton MPa - MegaPascal Q - Toluene uptake per gram of Rubber hydrocarbon u - Microns RSS - Ribbed Smoked Sheet rubber FICI - Hydrochloric acid DPG - Diphenyl guanidine. MBTS - 2,2, Dithiobis benzothiozole ZnO - Zinc Oxide DEG - Diethyleneglycol PEG - Polyethyleneglycol H 3 B O 3 - Boric acid NIL) Ac - Ammonium acetate Nl l . iCI - Ammonium chloride Nm - Newton meter