L6/x>oN/65/oj2 ct 1 DEVELOPMENT OF AN EXPERT SYSTEM FOR BETTER MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE COMPOSTING BY PRADESHIYA SABHAS IN SRI LANKA A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of By H . M . L . C . J a y a w a r d h a n a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Research work supervised 074620 U n i v e r s i t y o f M o r a t u w a 1 \ \ Department O f Civil Engineering University of M o r a t u w a M o r a t u w a SRI LANKA Apri l 2002 A B S T R A C T The increasing population and the ever-changing life style of the public have begun to add to the growing solid waste problem in Sri Lanka. As a solution to the growing solid waste management problem in Sri Lanka, Local Authorities, NGOs, researchers and environmentalists have implemented several composting projects. As waste characteristics of municipal solid waste in Sri Lanka show a very high proportion of organic matter (60-85%), high moisture content (60- 75%) and low calorific value (1000-1200kcal/kg). Most of these projects are currently abandoned or operating under poor conditions due to social, economic and technical problems encountered and none of options have solved the solid waste management problem itself. A key issue that is highlighted is the lack of qualified personnel (experts) to advise and assist Local Authorities to adopt the best solid waste management practices. Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems are favourable tool to overcome these problems. Therefore by capturing past mistakes, weak points and considering past experience, a user friendly Expert System called BESTCOMP was developed for better management of solid waste composting by Pradeshiya Sabhas in Sri Lanka. This research mainly focused on the behaviour of the physical, chemical and biological process in composting. The model is geared towards decision making as well as providing required expertise to solid waste composting hierarchy. BESTCOMP consists of many decision models such as compost process and control, pictorial database, site selection, technology selection, waste analysis reports, expertise information, Government laws and regulation on solid waste management, information desk for researchers and training tool, such that the user can identify problems faster, examine various alternatives and make prudent choices. It performs all the functions of a decision support system. The developed system will guide the Local Authorities of Sri Lanka to find the most suitable composting solution to solve solid waste management problem with the available resources in their area and aid their decision making process on solid waste composting. It also helps in determining resource deficiencies when the user utilizes the data provided in an instructive manner. ii Acknowledgements I have been privileged to work with four dedicated and unique supervisors, Prof. Malik Ranasinghe, Dr. Ajith de Alwis , Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya and Dr. Indrika Abeygunawardena. My deepest gratitude to all o f them who readily gave me their wisdom, strength and encouragement. First, I give my sincerest gratitude and deepest appreciation to Dr. Ajith de Alwis for his many contributions to research project. He helped me to discover new ocean, by giving all courage for me to leave shore. He has been a source of both as a unique supervisor and an excellent guider at every stage of this research work. He provided many resources such as software, books, journals, newspaper articles, pictures etc to make this research a pool o f knowledge. He has been created many links among several institutions in locally as well as internationally. Without his great assistance and unflagging encouragement, this research would not have been gone this far succeeding. For all reasons and giving the strongest foundation for this research , he will have my loyalty and sincere gratitude forever. My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya for his unflagging encouragement and being always there to share all difficulties with me as an adviser and as an expertise in all phases o f this research. In addition to his guidance in the topic of this research, he has also been unfailing in helping me get the resources and information I needed to complete both research and thesis. Both Dr. Ajith De Alwis and Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya have been a source o f main inspiration and driving force behind me being able to accept all challenges. In appreciation of the time, effort and patience extended to me in the pursuit o f this thesis, I would like to gratitude our research team leader, Prof. Malik Ranasinghe. His attitude of persistence toward work and achievement continue to inspire me to do all I can. M y special thanks to go to him for providing me with all necessary resources and comfortable environment to make this research successful. M y admiration for his masterful editing and always encouraging me to write, re-write and re-write. My gratitude to Dr. Ajith de Alwis , Dr. Sumith Pilapitiya and Prof. Malik Ransinghe who made it possible for me to pursue these studies to be by arranging all financial assistance from several sources. I am honoured to have Dr. (Mrs.) Indrika Abeygunawardena as one of my supervisors. She made valuable contributions as an adviser and a reviewer for all phases of the project. M y deepest gratitude for her encouragements and support through out this research. She also provided with me the basics in understanding biological aspects being a teacher and further in imparting knowledge on experimental techniques. M y sincere thanks to my research colleague Mr. Aruna Manipura for sharing all difficulties with me during this research projects . My gratitude for him for his in unwavering support, consistent empathy and unending kindness through out two years friendship. The funding provided by the University of Moratuwa, National Research Council and Environmental Action One Project ( E A 1 P ) for this research, continuing support and facilities provided by the University o f Moratuwa to carry out this research are gratefully acknowledged. M y great appreciation and gratitude to National Library and National Science Foundation that gave me an excellent beginning for my literature review. I would like gratefully thank to E M P A (Switzerland), SIDA, SI, A F R , Chalmers University (Sweden), G T Z (German), USEPA, W H O , UNDP, all universities, Institutions, Scientists and all individuals around the world who sent me thousand of published articles, magazines, books, Audio Video, CDs and best compliments. Without their willing co-operation, this research could not have gone ahead successfully. M y admiration and gratitude go to Dr. Ben Basnayake (University o f Peradeniya), Prof. C. Vishvanathan (AIT-Thailand), Dr. Per Eo Berg and Prof. William Hogland (Sweden) with their wide experience and indefatigable activities, have gratefully helped in several steps of the research. Thanks are also due to Mr. Sanjeev Bhardwaj (India) and Mr. Sahika Peiris for helping me in writing codes and helping me to be an expertise in Visual Basic. M y deepest appreciation goes to both of them for devoting their precious time into making this research successful. I owe special thanks to Dr. Gamini Kodikara, Dr. Niranjan Gunawardena , Dr. Ashok Perera and Prof. Priyan Dias in the Department of Civil Engineering for their great support and encouragements during this research work. I truly thankful that Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Chemical & Process Engineering having made me feel so welcome during this period of research. My deepest gratitude to my parents who impressed upon me since my childhood, having impressed on me to ' I f I am going to do some thing, I must be sure to do it right'. I could do anything I wanted, if I worked hard enough. I would like to thank my friends and colleagues for their great love and unflagging encouragement and being with me whenever 1 needed them. Finally, I also thank the following individuals who assisted me in many ways, Champika Jayawardene, Sanjaya Sooriyabandara, and all staff members both in office and computer division in the Department Civil Engineering. iv Contents Abstract 1 1 Acknowledgements 1 1 1 1.0 Introduction 1 * 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Waste Characteristics and Composition 2 1.3 Treatment Methods 3 1.3.1 Landfilling 3 1.3.2 Biological Treatments 5 1.4 Sri Lankan experience in Composting 7 1.5 Research problem 8 1.6 Research objectives 9 1.7 Structure of Thesis 9 2.0 Literature Review 11 2.1 General 11 2.2 Composting 11 2.2.1 Pre-processing 11 2.2.2. Processing 13 2.2.3. Role of Microorganisms 15 2.2.4. Factors influencing the composting process 18 2.2.5. Odour 20 2.2.6. Compost Maturity 21 * 2.2.7 Post-processing 22 2.2.8. Benefits of using compost 25 2.3 Expert Systems 27 2.3.1 General 27 2.3.2 Rule-based Expert Systems 30 V V 2.3.3 Expert Systems and Decision Support Tools in General 31 2.4 Summary 38 3.0 Methodology 40 3.1 General 40 3.2 S W M Problem Identification and Analysis 41 > 3.3 System Specification & Development Tool Selection 44 3.4 Construction of the Knowledge base 45 3.5 Testing and Validation 46 4.0 B E S T C O M P Expert System 47 4.1 General 47 4.2 User Interface 48 4.3 Knowledge-based system 48 4.4 Inference Engine 51 4.5 Database 51 4.6 Knowledge base development of the BESTCOMP Expert System 52 4.7 Reports 57 4.8 Sub Modules of BESTCOMP Expert System 57 4.8.1 Overview 57 4.8.2 Literature Module 59 4.8.3 Expertise Module 59 4.8.4 Photo Gallery Module 60 4.8.5 Training Tool Module 60 5.0.1 Info Desk Module 61 * 5.0.2 Legislations Module 61 4.8.8 Reports Module 62 4.9 BESTCOMP Main Features 63 5.0 Validation of B E S T C O M P 64 5.1 General 64 5.2 Empirical Validation 64 5.2.1 General 64 5.2.2 Raw Material 67 5.2.3 Compost Process 67 5.3 Summary 71 6.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 6.1 Conclusions 72 6.2 Recommendations for Future Works 73 References 75 Bibliography 81 vii Declaration This thesis is a report o f research work carried out in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka? between December 2000 and April 2002. The work included in the thesis in part or whole, has not been submitted for any other academic qualification at any institution. H . M . L . C . Jayawardhana Department o f Civil Engineering University of Moratuwa Prof. Malik Ranasinghe Supervisor University o f Moratuwa To My Darling Dad, Mum and Dr. Ajith De Alwis For their great assistance and unflagging encouragement