IMPACT"O'F 1MBEDDED GENERATION ON 33 KV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM VOLTAGE By P. S. S. CHANDRARATNE This thesis was submitted to the department of Electrical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering Supervised By: Dr. H. Y. R. PERERA Department of Electrical Engineering University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka 2004 82461 Abstract Recently introduced schemes of Embedded Generation on the radial distribution lines have several remarkable advantages though· they produce some of the technical problems on the network. One of the major problems encountered is the variation of steady state voltage during the switching on/off operation of the Embedded Generators. The consumers connected on the line are subjected to larger variations during such operations. This research focuses on the study of the steady state voltage variation patterns and proposes solutions to mitigate the problem. The utilities impose several standards and require meeting specifications in connecting generators on the distribution network. Focusing on the effects on the locally connected COnStHl1erSto the network, both domestic and industrial, they are subjected to most of the prevailing technical problems arisen out of connecting Generators on the lines. Mainly, the problem of steady state voltage variations experienced by the consumer and finding ways of mitigating the same is discussed in this research paper. Data collection, application of load flow theories, modelling in SynerGEE software, analysis, application of mitigate measures on the model and the conclusion of the outcome of the research work are presented. A statistical way of approach is used to obtain the percentage of consumers affected in the case studies undertaken during the study. Recommendations are made that lead to mitigation of the problem concerned. ,\cknowled~ements Declaration \b.., tract CONTENTS iii 1\' \' I ,i..,t of ,\bbre\·iations and.:;, mbols us;:d \ ' 1 of figures Chapter l Ll 1.2 1.3 1.-l Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 23 2.-l 2.5 2.h Ch.1pter .1 3.1 3.2 33 3.-f 1.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 :uo 'tl I 3.12 1.n :t 1-l \Ill Introduction t\th .Jnlcl~t>:- of Emlwddcd Ct·awration 2 Concerns 1t1r l:mlx•ddcd Ccncr,1tion 2 ·r \pes of Lmlwddt•d (;l'twrators / 'I he voltage pat h'rn of l{,ld i,1l I )istribution Systt'm J I'rvit'W o~ ..,, awr( .I E nwthodology 22 1\•..,of lo.ld flow nwthod in ',ynerCFr. 2.1 Dis,lth cllllclgt•s of loc~d II ow ml'lhod in SynerCEE 2-l B.llanted load flow .m.1 lvsis 2-l Convergt'l1t't' proress 25 Volt,lgt• drop tclk ul.1tions in b.l i.IIKt'd .md by-phase an.lly'->i.., 2(, Rad i.1 I lo.1d tlnw algorithms ~ample fcl'dl'r modd tN•d in '-,vawrCU ·: Load 1:1ow outw,lrd prop,lg,ltion Load llow in\\'.ll'd prop.lg.llinn I. i 11l'cl ri Sc.l I ion lht• 1\llcllmodl•lling pron·ss --- 26 27 .., ... _, 2S ::!t) 29 <. 'h.1ptcr 4 4.1 -1.2 .. u -l..t -1.5 -1.6 4.7 4.S Ch.lpkr ') <. h.1 pll'r 6 6.1 6.2 Rdcn:nrcs ~\pp!:'ndic!:'" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Regulator Modelling Autotransfornwr .,.., Volt.1gc Rq!,ui.Jtor The Rq~ul,1tor Modd Mathematical n.·prl'"l'nt,llion of Rq~ul.1tor Re~ulator 1-. V \ rating The loMI tap ch.1ngN ,1nd nllltrollcr modl'l 'I he Capacitor Bank .1s \'oltagt' l{t'gulator Selt·\.·tion of k\' rating ot <.'.lp.Kitors I )!:'tails of<.. .lpt~ritor <.. omp<•n.;.ltJon C.i..,!:' '-ltud\ Cnmnwnts and Rt>nlmnwnd,lttons Comnwnts H.ecommendations / 31 31 31 35 37 3S 3S 39 ,19 42 50 51 52 53 Sample feeder t.1h.en for .1na l\'si.., Cl haldena 33 kV feeder from ')') B.idulld CSS) St'l!:'ct!:'d s(;'( tions of tlw s.unph• l<'t>dt>r t.lkt>n for plotting voltag!:' ."ii \ ariations in Lase d.1t<1 Sample output dat.1 from c.,, nl·r<..l·E ck'L·tric \ ' l·rsion 3.3 (Case 1) '19 ~amplt' output data from~~ twr<...l·l ~ l :lt'<.' tri( \ l'rsion 3.3 (Ca~ 2) o2 ... Sample output dat.1 from S\'rwr( .1 : 1 ~ l :lectric \ ersion 3..1 (lase 3) 65 Sa mplt' output d,1t,1 from S\ rwr( ,1•1 ~ I :l(;'(· tril' \ t;>ro.;ion .1.1 (( ast' 4) 6..'-' Sample output data from s, rwr<-:I·E Ek•rtrit' \'ero.;ion 1.3 (Case 5) 70 Sample output d,1t<1 from S\nt•rCI·E Ek·dril Yl•rsion 3.3 (Case 6) 7-l Dat.1 tal-.en for tlw st,1tisli<'<11,m.1 lyo.;is lor .111 cas<•s (T<~bll' 7) 78 St<~tistical an.1lvsis results. 79 Statisticctrical Engineering. Specially, I wish to C\.tL•nd nw cordial th.111ks hl Prof. J. R. Lucas, Dr. I l. 'I. R. Perera, Dr. f\. Wickramaar<~chchi, and Dr. I I. J. C. Pciris for their e>-.tended support in carrying out il MICC<.'sslulrL's<.'Mch project. ..1 lhc authors of the booko... when• n•ft•rt•nCL' is made with in connection to the successful completion of this project wi ll <1lo...o be appreciated and acknowledged. My appreciation is also extended to Mr. P. 1 . C. Kubrnitted in this rl'Sl'Mch p.1pl·r i-.. my own to the be..,t e>..cept as acknowledged in the text and footnotl'" etc., ,md have not )cen submitted for a degree at the of Mort1tuwa or r consunwd by the loc1d Reactive Power l o~l in llw ~ystcm Resistance of the lint• t) I Vol tagc 1\.ngle X 1/\.vcrage value of,, ~el of dat,, >... I Reactance of the line V" I Sending end Volt,,gt• ;f .__ II II\ i' l'll'P JO l•1" l' JO llO!ll'!Jl'j\ JO lll;)!:>ypo:) ',) l')t'p JO ),)s l' JO UOI)l'I.'I.~)U pJepUElS .U ,)~h.!l[Oj\ pu;) ~LI!,\!;):J;)~ ~I J\ Figure No. hg. 1.1 Fig. 1.2 Fig. 2.1 Fig. 3.1 Fig. 3.2 Fig. 4.1 rig. 4.2 Fig. --1.3 h~. 4.-l Fig. 4.5 Hg. 4.o l·ig. 4.7 Fig. --l.S fig. 4.9 Fig. 4.10 T,1ble 5.1 1-ig. 5.1 Pig. 5.2 1-ig. 5.3 T:ig. SA fig. 5.5 hg. 5.6 l'ig. 6.1 f-ig. 6.2 List of Figures & Tables Description Variation of\ oltagl' ,1long .1 d istriblltion lint> (Without Generation) \ ariation of volt,lgt' along a distribution line (With added Generation) Powt>r tlow in d radial nt'lworl.; Sample radi.ll k•l'dl•r in Svm•r( ;EF Lood flm, techniqul' ust•d inS} 1Wr( ,I I The Ideal lrJnsfornwr n•pn·~enlalmn Autotran:>iormcr t~s l3ud, lOillll'llion Autotransformer ,1s I3oo:>l conncdion The voltage regulator model Model for m.1thC'm.llil'tll rl'presenlat ion Connection ot PT's, CT's ,1 nd I I )( Model Feeder wilhoutl.1pacitor rompensation Vector dio!-,'Tdm of fl'l'lkr withou t ct~pt~citor ft>eder with ,1 C.1p,1l itor fl'gu1.1tor nH111l'dc·d \'ector diagram of Ieeder wilh c.lp.Kilor cotUllXlcd 0ddils of l.l!>t' ~tudics nwddk'd in ~vnt•rt.l I ... / \ ·oltage distribution ,1t st'll'cll•d nodes of the sample teeder- (ase I \'oltagt> distribution at sc•ll•dt•d nodt•s of the s.1mple feeder - Case 2 \ oltagt> distribution ,11 Sl'll•dt>d nodt>s of tht> s distribution at Sl'll'dl•d nodt>" of tlw SClmple feeder- Ca!-.e -I Voltage dbtribution tlt sl•lcck•d nodl•s of the sample feeder- Case 5 Volta~e distribution at sl'il'Cll·d nodl'S ollhe s.unpk feeder- Case 6 VJriill ion of sl(•,ldv ..,ltlll' voll,1gt• in ,,II C<1S<.:'S- Cilsl's 1-6 Stat isti<.:,ll Comp,Hison of Node· Voltc1gl' VMit~ tion fo r C.Jscs 1-6 -- Page I No. \Ill -I 5 7 27 1ll 1 1 12 33 3--l 35 18 ll) -Ill -Ill -I I -!2 -tl 45 46 47 -IS 49 50 51