L B / D O N ^ \sjO PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE-BASED COMPOSITE MATERIALS CONTAINING RICE-STRAW AS A FILLER by * - * 6 6 c o n A 4 6 . 0 * 2 . 3 2 ^ ' 0 l 8 ' 6 ? S. S. Dodampegamage to This Thesis was submitted to Department of Chemical and Process Engineering of the University of Moratuwa in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree ^01 of Master of Science in Polymer Technology / v Department of Chemical and Process Engineering - i, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka, Ar 8 University of Moratuwa 2004 niMniiiiiiiliiiiiimnrniii 8 2 5 4 3 82548 D E C L A R A T I O N I hereby declare that this submission is a result of a work carried out by me and to the best of my knowledge, it contain no material previously written or published by another person nor material which has been accepted for the award of any degree or acceptable qualification of a university, or other Institute of higher learning, except where the due reference to the material is made. (S. S. Dodampegamage) December 21 2004 To the best of my knowledge, the above particulars are correct. (Dr. B A J K Premachandra) 0 A B S T R A C T This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter one contains an introductory part including scope and the objectives of the research. Since the present research is divided in to three major parts, chapter two, three and four are arranged accordingly. Each chapter includes an introduction discussing the relevant ^ literature, the experimental work, results and discussions and finally, the conclusions drawn. The contents of this thesis can be best summarized as follows. P r e p a r a t i o n a n d charac te r iza t ion of composi te mater ia l s con ta in ing L D P E and u n t r e a t e d r ice-s t raw powder A series of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)/straw composites containing different amount of straw (as wt %) were prepared using rice-straw powder having • three different particle sizes (50 um, 90 urn and 250 |xm). Mixing was done by melt- mixing technique, where LDPE and straw powder were mixed in a Brabender • plasti-corder, which was operating at 170°C temperature and 60 rpm. The composites were studied by using Fourier Transform Infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR). The failure modes, tensile properties, water absorption, biodegradation and weatherability were investigated as a function of the weight percentage as well as particle size of straw filler in the composite. It was found that the incorporation of straw into LDPE matrix has reduced the ductility of the composite. The mechanical properties of the composites, especially the tensile strength and elongation at break were significantly low compared to those of neat LDPE. A significant improvement in modulus was shown by the composites. It was found that the tensile properties were depended on the amount and particle size of the straw in a composite. Biodegradability of cellulose component in the rice-straw and LDPE-straw composites, after exposure to cellulase enzyme solution, was assessed by weight loss measurements. It was found that rice-straw sample is readily biodegradable but degradability of the composite samples was not significantly affected by the cellulase enzyme. n The extent of degradation after the weathering process was assessed by the loss of tensile strength measurements of the composites after incubation of the samples in a weather meter, which was at 70° C and continuous UV and moisture cycles for five days. It was found that the degradability of the composite samples depends on the amount of the rice-straw in a sample. P r e p a r a t i o n a n d charac te r i za t ion of maleic a n h y d r i d e grafted L D P E and composi te ma te r i a l s wi th maleic a n h y d r i d e graf ted L D P E and un t r ea t ed rice s t r aw A series of maleic anhydride grafted LDPE samples with different w t% ' s of maleic anhydride and dicumyl peroxide were prepared and studied. The maleic grafted LDPE samples were prepared by melt free radical grafting method, where the grafting reaction of LDPE was carried out with the free radical initiator (Dicumyl peroxide) in a Bra-bender PL2000 plasti-corder operating at 170 0 C. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirmed the grafting of maleic anhydride on LDPE backbone. Melt viscosity measurements and tensile measurements of grafted LDPE samples confirmed the unwanted cross- link formation during the grafting reaction. A series of composites with maleic grafted LDPE and different composition of untreated rice-straw were prepared using simultaneous grafting and mixing technique. In this regard LDPE, maleic anhydride, dicumyl peroxide and rice-straw were fed in to the hot plasti-corder operating at 170° C, where melt free radical grafting reaction as well as melt mixing of straw filler with LDPE were occurred. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy confirmed the formation of new interface interaction (ester bond) between the rice-straw and maleic grafted LDPE. The failure modes , mechanical properties, rheological properties, water absorption, biodegradation and weatherability were investigated with respect to the weight percentage of the straw as well as particle size of the straw in the composite sample. Improved mechanical properties, especially tensile strength and modulus were also evidenced the compatibility and interface interaction in the maleated LDPE-straw composites. It was found that the tensile and modulus values of maleated LDPE- straw composites having smaller particle size and higher filling level of rice-straw in to be higher due to the formation of more interactions at the interface. According to the melt viscosity and shear rate analysis, higher melt viscosity was shown by the maleated LDPE-straw composites due to the undesirable cross-links formed in the maleation process. Compared to the LDPE-straw composites, the corresponding maleated LDPE-straw composites have shown higher water absorption. As in the case of LDPE-straw composite these composites also have not shown any weight loss after the digestion with cellulase enzyme but have shown a considerable degradability after the weathering process. P r e p a r a t i o n a n d charac te r iza t ion of composi te mate r ia l s wi th malea ted L D P E and t r e a t e d r ice-s t raw Using simultaneous grafting and mixing technique, another series of composites were prepared with maleated LDPE and treated rice-straw powder. In order to remove lignin and other waxy substances, rice-straw was subjected to steam explosion and hot alkyl treatments. By the chemical analysis results it was found "that most of the lignin.and other waxy substances have removed from the straw surface. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic results also confirmed the removal of lignin and thereby increase of wt% of cellulose in rice-straw. Further FTIR analysis of the composite sample more clearly showed the formation of interface ester linkages between the treated straw and maleated LDPE. Similar to the chapter three, different property analysis such as mechanical, water absorption, enzymatic digestion and weatherability were carried out with respect to the weight percentage and particle size of the straw filler. Compared to the LDPE- straw composites and maleated LDPE-untreated straw composites, significant improvement in the mechanical properties were resulted in the maleated LDPE- treated straw composites. It was also evidenced that the removal of lignin by the treatment processes has enhanced the interface interaction of maleated LDPE-straw system. Further it was found that filler properties such as the amount of straw filler in the composite and the particle size of straw also govern the mechanical properties of the composites. Providing more surface area and more OH groups to form ester bonds, composites having smaller size and higher amount of straw have shown higher tensile and modulus values. Also in this series the percentage elongation properties were significantly reduced with the introduction of the treated straw in to iv LDPE but the reduction is significantly lower than the composites with maleated LDPE-untreated straw. The extent of the biodegradability of the composites with cellulase enzyme was also analyzed by the weight loss measurements. As in the above two composite series maleated-treated composites also have not shown significant digestion with the cellulase enzyme. r v A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T S I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, to whom I am deeply indebted, Dr Jagath K Premachandra, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa. His attentiveness and interest in this study, advice and criticism have motivated me immensely and guided me on the pathway to the successful completion of this work. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Shantha Walpalage, Head of the Polymer Division, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa for his kind co operation given to me on completion of this work. Further I would like to acknowledge Dr. (Mrs.) Chandima K. Jayasuriya, Department of Chemistry, University of Kelaniya and Mr. S. A. S. Perera, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa, for their helpful ideas, advices given to complete this work successfully. I would like to acknowledge Dr. Gamini Senevirathna, Deputy Director Research (Technology), Rubber Research Institute, Mrs. Dilhara Edirisinghe, for their kind assistance in granting me to carryout practical in their institute premises. I render my heartiest gratitude and special thank to Mr. H. N. K. K. Chandralal, Mr. L. G. P. Lelwela and Mrs. Manel Mahanama, for their immense co operation and assistance towards my research and further, acknowledge all staff members and technical officers of Rubber Research Institute, Ratmalana, for their kind co operation. My deep gratitude goes to Dr. N. Munasinghe, Head of the Materials Engineering Department, University of Moratuwa, for his kind assistance in granting me to use laboratory equipments in his department. I further, extend my gratitude and special thank to the academic staff member Mr. V. S. C. Weragoda and the senior staff technical officer, Mr. Sarath Chandrapala for their immense co operation and assistance towards my research work. vi I further, acknowledge Dr. Sudantha Liyanage, Head of the Polymer Division, Department of Chemistry, University of Sri Jayawardenapura for granting me permission to use laboratory facilities in the department. I acknowledge with special thanks to the Technical officer Mr. Sagara Dias. for his immense assistance given to me. I further extend my deep gratitude to Dr. (Mrs.) Padma Amarasinghe, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Moratuwa, all academic staff and the laboratory staff of the department for their support in numerous ways, for which I will always be thankful. I will be indebted to Asian Development Bank for granting financial assistance for the course of study. Finally, I acknowledge with heartiest gratitude to my husband and my best friends Gayani and Manju who supported me in numerous ways, which motivated me to complete this work successfully. • / v . vii T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Page No. Declara t ion i A b s t r a c t ii Acknowledgemen t s iv Tab le of contents viii Lis t of Tab les xiv List of F igures xv List of abbrev ia t ions xx C H A P T E R O N E - B A C K G R O U N D M O T I V A T I O N 1 1.1 Background motivation 2 1.2 Objectives 5 C H A P T E R T W O - P R E P A R A T I O N AND C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F L D P E - S T R A W C O M P O S I T E S 6 2.1 I N T R O D U C T I O N 7 2.1.1 Polymer composites 7 2.1.2 Lignocellulosic fillers 9 2.1.3 Chemical composition of lignocellulosic materials 10 2.1.4 Rice-straw as a filler 12 2.1.5 Degradation of rice-straw 13 2.1.6 Enzymatic degradation of cellulose 14 2.1.7 Advantages and disadvantages of straw as a filler 16 • 2 . 2 T H E O R I E S O N T H E E F F E C T O F F I L L E R S O N T H E F A I L U R E M O D E S AND M E C H A N I C A L P R O P E R T I E S O F A C O M P O S I T E 19 2.2.1 The effect of fillers on the failure modes of a polymeric composite 19 2.2.2 The effect of fillers on extension 20 2.2.3 The effect of fillers in tensile strength of a polymeric composite 20 2.2.4 The effect of fillers in modulus of a composite 22 2.3 E X P E R I M E N T A L 24 2.3.1 Materials 24 2.3.2 Preparation of the straw powder 24 2.3.3 Preparation of composites with LDPE and straw powder 24 2.3.4 FTIR analysis of LDPE and PES composites 25 2.3.5 Determination of the tensile properties of the PES composites 25 2.3.6 Determination of the water absorptivity and biodegradability of PES composites 25 2.3.7 Determination of the weatherability of PES composites 26 2.4 R E S U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N 27 2.4.1 Analysis of FTIR spectra of PES composites 27 2.4.2 Tensile properties of PES composites 30 2.4.2(a) Failure modes of PES composites 30 2.4.2(b) Tensile properties of PES composites 38 2.4.3 Water absorption and biodegradadility of PES composites 44 2.4.4 Determination of the weatherability of PES composites 48 2.5 C O N C L U S I O N S 55 ix C H A P T E R T H R E E - P R E P A R A T I O N AND C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F M A L E I C A N H Y D R I D E G R A F T E D L D P E AND M A L E A T E D L D P E - S T R A W C O M P O S I T E S 51 3.1 I N T R O D U C T I O N 52 3.2 E X P E R I M E N T A L 58 3.2.1 P R E P A R A T I O N AND C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F M A L E I C A N H Y D R I D E G R A F T E D L D P E 58 Materials 58 Recrystalization of maleic anhydride 58 Preparation of maleic anhydride grafted LDPE (maleated LDPE) 58 Spectroscopic analysis of maleated LDPE 59 Analysis of rheological properties of LDPE and maleated LDPE change with maleation (Rheological analysis of LDPE and different maleated LDPE samples) 59 Determination of the tensile properties of different maleated LDPE samples 59 3.2.2 P R E P A R A T I O N AND C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F C O M P O S I T E M A T E R I A L S W I T H M A L E I C A N H Y D R I D E G R A F T E D L D P E AND R I C E S T R A W 60 Materials 60 Preparation of composite samples with maleic anhydride grafted LDPE and rice-staw 60 Determination of the tensile properties of MPES composite samples 61 FTIR analysis of MPES composite samples 61 Analysis of rheological properties of MPES composites Determination of the water absorptivity and biodegradability of MPES composites Determination of weatherability of MPES composites 3.3 R E S U L T S AND D I S C U S S I O N 3.3.1 P R E P A R A T I O N AND C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F M A L E I C A N H Y D R I D E G R A F T E D L D P E Spectroscopic analysis of maleic anhydride grafted LDPE samples Rheological analysis of LDPE and different maleated LDPE samples Determination of the mechanical properties of the maleated LDPE samples 3.3.2 P R E P A R A T I O N AND C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F C O M P O S I T E M A T E R I A L S W I T H M A L E I C A N H Y D R I D E G R A F T E D L D P E AND R I C E S T R A W FTIR analysis of MPES composite and LDPE sample Failure modes of MPES composites Determination of Tensile properties of MPES composites Analysis of rheological properties of MPES composites Determination of the water absorptivity and biodegradability of MPES composites Determination of weatherability of MPETS composite samples 3.4 C O N C L U S I O N S • C H A P T E R F O U R - P R E P A R A T I O N AND C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N O F C O M P O S I T E M A T E R I A L S W I T H M A L E I C A N H Y D R I D E G R A F T E D L D P E AND T R E A T E D R I C E S T R A W 88 4.1 I N T R O D U C T I O N 89 4.2 E X P E R I M E N T A L 92 4.2.1 Materials 92 4.2.2 Modification of rice-straw by mercerization and steam explosion methods 92 4.2.3 FTIR spectral analysis of treated straw powder and untreated straw powder. 93 4.2.4 Chemical analysis of components of straw powder samples before and after treatments 93 4.2.5 Preparation of maleic anhydride grafted LDPE- treated rice-straw composites 93 4.2.6 FTIR spectral analysis of MPETS composites and MPES composites 94 4.2.7 Determination of tensile properties of the MPEST composites 94 4.2.8 Determination of the water absorptivity and biodegradability of MPETS Composites 94 4.2.9 Determination of weatherability of MPETS composites 94 Xll 4.3 R E S U L T S AND D I S C U S S I O N 4.3.1 FTIR spectral analysis of untreated straw powder 95 and treated straw powder 4.3.2 Chemical analysis of the components of straw 95 powder samples before and after the treatments 4.3.3 FTIR spectral analysis of MPETS composites and 96 MPES composite samples 4.3.4 Analysis of failure modes of MPETS composites 98 4.3.5 Determination of tensile properties 98 4.3.6 Water absorption and biodegradability of MPETS 98 composites 4.3.7 Determination of weatherability of MPETS 104 composites 111 4.4 C O N C L U S I O N S 113 C H A P T E R F I V E 114 5.1 F U T U R E W O R K 115 5.2 L I S T O F R E F E R E N C E S 116 / i xiii • L I S T O F T A B L E S Page No Table 2.1 Different types of lignocellulosic fillers used in the 9 polymeric composites Tab le 2.2 Infrared peak assignments for LDPE, straw powder and PES composite 28 Tab le 2.3 Tensile properties of LDPE and PES composites 39 Tab le 2.4 Variation in tensile properties of LDPE and PES composites after weathering process 48 Tab le 3.1 Tensile properties of different maleated LDPE samples. 66 Tab le 3.2 Infrared vibrations and assignment for PES composite, maleated LDPE and MPES composite 67 Tab le 3.3 Tensile properties of maleic grafted LDPE and MPES composites 76 Tab le 3.4 Variation in tensile properties of MPES composites after weathering process 85 Tab le 4.1 Infrared vibrations and assignment for straw powder 95 Tab le 4.2 Chemical analysis of components in rice-straw 96 Tab le 4.3 Tensile properties of maleic grafted LDPE and MPETS composites 103 Tab le 4.4 Variation in tensile properties of MPETS composites after weathering 112 • xiv L I S T O F F I G U R E S Page No. Figure 1.0 Schematic representation of cellulose 11 F igure 1.1 Schematic representation of hemicellulose 11 F igure 1.2 Schematic representation of three basic building blocks of lignin 12 F igu re 2.0 FTIR spectra of a) Rice Straw b) LDPE c) PES composites 29 F igure 2.1 (a) Stress-strain curve for LDPE 31 F igure 2.1 (b) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) PES-50-5, (©) PES- 50-10 and ( A ) PES-50-15 composites 32 F igure 2.1 (c) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) PES-90-5, ( • ) PES- 90-10 and ( A ) PES-90-15 composites 33 F igu re 2.1 (d) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) PES-250-5, (©) PES-250-10 and ( A ) PES-250-15 composites 34 F igu re 2.2 (a) Stress-strain curves of different PES composites having 5%wt of straw. ( • ) PES-50-5, ( • ) PES- 90-5 and ( A ) PES-250-5 composites 35 F igu re 2.2 (b) Stress-strain curves of different PES composites having 10 %wt of straw. ( • ) PES-50-10, ( • ) PES-90-1 Oand ( A ) PES-250-10 composites 36 xv Figure 2.2 (c) Stress-strain curves of different PES composites having 15 %wt of straw. ( • ) PES-50-15, ( • ) PES- 90-15and ( A ) PES-250-15 composites 37 F igure 2.3 (a) Variation in tensile strength vs straw content for ( • ) PES-50, ( • ) PES-90 and ( A ) PES-250 composites 38 F igure 2.3 (b) Variation in % elongation vs straw content for ( • ) PES-50, ( • ) PES-90 and ( • ) PES-250 composites 39 F igure 2.3 (c) Variation in Young's modulus vs straw content for ( • ) PES-50, ( • ) PES-90 and ( A ) PES-250 composites 40 F igure 2.4 Percentage weight change of ( • ) PES-50-5, ( • ) PES- 50-15, ( * ) PES-90-15 and ( • ) PES-250-15 composites during immersion in water 46 F igure 3.0 Schematic representation of Maleic anhydride 53 F igure 3.1 Decomposit ion reaction of DCP 54 F igure 3.2 Formation of LDPE macro radical 54 F igure 3.3 Grafting of maleic anhydride on LDPE backbone 55 Figure 3.4 Transfering step of macro radical in to LDPE backbone 55 F igure 3.5 Formation of covalent interaction between maleated LDPE and OH of cellulose 57 F igure 3.6 FTIR spectra of Maleic anhydride grafted LDPE and virgin LDPE 63 xvi Figure 3.7 Melt viscosity and shear rate behavior of ( • ) LDPE, ( • ) LDPE + 0.05% DCP + 5% MA, ( A ) LDPE+ 0.25% DCP + 5% MA, ( _ ) LDPE + 0.4% D C P + 5 % M A and ( • ) LDPE + 0.4% DCP samples 65 Figure 3.8 FTIR spectra of (a) Maleic anhydride grafted LDPE, (b) PES composite and (c) MPES composite 68 F igu re 3.9(a) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) MPES 50-5, ( • ) MPES 50-10 and ( A ) MPES 50-15 composites 70 F igu re 3.9(b) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) MPES 90-5, ( • ) MPES 90-10 and ( A ) MPES 90-15 composites 71 F i g u r e 3.9(c) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) MPES 250-5, ( • ) MPES 250-10 and ( A ) MPES 250-15 composites 72 F igu re 3.10(a) Stress-strain curves of different MPES composites having 5%wt of straw. ( • ) MPES-50-5, ( • ) M P E S - 90-5 and ( A ) MPES-250-5 composites 73 F igure 3.10(b) Stress-strain curves of different MPES composites having 10 %wt of straw. ( • ) MPES-50-10, ( • ) MPES-90-10and ( A ) MPES-250-10 composites 74 F igure 3.10(c) Stress-strain curves of different MPES composites having 15 %wt of straw ( • ) MPES-50-15, ( • ) MPES-90-15and ( A ) MPES-250-15 composites 75 F igu re 3.11(a) Variation in tensile strength vs straw content for ( • ) MPES-50, ( • ) MPES-90 and ( A ) MPES-250 composites 79 Figure 3.11(b) Variation in Young's modulus vs straw content for ( • ) MPES-50, ( • ) MPES-90 and ( • ) MPES-250 composites 80 Figure 3.11(c) Variation in % elongation vs Straw Content for ( • ) MPES-50, ( • ) MPES-90 and ( A ) MPES-250 composites 81 Fig 3.12 Melt viscosity and shear rate behavior of MPES composite ( • ) MPES 50-15 and ( • ) PES50-15 composite 83 Fig 3.13 Percentage weight change of ( • ) MPES 50-5, ( • ) MPES 50-15, ( * ) MPES 90-15 a n d . ( « ) MPES 250-15 composites during immersion in water. 86 F igure 4.0 FTIR spectra of (a) Treated Straw and (b) Untreated Straw 97 F igure 4.1 FTIR spectra of (a) MPETS and (b) MPES Composite 99 F igure 4.2(a) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) MPETS 50-5, ( • ) MPETS 50-10 and ( A ) MPETS 50-15 composites 100 Figure 4.2(b) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) MPETS 90-5, ( • ) MPETS 90-10 and ( A ) MPETS 90-15 composites 101 F igure 4.2(c) Stress-strain curves for ( • ) MPETS 250-5, ( • ) MPETS 250-10 and ( A ) MPETS 250-15 composites 102 Figure 4.3(a) Variation in tensile strength vs straw content for ( • ) MPETS-50, ( • ) MPETS-90 and ( A ) MPETS-250 composites 105 XVlii Figure 4.3(b) Variation in Young's modulus vs straw content for ( • ) MPETS-50, ( • ) MPETS-90 and ( A ) MPETS- 250 composites F igure 4.3(c) Variation in % elongation vs straw content for ( • ) MPETS-50, ( • ) MPETS-90 and ( • ) MPETS-250 composites F igure 4.4(a) Variation in tensile strength of different composites for ( • ) PES 50 series, ( • ) MPES 50 series and ( A ) MPETS 50 series composites F igure 4.4(b) Variation in Young's modulus of different composites for ( • ) PES 50 series, ( • ) MPES 50 series and ( A ) MPETS 50 series Fig 4.5 Percentage weight change of ( • ) MPETS 50-5, ( • ) MPETS 50-15, ( * ) MPETS 90-15 and (©) MPETS 250-15 composites during immersion in water L I S T O F A B B R E V I A T I O N S ecu . Carbon tetra Chloride C a C 0 3 - Calcium Carbonate DCP - Dicumyl Peroxide DP - Degree of Polymerization FTIR - Fourier Transform Infra- Red KBr - Potasium Bromide HDPE - High Density Polyethylene LDPE/PE - Low Density Polyethylene MA - Maleic Anhydride MPa - Mega Pascal MPETS - Maleated LDPE/Treated straw composite MPES - Maleated LDPE/Un Treated straw composite .NaOH - Sodium hydroxide PES - LDPE/Un Treated rice-straw composite PMPPIC - Poly[methylene (poly (phenyl isocyanate))] PP - Polypropylene PS - Polystyrene PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride rpm - Rounds per minutes TAPPI - Technical Association for Pulp And Paper Industry TDIC - Toluene2, 4- diisocyanate % T - Percentage transmittance UV - Ultraviolet radiation W t % - Weight percentage 3-D - Three dimensional XX