IMPROVEMENT OF POWER QUALITY OF A STAND-ALONE MICRO HYDRO POWER PLANT A.U.Walpola Department of Electrical Engineering University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka 2005 84139 Abstract Stand-alone micro hydro power schemes providing electricity to rural villages in hilly areas in Sri Lanka where the grid electricity is not available has become a viable and popular alternative to grid electricity. For generation of electricity, most of the micro hydro schemes employ induction generators converted from ordinary induction motors. Due to many advantages such as robustness, lower cost, less maintenance, readily availability, induction machines are popular over traditionally used synchronous machines in this application. Micro hydro power plants, which employ capacitor-excited (self-excited) induction machines have been considered in this research work. Stand-alone micro hydro schemes are often located on streams and small rivers where the flowing water can be diverted to the generation of power without constructing reservoirs or ponds. Since these plants are usually less than 50 kW in capacity, they require little amount of water flow for its rated power output. Even though the water source of the plant is capable of supplying required flow for the majority period of an average year, there are some extended periods of drought, which results in reducing the rated flow to the plant. In such situations, micro hydro systems have problem of maintaining its power quality in terms of voltage and frequency, since the control systems are designed only for rated flow conditions. This results in variations in supply voltage and frequency thus making difficulties to the consumers such as reduction of voltage at customer end, inability to use fluorescent and CFL lamps, difficulty in using electrical motors and other appliances such as TVs. In this research work, the problem was analyzed using the existing micro hydro controllers and discussed the suggested solution by analyzing the required level of control of voltage and frequency in plant output in part flow conditions. Even though there are expensive alternatives for voltage and frequency control in such situations, emphasis made to economical development of such system to suit and feasible for actual implementation in community based micro hydro schemes. The suggested control system was designed using power electronics and discrete electronic components and it was tested at partial load conditions. Further another control system was suggested for simultaneous voltage and frequency control in rated flow conditions where existing controllers have the facility of controlling either voltage or frequency. Finally, it was discussed to extend the improvement of power quality at customer end by reducing the harmonics that create by the electronic switching in the control systems. DE CLARA TlON I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that to the best of my knowledge and behalf it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material. which to substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other academic qualification of any university or institute of higher learning except where acknowledgement is made in the text. ~ A.U.Walpola PG/EE/13/2000 August. 2005 @~ Dr. D.P.T. ~anayakkara Project Supervisor :lc/" Awrust. 2005 •••• • ::::> • ~.!' .• i ;. ... / •..w.. ,.~ / Abstract Preface Contents List of Figures and Tables Acronyms Chapter 1: Introduction l.l Stand-alone micro hydro systems Contents 1.2 Electricity generation from micro hydro system 1.3 Objective ofthe thesis Chapter 2: Outline of Project Implementation 2.1 Outline of approach j 2.2 Significant power quality problems identitied with micro hydro power supply 2.3 Instrumentation Chapter 3: Induction Generators in Micro Hydro SchemeS:• ... J I Introduction to induction generators in micro hydro schemes 3.2 Operation of an induction generator Chapter 4: Control Systems in Present Micro Hydro Schemes 4.1 Structure of ordinary induction generator control ler 4.1.1 Phase angle control type IGC 4.1.2 Pulse Width \ttodulation type IGC 4.2 Active and reactive power control by IGC , ..... , Ill Page ...... r~ / II Ill VI viii ") 6 .. I .. 8 9 10 10 II 14 14 14 16 17 Chapter 5 : Shortcomings Associated with Ordinary IGCs 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Outline of shortcomings associated with present IGCs 5.3 How partial flow situation occur at micro hydro power plants ? Chapter 6: Performance of IGCs Under Different Flow Conditions (A Case Study) 6.1 Details of micro hydro plant where measurements were taken 6.2 Case I- Operation of micro hydro plant under design (rated) flow 6.3 Case II - Operation of micro hydro plant under partial flow situation I Chapter 7 : Improvement of Power Quality at Partial Generation Situation 7.1 Voltage and Frequency control during panial generation situation 7.2 Design aspects of modified IGC 7.2.1 Voltage sensing circuit 7.2.2 Frequency sensing circuit 7.2.3 Power supply to IGC 7.2.4 Constant reference voltage generation 7.3 IGC operation under partial flow situation 7.4 Results of performance of new design Chapter 8 : Discussion 8.1 Advantages of Proposed System 8.2 Disadvantages of Proposed System 8.3 Further Improvements Chapter 9 : Conclusion References Appendices • ~ .... ., ...... Appendix I : Alteration to windings of induction motors for use as induction generator /' ...... ,- / 18 18 18 19 21 21 21 2-+ 27 27 30 30 30 32 "'") .)_ ........ .).) 35 39 39 -+0 40 -+I -+~ LV Appendix 2 :Active and reactive power control by IGC Appendix 3 : Connection of excitation capacitance to an induction generator • ~, .. i v /' •,.W... ,.- ;. ... / List of Figures and Tables VI 1. List of Figures Figure 1.1 General arrangement of stand-alone micro hydro system Figure 1.2 (a) Excitation capacitance connection for single phase systems Figure 1.2 (b) Excitation capacitance connection for three phase s~ems Figure 1.3 Figure 2. I Figure 3.1 Figure -t 1 Figure .+.2 Figure -L3 Figure 5.1 Figure 5.2 Figure 6.1 Figure 6.2 Figure 6.3 Figure 6...1- Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 Figure 7.3 Figure 7...1- Figure 7.5 Figure 7.6 Figure -. 7 Figure -.s Voltage and magnetizing current variation over excitation capacitance and corresponding frequency variation Instrumentation for measurement of electromechanical parameters Transmission of power in an induction generator Block diagram of phase angle control type IGC Waveform pattern of phase angle control type IGC Block diagram of pulse width modulation type IGC Y.lonthly average rainfall in different micro hydro sites Monthly average generation of micro hydro plants (Deraniyagala and Rathnapura micro hydro plants) Variation of voltage and currents at rated tlow condition Variation of voltage and frequency at rated.,;tlow condition Variation of voltage and currents at partial tlow condition Variation of voltage and frequency at partial tlow condition Modified IGC for voltage and frequency control during partial t1ow conditions Voltage sensor circuit Frequency sensor circuit ......... ~~ ...... DC power supply circuit for IGC / Constant reference voltage generation Operation of IGC and corresponding voltage and frequency variation in suppl~ Output power with variation of turbine tlow Output voltage with variation of generator output power VII Figure 7.9 Ballast load switching with output power at reduced flo""' Figure 7 .I 0 Excitation capacitance variation with output power at reduced flow Figure 7.11 Frequency response to output power Figure A I ( 1) Alteration to the winding of an induction motor to be operated as a single phase generator Figure A 1(2) Alteration to the winding of an induction motor to be operated as a three phase generator j Figure A2( l) Phase angle control by IGC Figure A2(2) Control of active and reactive power Figure A3( I a) Connection of excitation capacitance to a single phase system Figure A3( l b) Phasor diagram for single phase system Figure A3(2a) Incorrect connection of capacitors in a single phase system Figure A3(2b) Phasor diagram for incorrect system 2. List of Tables Variation of supply voltage and currents at rated flow condition Variation of supply voltage and frequency at rated flow condition Variation of supply voltage and currents at partial flow condition ~ " Table 6.1 Table 6.2 Table 6.3 Table 6A Table 7.1 Table 7.2 Table 7.3 Variation of supply voltage and frequency at partn11 flow condition Switching pattern ofballast load Switching pattern of excitation capacitance Measured data with the modified controller ...... ,./ ......... ,.- / viii ACRO:W7v1S IGC - Induction generator controller ELC - Electronic load controller kWh - Kilo Wan hour kW - Kilo Wan kVA - Kilo volt-amperes kHz Kilo Hertz j - uF - Micro Farad Vret - Reference voltage Vav - Average voltage v 'll - Maximum voltage Vr:ued - Rated Voltage F"31ed - Rated frequency ~;.lV - 'lominal national voltage AVR - Automatic voltage regulator RP~1 - Revolutions per minute PWM- Pulse width modulation IGBT - Insulated gate bipolar transistor . ~ .. ·:" ... ~·' · ¥ :J