R E C I P I E N T B A S E D E N V I R O N M E N T A L M A N A G E M E N T P L A N F O R AN I N D U S T R I A L E S T A T E Mookiah Thiruche lvam Department of Civil Engineering University Of Moratuwa Sri Lanka September, 1997 6 2 4 ^ 1 " 62<9.5 This thesis was prepared and submitted in partial fulfilment o f the Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering and Management to the Civil Engineering Department o f the Faculty o f Engineering, University o f Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. 67400 This thesis, "Recipient Based Environmental Management Plan for an Industrial Estate", is hereby approved as partial fulfilment o f the requirement for the degree o f Master o f Engineering in Environmental Engineering and Management. Department of Civil Engineering University of Moratuwa Moratuwa c