LB>//>OAj/f^//o CLEARANCE TO BUILDINGS FROM OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES A dissertation submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science Supervised by Prof. J.R. Lucas Eng. W.D.A.S. Wijayapala Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa By KANKANAMGE SHYAMALI Sri Lanka University of Moratuwa llll III I III III 94848 February 2010 9WW 94348 K.K.Shvamali 07/8415 Declaration The work submitted in this thesis is the result of my own investigations except where otherwise stated. This subject has not been accepted for any degree, and is also not being concurrently submitted for any other degree by me or any other individual. K.K. Shyamali I endorse the declaration by the candidate. Prof. J.R. Lucas Eng. W.D.A.S. Wijayapala Msc. In Electrical Engineering Page i K.K.Shvamali 07/8415 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S II ABSTRACT m ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF FIGURES v LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF ANNEXES VII CHAPTER - 1 1 INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE 1 CHAPTER - 2 3 PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION 3 C H A P T E R - 3 7 METHODOLOGY 7 C H A P T E R - 4 4 1 CONCLUSION 4 1 REFERENCE 4 3 Msc. In Electrical Engineering Page ii K.K.Shvamali 07/8415 Abstract With the increasing demand for electricity supply and the country development, Searching of Transmission Line corridor across populated areas is a major difficulty faced by the utility company. Further, most of the funding agents are very much concerned about the environmental impacts due to the constructions. The width of Transmission Line corridor is proposed for two different Transmission Voltages and the sharing of single corridor for more lines and the required widths are proposed. Possibility of building construction and planting of trees within the Transmission Line corridor is decided and the maximum heights for constructions are also proposed. Msc. In Electrical Engineering Page iii • K.K.Shvamali 07/8415 Acknowledgement First I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisors, Professor Rohan Lucas, and Eng. W.D.A.S. Wijayapala who supported me by encouraging throughout my thesis with their patience and knowledge. Also my thanks should go to Dr. J. P. Karunadasa, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, and the other members of the academic staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering, for their valuable suggestions and comments. Further, I would like to thank the officers in Post Graduate Office of the Faculty of Engineering of University of Moratuwa for helping in various ways to clarify the things related to my academic works in time with excellent cooperation and guidance. Sincere gratitude is also extended to the people who serve in the Department of Electrical Engineering office. Also, I thank my colleagues in the Transmission Design branch of Ceylon Electricity Board very much for providing assistance in numerous ways to carry out the studies of the project. I express my thanks and appreciation to my family for their understanding, motivation and patience. Lastly, but in no sense the least, I am thankful to all colleagues and friends for giving their fullest co-operation throughout the time of research and writing of this thesis. i Msc. In Electrical Engineering Page iv List of Figures Figure 2-1: minimum horizontal clearance for buildings 4 Figure 3-1: Conductor Horizontal Displacement 7 Figure 3-2: Conductor Swing Angle 8 Figure 3-3: Equivalent Span 9 Figure 3-4: Catenary Curve 15 Figure 3-5: Design of Insulator Swing Angle of Tower 23 Figure 3-6: Top View of Right-of-Way 34 Figure 3-7: shared Corridor 35 Msc. In Electrical Engineering Page v K.K.Shvamali 07/8415 List of Tables Table 3-1: Defined Equivalent Span in CEB 9 Table 3-2: Conductor Properties 11 Table 3-3: Conductor Horizontal Displacement Vs Equivalent Span for 132kV 18 Table 3-4: Conductor Horizontal Displacement Vs Equivalent Span for 220kV 18 Table 3-5: Classification of Wind Speed in 21 Table 3-6: Classification of Wind Speed in Wind Energy Resource Atlas of Sri Lanka 22 Table 3-7: National Electrical Safety Code Basic Clearance 26 Table 3-8: National Electrical Safety Code Basic Clearance 26 Table 3-9: National Electrical Safety Code Basic Clearance 27 Table 3-10: National Electrical Safety Code Basic Clearance 27 Table 3-11: Minimum Horizontal Clearance to objects 132 KV 29 Table 3-12: Minimum Horizontal Clearance to Rail Cars-132 KV 29 Table 3-13: Minimum Horizontal Clearance to objects-220 KV 30 Table 3-14: Minimum Horizontal Clearance to Rail Cars-220 KV 30 Table 3-15: Minimum Horizontal Separation between 132kV conductor attachment point and the other objects 32 Table 3-16: Minimum Horizontal Separation between 220kV conductor attachment point and the other objects 33 Table 3-17: field exposure limits 39 Msc. In Electrical Engineering Page vi * K.K.Shyamali 07/8415 List of Annexes Annex 3-1: Catenary Curve Coordinates for 132kV ZEBRA Conductor at 75°C and No wind condition Annex 3-2: Catenary Curve Coordinates for 132kV ZEBRA Conductor at 15°C and Maximum wind condition Annex 3-3: Catenary Curve Coordinates for 220kV ZEBRA Conductor at 75°C and No wind condition Annex 3-4: Catenary Curve Coordinates for 220kV ZEBRA Conductor at 15°C and Maximum wind condition Annex 3-5: Wind Data from Annex 3-6: Drawings for Single Line Corridor Annex 3-7: Drawings for Shared Corridor Annex 3-8: Maximum Height of Buildings within Right-Of-Way Annex 3-9: Mature Height of Tree within Right-Of-Way Annex 3-10: Typical Right-Of-Way width specified in some references Annex 3-11: Sample List of Actual Spans Msc. In Electrical Engineering Page vii