@ ACTIVE CURRENT SHAPING FOR BETTER UTILITY INTERFACE A dissertation submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science by MATHARAGE HASATH CHANDIKA PERERA SRf lanka M O R A T U W A Supervised by: Dr. J. P. Karunadasa Department of Electrical Engineering University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka January 2009 University of Moratuwa 9 2 9 7 0 9 2 9 7 0 6x\< z(p«f3 T W - D E C L A R A T I O N T h e w o r k s u b m i t t e d in th is d isser ta t ion is the resul t of m y o w n inves t iga t ion , e x c e p t w h e r e o t h e r w i s e s ta ted. It has not a l ready b e e n a c c e p t e d for any deg ree , a n d is a lso not be ing c o n c u r r e n t l y s u b m i t t e d for any o ther degree . M.H. C h a n d i k a Pere ra I e n d o r s e the dec la ra t i on by the cand ida te . Dr. J .P. K a r u n a d a s a C O N T E N T S Dedica t ion i Abs t rac t v A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t vii List of F igu res vii i List of T a b l e s ix C H A P T E R I I N T R O D U C T I O N 1.1. P o w e r s y s t e m h a r m o n i c s & e f fec ts of h a r m o n i c s 1 1 . 2 . M e a s u r e s of h a r m o n i c s 3 1 .3 . Impo r tance of h a r m o n i c mi t iga t ion 3 1 . 4 . M e t h o d s of h a r m o n i c mi t iga t ion 4 1 .5 .Ac t i ve P o w e r Fi l ters 6 1 .6 .Ob jec t i ves 8 1 .7 .Thes is O r g a n i z a t i o n 8 C H A P T E R 2 M A T E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S 2 .1 .Acqu is i t i on of vo l t age and cur ren t s igna ls of the p o w e r a p p l i a n c e 2 . 1 . 1 . S a m p l e load 9 2 .1 .2 .Da ta acqu is i t i on card '. 10 2 . 1 . 3 . H a r d w a r e c i rcui t 11 2.1.4. Acqu is i t i on of vo l t age and cur ren t s igna ls by M A T L A B 12 2 . 1 . 5 . M A T L A B Data acquisition tool box 13 2 .2 .Ana l ys i s of acqu i red s igna ls us ing M A T L A B 15 2.3. D e t e r m i n a t i o n of the approp r ia te f i l ter cur ren t 18 2 .4 .S imu la t i on to i m p l e m e n t act ive p o w e r f i l ter 2 .4 .1 .C i rcu i t a r r a n g e m e n t of the s imu la t i on 19 2 .4 .2 .S imu la t i on to ob ta in c i rcui t p a r a m e t e r s 21 2.5. Va l i da t i on of the acqu i red c i rcui t p a r a m e t e r s 23 C H A P T E R 3 R E S U L T S 3.1. E lect r ica l p a r a m e t e r s of the load 3.1.1. V o l t a g e s igna l o f the s a m p l e load 24 3 .1 .2 .Cu r ren t s igna l of the s a m p l e load 25 3.1.3. E lect r ica l p a r a m e t e r s of the s a m p l e load 26 3 .2 R e q u i r e d cu r ren t f r om the f i l ter 3 .2 .1 .Cur ren t of the capac i to r cha rge r 26 3.2.2. Fi l ter cu r ren t w i th capac i to r cha rge r 27 3.3. S imu la t i on resul ts 3 .3 .1 .Se lec t ion of the inductor 28 3 .3 .2 .Se lec t i on of the s tep up t r ans fo rmer 31 3 .3 .3Se lec t i on of the sw i t ch ing f r equency 33 3 .4 Va l i da t i on 3.4.1 .Va l ida t ion for load var ia t ions 36 3 .4 .2Va l ida t ion for supp ly vo l tage var ia t ions 39 i i i C H A P T E R 4 D I S C U S S I O N R e f e r e n c e s 4 7 A n n e x - 1 A n n e x - 2 A n n e x - 3 4 8 4 9 50 A B S T R A C T I nc reased use of non l i nea r e lec t r ica l l oads in jects h a r m o n i c cu r ren t s to p o w e r sys tems. H igh leve ls of powe r s y s t e m h a r m o n i c s c rea te vo l t age d i s to r t i on a n d en la rge p o w e r qua l i ty p rob lems . H a r m o n i c s resul t in poor p o w e r fac tor , l owe r e f f ic iency a n d in te r fe rence to ad jacen t c o m m u n i c a t i o n s y s t e m s . T h e h a r m o n i c cur rents f l ow into the uti l i ty supp l y l ines p r o d u c e s ex t ra losses. A n ac t ive p o w e r f i l ter uses a sw i t ch ing inver ter to p r o d u c e h a r m o n i c c o m p e n s a t i n g cu r ren ts . The m a j o r ob jec t i ve of th is p ro jec t w a s to e l im ina te e f fec ts of h a r m o n i c s a n d to improve p o w e r fac to r of a typ ica l non l i nea r load. A t t e m p t s w e r e m a d e to app l y ac t i ve power f i l ters for cu r ren t s h a p i n g of a spec i f i c load, con t ra ry to its c o m m o n app l i ca t ions of app ly ing at the po in t o f c o m m o n coup l ing . The Na t iona l I ns t rumen ts U S B - 6 0 0 8 mu l t i func t ion da ta acqu is i t i on ( D A Q ) m o d u l e w a s used to acqu i re da ta f r om the s a m p l e load viz. the c o m p u t e r p o w e r supp ly . A potent ia l d i v ide r w a s i nco rpo ra ted to the c i rcui t to acqu i re v o l t a ge s igna l . C u r r e n t s ignal w a s a c q u i r e d us ing a ser ies resistor . Filter cu r ren t w a s i m p l e m e n t e d by sw i t ch ing an induc to r us ing fou r i nsu la ted ga te bipolar t rans is to rs ( IGBT) a r r a n g e d in H b r idge con f igura t ion . T h e s imu la t i on c i rcu i t was i m p l e m e n t e d us ing M A T L A B S imu l i nk so f twa re tool . I n d u c t a n c e of the s w i t c h i n g inductor , vo l t a g e of the s tep up t r ans fo rmer and the sw i t ch ing f r e q u e n c y of t he sys tem w e r e ob ta i ned by s imu la t ion . S u b s e q u e n t l y the a b o v e c i rcu i t p a r a m e t e r s we re va l i da ted for va r iab le loads us ing total h a r m o n i c d is to r t ion as the d i s c e r n i n g cr i ter ion. V It w a s poss ib le to r educe T H D of the cu r ren t w a v e of c o m p u t e r p o w e r s u p p l y f r o m 1 0 7 % to 12%. P o w e r fac to r w a s i m p r o v e d f r om 0.66 to uni ty. By i n c r e a s i n g t he power fac to r to uni ty, the cur ren t f l ow can be r e d u c e d by a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 4 % . T h e obse rva t i ons m a d e here in are app l i cab le for h a r m o n i c e l im ina t ion in n o n l i n e a r l oads in gene ra l w i th n e c e s s a r y mod i f i ca t ions . vi A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T I a m grea t l y i ndeb t to m y supe rv i so r Dr. J. P. K a r u n a d a s a , H e a d of D e p a r t m e n t , D e p a r t m e n t of E lect r ica l Eng ineer ing , Un ivers i ty of M o r a t u w a , M o r a t u w a fo r his eve r p resen t w o r d s of w i s d o m . D e p a r t m e n t of E lect r ica l Eng ineer ing , a n d the D e p a r t m e n t of M e c h a n i c a l e n g i n e e r i n g of the Un ivers i ty of M ra tuwa , M o r a t u w a fo r p rov id ing m e this i m m e n s e l y v a l u a b l e oppor tun i t y to car ry ou t a p o s t g r a d u a t e p ro jec t w i t h all t he faci l i t ies a n d g u i d a n c e in a p leasan t env i r onmen t . I w i s h to reco rd m y gra t i tude to the labora to ry s ta f f t he D e p a r t m e n t of E lec t r ica l Eng ineer ing , Un ivers i ty of M o r a t u w a , M o r a t u w a for the t echn i ca l s u p p o r t in ca r r y ing out m y r e s e a r c h wo rk . Fur ther to the s ta f f of the R e g i o n a l s u p p o r t C e n t e r ( S o u t h e r n / U v a ) of Nat iona l W a t e r supp ly and D r a i n a g e Board , M a t a r a fo r the i r suppor t . Final ly, I s h o u l d t h a n k m a n y ind iv idua ls , f r iends and co l l eagues w h o h a v e no t b e e n m e n t i o n e d he re pe rsona l l y in m a k i n g th is educa t iona l p rocess a s u c c e s s . M a y be I cou ld not h a v e m a d e it w i thou t you r suppor ts . v i i LIST OF F I G U R E S Figure 1.1: F igure 1.2: F igure 2 .1 : F igure 2.2: F igure 2.3: F igure 2.4: F igure 2.5: F igure 2.6: F igure 3.1: F igure 3.2: F igure 3.3: F igure 3.4 F igure 3.5: F igure 3.5: F igure 3.6: F igure 3.7: F igure 3.8: F igure 3.9: F igure 3 .10: F igure 3.11: F igure 3 .12 Typ i ca l a r r a n g e m e n t of a pass i ve f i l ter C o m p e n s a t i o n charac te r is t i cs of a para l le l ac t ive p o w e r f i l ter H a r d w a r e c i rcui t to ob ta in vo l t age and cur ren t s igna ls S c h e m a t i c rep resen ta t i on of the da ta acqu is i t ion us ing M A T L A B M A T L A B c o m m a n d s used for da ta acqu is i t i on M A T L A B c o m m a n d s used for w a v e f o r m ana lys i s C i rcu i t d i a g r a m of the para l le l ac t ive fi l ter S imu la t i on c i rcui t V o u l t a g e s igna l of the s a m p l e load Cu r ren t s igna l of the s a m p l e load C u r r e n t w a v e of the capac i to r cha rge r C u r r e n t w a v e f o r m requ i red f r o m the para l le l ac t i ve f i l ter W a v e f o r m ob ta ined for i n d u c t a n c e of 1 0 m H , s tep up v o l t a g e of 3 5 0 V a n d sw i t ch ing f r e q u e n c y of 1 0 0 k H z W a v e f o r m ob ta ined for i nduc tance of 1 0 m H , s tep up vo l t age of 3 5 0 V and sw i t ch ing f r equency of 1 0 0 k H z W a v e f o r m ob ta ined for i nduc tance of 5 0 m H , s tep up v o l t a g e of 3 0 0 V and sw i t ch ing f r equency of 5 0 k H z W a v e f o r m ob ta ined for i nduc tance of 5 0 m H , s tep up v o l t a g e of 3 5 0 V and sw i t ch ing f r equency of 1 0 k H z Resu l tan t tota l cu r ren t o b s e r v e d under i n d u c t a n c e of 5 0 m H , s tep up vo l t age of 3 5 0 V and sw i t ch ing f r equency of 1 0 0 k H z Resu l t an t to ta l cu r ren t o b s e r v e d unde r 5 0 % load u n d e r s e l e c t e d c i rcu i t p a r a m e t e r s Resu l t an t to ta l cu r ren t o b s e r v e d unde r 1 6 0 % load u n d e r s e l e c t e d c i rcui t p a r a m e t e r s Resu l t an t to ta l cu r ren t o b s e r v e d unde r 9 0 % of supp ly vo l t age u n d e r se lec ted c i rcui t p a r a m e t e r s Resu l tan t total cu r ren t o b s e r v e d unde r 1 1 0 % of supp l y v o l t a g e u n d e r se lec ted c i rcui t p a r a m e t e r s V I I I L I S T O F T A B L E S T a b l e 2 . 1 : T h e i n p u t r a n g e a n d t h e r e l e v a n t l e ve l o f a c c u r a c y T a b l e 3 .1 : E l e c t r i c a l p a r a m e t e r s o f t h e s a m p l e l o a d T a b l e 3 .2 : T o t a l h a r m o n i c d i s t o r t i o n v a r i a t i o n w i t h t h e i n d u c t a n c e T a b l e 3 .3 : T o t a l h a r m o n i c d i s t o r t i o n v a r i a t i o n w i t h t h e s t e p u p t r a n s f o r m e r v o l t a g e T a b l e 3 .4 : T o t a l h a r m o n i c d i s t o r t i o n v a r i a t i o n w i t h s w i t c h i n g f r e q u e n c y T a b l e 3 .5 : T o t a l H a r m o n i c D i s t o r t i o n v a r i a t i o n f o r d i f f e r e n t l o a d v a r i a t i o n ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The increasing demand of power electronic devices, ranging from CFLs and switch mode power supplies to automated industrial assembly lines, has enlarged power quality problems in the electrical power utility. Those problems include a variety of electrical disturbances, which can originate in several ways and differently affects various kinds of sensitive loads. The proliferation of nonlinear loads increases contamination level in voltage waveform. Specifically it causes harmonic injection that subsequently result excessive neutral currents, and reactive power burden in the power system. 1.1. Power system harmonics & effects of harmonics Harmonic is defined as "a sinusoidal component of a periodic wave or quantity having a frequency that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency" [1], Power system harmonics are integer multiples of the fundamental power system frequency. High levels of power system harmonics can create waveform distortion and thereby increase power quality problems. Major sources of waveform distortion include (1) Electronic switching power converters such as computers, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), adjustable- speed motor drives, solid-state rectifiers, electronic process control equipment and electronic lighting ballasts; (2) Arcing devices such as discharge lighting l (Fluorescent, Sodium & Mercury vapor), arc furnaces, welding equipment, electrical traction system; (3) Ferromagnetic devices such as transformers operating near saturation level, magnetic ballasts (Saturation Iron Core), induction heating equipment, chokes, motors; (4) Appliances such as television sets, air conditioners, washing machines, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, fax machines, photocopiers, printers. Harmonics result in poor power factor, lower efficiency and interfering with adjacent communication systems. Harmonic currents injected into the utility supply lines produces extra losses and cause voltage distortion. Besides interfering with data communications, telephone circuits, digital controls, they can also overheat transformers and supply apparatus. Harmonics flow into power factor capacitors, power cables and be magnified by resonance which even though not often can lead to disastrous results. Effects of harmonics on the power systems include frequent tripping of circuit breakers and protection relays, frequent fuse blowing, capacitor failures, degrading meters accuracy, overheating of motors and transformers, overloading of transformer neutral, telephone interference, malfunction of motor variable-speed drives, insulation failures, severe lamp flicker, voltage distortion and lagging in power factor. In summery, the major problem of harmonic currents include equipment heating, equipment malfunction, equipment failure, communications interference, fuse and breaker mis-operation, process problems and conductor heating. 2 1.2. Measures of Harmonics There are three methods of estimating harmonic load content: the Crest-factor (CF), Harmonic Factor or Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) and "K-Factor" [2], Crest Factor is a measure of the peak value of the waveform compared to the true RMS value. The mathematical definition, of the crest factor is the ratio of the peak value of the waveform divided by the rms value of the waveform: Total harmonic distortion (THD) of a signal is the ratio of the sum of the powers of all harmonic frequencies above the fundamental frequency. t-ttt-v Y, harmonic powers I H D = fundamental frequency power The K-factor is a number derived from a numerical calculation summation of harmonic currents generated by the non-linear load. K-factor, the more significant the harmonic current content [3], 1.3. Importance of harmonic mitigation Modern technical applications are very vulnerable to power supply quality. International standards (IEC 1000-3-2 and IEEE 519-1992) allow a certain level of harmonic current depending on the source short circuit ratio. Short circuit ratio is the ratio of short circuit current to the load current. At a ratio of 20 or less, the norms allows only 5% total current harmonic distortion [4], Therefore reducing or even cancelling harmonics in the supply is essential in both economic and technological terms. 3 based on the The higher the The main advantage of elimination or reduction of harmonics in power systems is improvement in productivity and quality [4], That also minimizes equipment malfunction or failure. Further by minimizing current, it enables to reduce cable sizes especially in neutral conductor. Most importantly reduction of harmonics reduces energy wastage in power systems and reduces power consumption resulting less electrical power bills. 1.4. Methods of harmonic mitigation There are two approaches to mitigate power quality problems. The first approach is known as load conditioning, which ensures that the equipment is less sensitive to power disturbances, allowing the equipment to operation even under significant voltage distortion. The other solution is to install line conditioning systems that suppress or counteracts with the power system disturbances. Both active filters and passive filters can be effectively used for harmonic mitigation under this category. Passive filters: Conventional solution for harmonic distortion has been the use of passive filters to minimize offending harmonics. Voltage harmonic distortion could often be controlled with a simple high pass filter, but reduction of current harmonic levels usually requires installation of multiple tuned traps, each of which reduces only one of the many harmonic frequencies produced by the non-linear load (Figure 1.1). 4 The other disadvantage is that the current of the filter is not controllable and it can also produce reactive power. Further, passive power filters have the problem of resonance. Active filters: A different solution has been recently introduced as a result of the advances in power semiconductors. Insulation Gate Bi-polar Transistors (IGBTs) made possible to have a power switch with nearly ideal performance and reliability. Consequently two new types of equipments were developed: the Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) -Unity Power Factor rectifiers and the Active Power Filters (APF). By construction, an active filter is similar to a PWM unity power factor rectifier, but different to it by the fact that the inverter for APF applications present a forth IGBT leg or a centre tap on the main filtering capacitor battery which is connected to the neutral [4], 5 1.5. Active Power Filters Active power filters were initially proposed by Sasaki and Machida in 1971, as a means of removing current harmonics [5], An active power filter uses a switching inverter to produce harmonic compensating currents. The basic principle of Active Power Filter (APF) is to utilize power electronics technologies to produce specified current components that cancel the harmonic current components caused by harmonic producing loads. Active power filters can perform one or more of the functions required to compensate power systems and to improve power quality. Their performance depends on the power rating and the speed of response. Active power line conditioners are typically equipped with IGBT or GTO (Gate Turn Off) thyristors, voltage source PWM converters and connected to low and medium voltage distribution systems arranged in shunt, series or both at the same time. In comparison to conventional passive LC filters, active power filters offer very fast control response and more flexibility in defining the required control tasks for a particular application. Smaller sizes of the component and been more economical solution are the major advantages of using active filters for harmonic mitigation. The two major types of active power filters are series active power filters and shunt or parallel active power filters. Shunt active power filters operate as a controllable current source and series active power filters operates as a controllable voltage source. The selection of the type of active power filter to improve power quality depends on the source of the problem. 6 Parallel active power filter compensate current harmonics by injecting equal-but- opposite harmonic compensating current. In this case the shunt active power filter operates as a current source that injects harmonic components generated by the load but with a phase shifted at 180°. This principle is applicable to any type of load that is considered as a harmonic source. Moreover, with an appropriate control scheme, the active power filter can also compensate the load power factor. The concept of parallel or shunt active filter can be illustrated by the following figure. Line Current r JL v y Power Distr ibution Equivalent Circuit Load Current i J. I „ Non Linear Load /* Filter Current u Paral lel Active Power Filter Figure 1.2: Compensation characteristics of a parallel active power filter Numerous applications of active power filters are described in literature [6-10], 7 1.6. Objectives Therefore the major objective of this project was to eliminate effects of harmonics and to improve power factor by using a parallel active power filter, i.e. to connect an additional unit (the parallel filter) to the utility in order to inject the appropriate compensation current to eliminate harmonics and to improve power factor. The specific objectives include (1) study and understand the harmonic effects, (2) decide the APF suitable for current shaping and (3) simulating for results. 1.7. Thesis Organization The thesis is composed of four main chapters. The first chapter brief the research background and the motivation of the work been produced. The same also introduces objectives of the research. The research methodology is described in the second chapter. The subject material is detailed under four main topics viz. (1) data acquisition, (2) data analysis, (3) simulating for results and (4) validation of results Results of the projects are given in the chapter three. The results are presented in four main sections, namely (1) acquired signals, (2) required filter current (3) simulation results and (4) validation of the results. The project is discussed in the chapter four. This includes a general discussion of the results, specific problems arising from the methodology, protective measures implemented, as well as a discussion of the results and suggestions for future. 8 CHAPTER 2 METHODOLOGY The project basically focus on five main topics viz (1) acquisition of voltage and current signals of a power appliance, (2) analysis of the acquired signals, (3) determination of the appropriate filter (4) simulation to implement active power filter, (5) validation of the acquired circuit parameters. 2.1. Acquisition of voltage and current signals of the power appliance Accuracy in acquiring voltage and current signals is the major factor that determines the research outcome as well as the value of the results. Type of load, properties of the data acquisition card and auxiliary hardware circuit has to be compatible for proper and efficient functioning of the system. 2.1.1. Sample load Extremely high frequency components are not usually present in computer power suppliers since they are supported with passive low pass filters (Annex_1). According to the preliminary studies made on computer power supply the approximate current wave form maintain a high peak to rms ratio (or crest factor). Use of Rectifiers (to convert AC to DC voltage) is a known cause to produce such observations. 9 Power rating of computer power supply utilized as the sample load was 400 W. However since the power demand of a computer is determined by several factors, including weather different components such as cooling fans, optical drivers, hard disk drives and processor are activated or not, on average the power demand of the sample load was around 150 W (without monitor). Once the data is acquired at a particular instant, it was assumed that the power is constant for the period of operation. However for better performance data acquisition at regular intervals is needed. 2.1.2. Data acquisition card The National Instruments USB-6008 multifunction data acquisition (DAQ) module (Annex_2) was used to acquire data from the sample load viz. the computer power supply. MATLAB software facilitates data communication with the Nl USB-6008. USB-6008 is supported in Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.8 (MATLAB R2006a) or newer. There were eight analog input channels of which the input resolution was 12 bit and the maximum sampling rate was up to 10 kS/s. The input impedance was 144 KQ. The input range and the relevant level of accuracy are given in the table 1. Table 2.1: The input range and the relevant level of accuracy. Input range (V) ±20 ±10 ±5 ±2 ±1 Accuracy (mV) 14.7 7.75 4.28 2.21 1.53 Details of the National Instruments USB 6008 DAQ card can be obtained online via http://sine.ni.eom/nips/cds/view/p/lanq/en/nid/14604. 10 2.1.3. Hardware circuit The circuit diagram of the hardware circuit that was utilized to obtain the voltage and current signal of the sample load is given below. 230V @ 2 . OA 0 . 1 5 A 5 . 6K l} 2 7 0 K 2 7 0 K 5 . 6 K 0 . 6 0 R / 7 W H M n L-AA/V-1 0 . 6 0 R / 7 W Voltage Current . Signal Signal LOAD Figure 2.1: Hardware circuit to obtain voltage and current signals Procedure to acquire the current signal: Current signal was acquired using a series resistor. This configuration causes voltage reduction across the sample load. Therefore for higher accuracy the voltage across the resistor was maintained at minimum, approximately 0.2 - 0.3 V rms. Procedure to acquire the voltage signal: In order to obtain the voltage signal a potential divider technique was incorporated to the circuit such that the arrangement satisfy the following conditions (1) to limit power consumption at a 11 minimum; (2) to limit peak value of the voltage wave around 1 -2 V. Application of the above conditions enables the voltage signal to be acquired within the same range where the current signal falls. The same further minimizes power losses. Protective measures: Thermal fuses, 2.0 A fuse in the load path and a 0.15 A fuse in the potential divider path of the circuit, were used as over current protectors. An additional resister in parallel configuration was used as a protective measurement against open circuit faults when measuring voltage across a resister. Similarly two resisters in series were used as the non measuring resister of potential divider to prevent failures due to short circuiting of the particular resister. Maximum measuring limits were kept substantially lower than the maximum limits of the input range in order to minimize damages to the data acquisition card due to high voltage. 2.1.4. Acquisition of voltage and current signals using MATLAB The device and two of the channels within were configured to obtain current and voltage signals by specific MATLAB commands. Sampling rate was set to a value of 5000 samples per second, which is half of the maximum sampling rate available. The sample rate was determined such that the data bulk does not overload the data acquisition card. By selecting the sample rate as 5000 samples per second, the system can identify up to 50th harmonic which is adequate for general applications. 12 The device was triggered by using the voltage signal. Data acquisition was triggered at zero and at the rising crossings of the voltage signal. Data was acquired throughout a single complete power cycle at a time. 2.1.5. MATLAB Data acquisition tool box Data Acquisition Toolbox provides a complete set of tools for analog input, analog output, and digital I/O from a variety of PC-compatible data acquisition hardware. The toolbox permits to configure external hardware devices, read data into MATLAB and Simulink environments for immediate analysis, and send out data [11], Figure 2.2: Schematic representation of the data acquisition using MATLAB MATLAB Data acquisition tool box version 2.8 or above is required to communicate with Nl USB 6008. DAQ tool box 2.8 or above is available at MATLAB R14SP3+ or later versions. MATLAB commands used for data acquisition are illustrated on the following figure (Figure 2.3). Commands are described by bold letters. 13 a i = a n a l o g i n p u t ( ' n i d a q ' , ' D e v i 1 ) ; % Configure an National Instruments DAQ input Object V o l t a g e = a d d c h a n n e l ( a i , 1 ) ; % Add channel of input object C u r r e n t = a d d c h a n n e l ( a i , 0 ) ; ai.SampleRate = 5000; % Set sampling rate ai.SamplesPerTrigger =0.02*5000; % Set number of samples per one trigger set(ai, 'TriggerType', 1 software'); % software trigger is used set(ai, 'TriggerRepeat', 0); % Execute the trigger once when the trigger condition is met. set (ai, 'TriggerCondition','rising') ; % The trigger occurs when the signal has a positive slope when passing through the specified value set(ai, 'TriggerConditionValue' , 0) ; % set specified value for TriggerCondition set(ai, 'TimeOut', 2); % Specify the waiting time to complete a read or write operation set(ai,'TriggerChannel',ai.Channel(1)) % Specify channel serving as trigger source start(ai); % To start ai [d,t] = getdata(ai); % To acquire data for under conditions stop(ai); % To stop ai Figure 2.3: MATLAB commands used for data acquisition 14 2.1. Analysis of acquired signals using MATLAB The acquired voltage and current signals was analyzed subsequently in order to obtain parameters of the wave forms including instantaneous values, root mean square (rms) values, active power, effective power factor, total harmonic distortion (THD), harmonic spectrum, percentage harmonics, and distortion factor. Low magnitude higher order harmonics were shed for convenience in data analysis. Instantaneous values of voltage and current Instantaneous voltage was determined by multiplying the acquired voltage signal by a factor of 194. Factor 194 arises from the ratio of resistors of the potential divider. The instantaneous current values were obtained by dividing the voltage across the series resistor, by which the current signal is determined, by the resistance of the same. The resistance value is 0.3. RMS values of voltage and current Root mean square (rms) value of voltage (Vrms) and current (Irms) signals were calculated by the square roots of the average sum of square values of the sample points. rms value = V(Sum of square of instantaneous values/No of samples) Active power Active power (P) was obtained by integrating the product of instantaneous voltage and current values for a complete power cycle using following relationship. t+T Active Power (P) = J (V(t). I(t))dt t Where t indicated time, T was the period of the wave, and V(t) and l(t) were instantaneous voltage and current values 15 Effective power factor Effective power factor was calculated by dividing the active power calculated as above by both Vrms and Irms. , . , „ . . . Active power(P) Effective power factor ((b) = — Vrms x Irms Total harmonic distortion (THD) Magnitudes of harmonics were acquired by fast Fourier transform of instantaneous signals. The harmonic magnitudes were then used to calculate THD as follows. Total harmonic distortion(THD) = A22 + A2+A2 + - + A5, Where AN is the amplitude of N harmonic component. Harmonic spectrum and percentage harmonics Harmonic magnitudes obtained by fast Fourier transformation were used to obtain harmonic spectrum and the percentage harmonic magnitudes. Distortion factor Distortion factor was calculated using the following relationship. 1 Distortion factor = V l + THD2 All MATLAB commands used for waveform analysis are illustrated in the following figure (Figure 2.6). 16 %Instantaneous voltage and current V = 19 4 * d(:,1); I = d(:,2)/30; %Calculating tirue power. P = trapz(t,V.*I)/T; %Calculating RMS values. Vrms = sqrt(sum(V.A2)/(N-l)); Irms = sqrt(sum(I.A2)/(N-l)); %Calculating effective power factor. EPF = P/(Vrms*Irms); %Calculating FFT of current signal. X = f f t ( I ' ) ; Ampl i tudes = [X(l)/N, 2*abs(X(2:N))/N]; %Error correction K= floor(N/2); Amplitudes = Amplitudes(1:K); %Calculating Total Harmonic Distortion. THD = sqrt(Amplitudes(3:K)*(Amplitudes(3:K))')/Amplitudes(2) %Calculating Distortion Factor DF = (1+THDA2)A(-0.5); %Calculating Precentage Harmonic Levels. H_Percent = 100*Amp l i t udes /Amp l i t udes (2 ) ; %Shedding Negligable Percentages. k = K; while H_Percent(k)<2 if H_Percent(k)<2 H_Percent = H_Percent(1:k-1); end; k=k-l; end; Figure 2.4: MATLAB commands used for waveform analysis 17 2-3. Determination of the appropriate filter current Load current was obtained directly using the data acquisition card as described in section 2.1.1.The ideal sinusoidal total current was determined using the following equation. P = VI cos = power factor. P and V were obtained as described in section 2.1.4. In order to keep the ideal current in the same phase with the voltage, power factor was considered as unity. Then, T _ P 1 — » Equation--2 The total current obtained from the utility for the whole system, consisting of the sample load (computer power supply) and the filter, is equal to the sum of load current and the filter current as the filter is configured in parallel with the load. Therefore filter current is equal to the subtraction of actual load current from the ideal sinusoidal total current. 18 2.4. UNIVERSITY 0irMORATUWA,SRllANKA NiGHATUWA Simulation to implement active power filter Once the appropriate current was determined as described above, a circuit was constructed in simulation, by which the correct current waveform could be generated. 2.4.1 Circuit arrangement of the simulation Filter current was implemented by switching an inductor using four insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) arranged in H bridge configuration. A charged capacitor was employed to provide the appropriate voltage to the inductor and thereby the required current was obtained. To charge the capacitor a step up transformer with a full bridge rectifier convertor was used. The simulation circuit is given in Figure 2.5. S1-S4 are IGBT switches. Figure 2.5: Circuit diagram of the parallel active filter The simulation circuit was implemented using MATLAB Simulink software tool. 19 9 2 9 7 a „ TH D Fi gu re 2. 6: S im ul at io n ci rc ui t As the sampling rate available in the Nl USB 6008 data acquisition card was not sufficient for precise implementation of the simulation, the number of sample points was increased by generating additional sample points using the MATLAB software. For-loop technique was made use of assuming linearity between two adjacent sample points for the purpose (Annex_3). Current signal and voltage signal acquired from Data Acquisition Card was saved as "V" and "I" in MATLAB workspace. As described in section 2.3, filter current was determined and saved in MATLAB workspace as "Fil_current". Subsequently the acquired load current was saved as "Load_current" in MATLAB workspace, for convenience in identification. The current signal need to be obtained by switching circuit (ir) was determined by subtracting capacitor charging current from the filter current. Deference between the current described above (ir) and the actual current through the inductor was fed to the switching signal generator via a PI controller. Subsequently the signals generated by the switching signal generator were fed to IGBTs. The total current of the system was obtained by adding acquired load current, charging circuit current and current through the inductor. 2.4.2 Simulation to obtain circuit parameters of the active filter THD was used as the measure of harmonic content. Hence, the optimal circuit parameters of the active filter were obtained by minimizing THD. The capacitance of the capacitor need to be sufficient in order to deliver the appropriate electrical charge to the system. Yet, installing a large capacitor is not 21 feasible because of physical size of it and the cost. A capacitor with the capacity of 200 pF was used in the simulation. Inductance of the switching inductor, voltage of the step up transformer and the switching frequency of the system were worked out by simulation. However, THD of the simulation circuit varies with all three factors mentioned above i.e. (1) inductance of the Inductor, (2) output voltage of the step up transformer, (3) switching frequency of IGBTs. The simulation program was highly complex since all three factors were to be optimized simultaneously. Therefore, the first parameter was optimized while the other two were kept under minimum sensitivity. Once one of the parameters was optimized as above the next was optimized for the optimum value of the first parameter. Determination of the inductance of the switching inductor: Application of the appropriate inductance is essential as in a given voltage; large inductance has less potential to remove higher order harmonics. On the other hand the wave signals tend to deviate more from the reference wave when the inductance was small. A range of inductance values starting from 10 mH up to 100 mH in intervals of 10 mH were studied under four different' combinations of two different switching frequencies viz. (1) 50 kHz, (2) 100 kHz, and transformer voltages viz. (1) 300V and (2) 400 V. The resulting waveforms and Total harmonic distortions (THDs) were observed. Physical parameters (size) of the inductor were important as when Inductors of high inductance were bulky and hence not suitable for low power applications as the one 22 being studied. Therefore Inductors of inductance higher than 100 mH was not considered in the simulation. • Voltage of the step up transformer: The appropriate inductance was identified as 50mH. Higher voltages increase handling difficulties, insulation requirements and require equipments with high rated voltage. In contrast low voltages were incapable to supply the required filter current. Therefore four different transformer voltages; 250 V, 300 V, 350 V, 400 V were studied at three switching frequencies 20 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz. The resulting waveforms and THD were observed. Switching frequency of the system: As described above the proper inductance and Transformer voltage were identified as 50 mH and 350 V respectively. The waveforms and THDs were studied at a range of switching frequencies starting from 5 kHz up to 200 kHz at 50 mH inductance and 350V step up transformer voltage. Even though high switching frequencies were considered in the simulation such is extremely difficult to achieve in practical applications. 2.5. Validation of the acquired circuit parameters At the best possible inductance of 50mH, transformer voltage of 350V, and switching frequency of 100 kHz which were chosen by the simulation, the behavior of the active power filter was studied under different (1) load variations (50% to 200%) and (2) system voltage variations (90% to 110%). Total harmonic distortion and the current wave form were observed. 23 CHAPTER 3 RESULTS 3.1. Electrical parameters of the sample load 3.1.1. Voltage signal of the sample load With the exception of a slight distortion observed towards the peaks, the voltage wave of the sample load was nearly perfect sinusoidal wave. Higher order harmonics were negligibly low (Figure 3.1). 4 0 0 A 300 200 100 > — 0 oi 03 ± : ' 6 5 -100 -200 -300 -400 Time (s) r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Harmonic Order Figure 3.1: Voltage signal of the sample load. (A) voltage waveform, (B) voltage harmonic distribution 24 B o 6 0 C o E 3.1.2. Current signal of the sample load Unlike the voltage waveform of the load current was highly distorted, and in addition to the fundermental higher order harmonics were quite prominent. Among them the 3rd, 5th,7th and 9th order harmonics were foremost. 0 . 0 6 Time (s) B 120 100 --_• 80 o 60 'c o E A3W1 uoneaifdde |N jo FJ9)E| JO) suGiaia-. 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O\ DN NG-N JO -U asn m ova uoiiou^ii|n|/\| PAIOAAOJ-SNG 'ISOQ-MO-| 2-xeuuv Annex-3 MATLAB commands used for increasing sampling rate I(101,:)=I(1,:); N=100; for i = 0:99 for j = 1 :N 11 (i*N+j,:)=l(j+1,:)+((I(i+2,:)- I(i+l,:))*j/N); end end for k = 1:10000 T(k,:)=(k-1)*0.000002; end Tl=[T;T+0.02;T+0.04;T+0.06;T+0.08]; I2=[I1;I1;I1;I1;I1]; Load _current = [T1 12]; V(101,:)=V(1,:); for 1 = 0:99 for m = 1 :N V I (l*N+m,:)=V(l+l,:)+(( V(l+2,:)- V(l+l,:))*m /N); end end V2=[V1;V1;V1;V1;V1]; Load _voltage =[T1 V2];