/sen /£>"> If ERGONOMIC ASPECTS IN DESIGNING PEDAL CAR ;j;l!!VF:!S:: V , iViC-.AVL.'WA. S3i iARSZSA O R A T U W A by M.S.M. Zuhair Supervised by Dr. M.A.R.V. Fernando This thesis was submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Moratuwa in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka July- 2006 U n i v e r s i t y o f M o r a t u w a 87887 8 7 8 8 7 DECLARATION This Dissertation paper contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any University or equivalent institution in Sri Lanka or abroad, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by any other person, except where due reference is made in the text of this Dissertation. I carried out the work described in this Dissertation under the supervision of Dr.M.A.R.V. Fernanado. Signature Date : 18 m July, 2006 Name of Student : M.S.M. Zuhair Registration No : 02/9641 Signature Date Name of Supervisor : Dr. M.A.R.V. Fernanado ii Abstract Transportation has become one of the key issues currently we face in Sri Lanka. Situation has become more complex with soaring fuel price, further petroleum fuel powered vehicle causes enormous environmental problems particularly in urban areas. On the other hand being a poor nation, Automobile is a luxury for the average person. Therefore the use of Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) for day to day transportation becomes worth investigation and promotion. The simplest and oldest HPV, Pedal-cycle (Push bike) is being widely used both in village and urban areas for their day-to-day work especially for short distance traveling. However this has several drawbacks, some of which are (1).Rider is not protected from sun and rain. (2). encounters poor balancing while moving (3) Rider often ends up with severe injuries during an accidents. (4) Danger is more compared with other motor vehicles due to very high direct impact. (5). Bike is not being in fashion in Sri Lanka particularly among our younger generation. In countries like in Bangladesh "Rickshaw" is very popular in city areas for transporting goods and people particularly for short distances. A survey in Dhaka showed rickshaw takes the highest share, accounting for 35 percent. This is in spite that the design of these machines are with no regard to "Ergonomic" aspects. A proper Ergonomically designed human powered vehicle will be not only to work efficiently, but also to reduce the rider fatigue. Accordingly a novel HPV, a pedal car, was designed taking in to consideration ergonomic aspects and other features. One embodiment was fabricated, tested and exhibited attracting strong interest from public. This article deals with the development of Ergonomic aspects of the Pedal Car. iii Acknowledgments My most sincere gratitude is due to Dr. M.A.R.V. Fernando, senior lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, for his mature guidance and concern without which this study would not have been possible. Particular thanks must go to Dr. G.K. Wathugala, senior lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, for many valuable insights and continues guidance and support given during my academic period for this study. My gratitude also goes to Mr. A.Edirisingha and his team at Government Factory (Kolonnawa) and Mr. M.L.C.Y Molligoda for the support given to me as subordinate researchers. At last, to countless other people who have been generous with their time, support, and encouragement please know I am great full to you all. iv Table of Contents Page No £ Title i Abstract iii Acknowledgments iv List of contents v List of illustration viii List of Table ix Chapter 1 - Introduction 1 ^? 1.1 Over view 1 -3 V 1.2 Background of the Problem 3-4 Chapter 2 - Literature Review 5 2.1 Ergonomic Aspects 6-7 2.1.1 Energy requirement for pedaling. 7-9 # 2.1.2 Effect of Equipment & Inertial weight on Pedaling 9-10 2.1.3 Effect of Air Drag, Wind and Drafting on the Rider 11-13 2.1.4 Speed, Acceleration & Power requirement at various Speed 13-15 2.1.5 Evaluating Energy requirements of the Rider for Pedaling 15-19 2.1.6 Important Factors to be considered Seat designing. 20-21 * 2.1.7 Anthropometrics for Seat Design 21 -26 2.1.8 Pedaling at "Recumbent position" 26-31 2.1.9 Effect of crank arm -length on Pedaling duration in Recumbent position 32-37 2.2 Automotive Vehicle Propulsion 37 2.2.1 Resistance to Forward Motion 37-39 2.2.2 Gradient Resistance in moving non flat roads 40 2.2.3 Air Resistance 40 2.2.4 Traction Resistance (Axle) 41 2.2.5 Demand Power 41-42 2.3 Chassis & Body construction 42 2.3.1 Main frame construction 42-45 C h a p t e r 3 - G o v e r n i n g Pr inc ip les of cons truc t ing pedal car 4 6 3.1 Evaluating the Energy requirement for pedaling 46-48 3.2 Appropriate crank arm length for recumbent position 48-49 3.3 Total forces on the rider 49-50 3.4 Engineering principles of vehicle propulsion. 51-53 vi Chapter 4- Embodiment of the First Prototype 54 4.1 Selection of chassis frame 54-55 4.2 Application of Recumbent position for maximum power usage. 55-56 4.3 Determining optimum seat angel & seating posture 57-59 4.4 Determining optimum crank angle 59-62 4.5 Seat Pan contour, cushioning & Suspension 62-63 4.6 Matching Anthropometric data in frame construction 63-64 4.7 Fabrication of the Prototype 65-67 Chapter 5 - Test Performance of the First Prototype 68 # 5.1 Testing the Model for Rigidity using COSMOS Analysis 68-72 Chapter 6 - Conclusion 73 6.1 Related issues in constructing the model and subsequent testing 73 6.2 Further improvements to be done in future embodiments 74-82 BIBLIOGRAPHY * APPENDIX I - Bill of Materials for construction of Pedal car Al APPENDIX II - Drawings of the model B1-B2 APPENDIX III - Photograph of the peddle car in construction stages. C1-C4 vii * List of Illustrations Figure Page No. Rider Distance VS Time 13 Rider speed VS Time 14 Rider Acceleration VS Time 15 Rider Power VS Speed 16 Energy consumptions Vs Velocity 17 "AnyBody" Model muscle recruitments 19 Pressure on the Spine at seating posture 20 Anthropometric Data for seat designing 21 Recumbent positions 28 Optimum crank arm length 34 Frame types "Delta" Vs "Tad Pole" 42 4.1.2 Initial Model 52 4.5.1 Front & Rear suspension 56 5.1.1 Defection on frame at various loading vales 64 6.2.2 Hand Power Assisted Mechanism 69 6.2.5 Energy Storing Device 71 6.2.7 Aerodynamics Body Shapes 72 viii t List of Tables Table Pafie No. Anttiropometric Data for seat design 22 g Cycling duration and joint angles 33 Rolling Resistance 37 4.2.1 Percentile values of stature of Male (Sri Lankan) 53 4.3.1 Anthropometric Data Seat dimensions 54 4.6.1 Percentile values of weight of Male & Female (Sri Lankan) 58 5.1.1 COSMOS Analysis results (for load testing frame) 63 ix