REFERENCES -.... ;ilL''- ;111d < icncratton Dt~lJ; Jrt long lerm (icncration L\pansion Plan 2000 2014. .• , rd . . \.)(. antll~rnando. P'\ ·J'JH: H<>l <>pt1on. Conilict:-. and (\nnprnmJ'-l''- LT~\ J>nlic~. \'ol 23. '\Jumhcr X. 199" 'rd .. \.k .. I k. Y.<) and FL·rnando. J> . ~ .. ·Pri\lltc 111\Cstmcnt 111 p11\\L'I' .111 rat tons !rom the least co-.t L':-.pansron plan· . lEL Proc.- S I '-' 'JL'\\ ol I cast Cost Generation J>lan. Llectnl\\alt l :ngincering . .lui: I X-l ,. cr ~lanual l(>r L inear. Integer. ,md <)uadratic Progranuning ''ith 1.1\J)< >. Rek;,..,L . • h11) d & fraser publishing compan) .... ''· ''" ''Ill•'''' lllf1')\1'l'r sct' lor <\ dL'I'Itlllnll' /rom lealfl·o.IIJ1/an