Master of Science in Information Technology
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- item: Thesis-Abstract3 Dimensional visualization of code smells(2022) Hasantha PAC; Wijesiriwardana CBad code smells are symptoms of design flaws in source code. Several tools and approaches have been proposed for detecting and visualizing code smells. To maintain the software quality, prioritizing the identification and removal of code smells are required. Identifying the code smells using visualization will helpful developers to understand and refactor the code. This study proposes a novel 3D metaphor to detect and visualize code smells by using a combination of the code city and island metaphor visualization techniques. Proposed model identifies and visualizes the code smell at different abstraction levels in a proper understandable aspect. This model evaluates by using several open source software projects and visualizing the detected code smells in abstraction levels such as classes, methods. The proposed model will allow for more research into code smell visualization and it will keep better focus on the needs of developers
- item: Thesis-AbstractABC supermarket replenishment systems(7/20/2011) Hewamanne, AUWith the current speedy socio-economic transition III Sri Lanka, emergence of employment opportunities with higher monthly household income is inevitable. The more the employee is paid the more the employee dedicates his time on the job. This fact made males and females living in and around urban and semi urban areas to look for "One Stop Shopping" on their way home. Having identified this golden opportunity, Supermarket concept came in to action. Since the competition among supermarkets in Sri Lanka is increasing immensely, retaining current customers and attracting potential customers has become a herculean task for all the supermarkets. Therefore, an accurate sales forecasting is one of the key success factors which decide the successful existence of supermarkets. An integrated IT solution is implemented at ABC Supermarket comprising sales and stock data that can help to perform accurate sales forecasting through centralized order replenishment system while eliminating manual intervention and thereby maintain and improve customer service levels under dynamic operating conditions. Currently ABC Supermarket has an ordering system but it is purely based on the hypothetical analysis of the branch manager and store keeper. Hence the current system consumes considerable amount of man hours unnecessarily of which can be used on other productive activities. This dissertation describes technology adopted, approach to solve identified issues, analysis and design, implementation, evaluation and conclusion of the newly commissioned replenishment system of the ABC Supermarket. Having implemented the new replenishment system at ABC Supermarket, the accuracy of sales forecasting is being happened at a greater accuracy and thereby increasing the profits and reducing the no stock situations. Also, reducing manual intervention to a greater extent saves considerable amount of man hours of which can be used on other productive activities.
- item: Thesis-AbstractAccess monitoring & control system for Sri Lanka Air Force(7/20/2011) Sanjaka, BVMSAn increasing number of democratically elected governments including Sri Lanka are facing challenge of terrorism. The United Nations has identified terrorism as a threat to good governance. According to the prevailing situation of our country, security has become the most concerned for everybody since the high involvement of present humanity rescue mission. Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) has to face severe threats from LTTE carders. However, there is no proper Access Control and Monitoring System for authorization process at main guard rooms of SLAF. Because of this security weakness, enemy may enter in to any SLAF camp easily. New Access Monitoring and Control System was implemented with the help of available resources like personal service identification card which has been encoded as a secret data, using simple magnetic card reader with keyboard emulation mode and thin client terminal for data reader from service identity card and display details with photograph of serviceman. Further voice alert have been improved to draw attention of the policeman when unauthorized movements take place through the guard room. In the implementation process, SQL Server, .Net Environment with windows 2003 server, web and client server technology have been used with more security features. The Access Monitoring and Control System have been implemented as a pilot project at Sri Lanka Air Force Head Quarters. The system evaluation has found that this has improved the mechanism of identification of authorized and unauthorized people efficiency, reducing the queue and authentication time. It is expected to improve the security of serviceman and to get an online parade sheet preparation facility through improved management decision process with concurrent attendant details; and in addition to that a new weapon checking process has also been confirmed from civil society security. Finally, still there is no computer-based authentication process is used in any forces in Sri Lanka; this is the first experience for serviceman. This project is successfully achieved for all functional requirements as proposed and very low cost solution to improve the security level of any institution. I am satisfied as a serviceman hence Access Monitoring and Control System have been fulfilled the national requirement of Sri Lanka.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAccurate decision support system for food nutritional analysis(2019) Kumarasinghe SI; Premaratne SCCalculate nutrient intake from food consumption details is an uninteresting, time consuming, error-prone task when the data is fed by manually. People check the label of foods for various purposes. Many customers would like to know how to use this food label details more easily as well as effectively. So, there should be an easy methodology to identify users who need nutritional care as well as with measurements of nutritional facts. Food nutrients appear together in foods as well as dietary patterns, and the general effects of dietary choices according to patterns are not well understood. Overweight and obese are major problems in the world. Obesity occurs from weight gains over long time. Therefore, correct and accurate nutritional analysis is very significant to the current society. Personal nutrient guide by calculating nutrient intake, predict nutritious foods/meals by considering the health and willingness, predict en exercise schedule for the user and forecast health condition for individuals are the main modules of this research project which are made accurate decision support system for food nutritional analysis. According to implementation of this decision support system for food nutritional analysis, using Fatsecret API calls, fetched food items with their nutrient amounts as well as exercise details. Client can be a registered user and enter his weight, age and sex with his health condition to have a diet plan. Not only that if someone need to lose his weight or gain his weight, there also diet plan and exercises schedules. Admin can access these records and keep history data to get the most frequent food items. For the history data, use the advanced data generator for MySql, populate thousands of records to develop the data set for associate data mining. Outputs are when a user has two diseases, then recommended frequent food items for both diseases. Not only that, if a user wants to lose weight or gain weight, then give suggestions for relevant food items and give three or four exercises with time durations to control his body weight.
- item: Thesis-Full-textActivity management and monitoring system for the product certification scheme(7/20/2011) Perera, PRSC; Perera, PRSCThe awareness about the gap between usage of information technology and day to day working practices of office is increasing. Activity management and monitoring system for product certification scheme introduced to Sri Lanka Standards Institution is one example for that. Product certification activities are currently handled using traditional manual system. Activity management and monitoring system are designed to manage and monitor applicant details, 'SLS' mark holders' detail, audit details and fee recovery process. In this system fee recovery details, audit details and 'SLS' mark holders' details are updated by project officers. They are in deferent divisions. Web base system is selected for this project, so that, easy and remote access can be done. PHP, HTML, Java Script and MySQL are used to develop this system. First, feasibility study was carried out and identified the functional requirement and the non functional requirements for the existing system. At this stage, persons were interviewed, documents were reviewed and processes were studied in details manner. Use case diagrams and activity diagrams were drawn for existing system and problems and weaknesses were identified. Then, functional and non functional were decided and organized so that customer requirements are satisfied for the proposed system. The aim and objective of this project were set so that problems and weaknesses eliminated. After coming to agreement with client, use case diagrams and activity diagrams were drawn and use case descriptions were listed in black and white. With the help of use case diagram and activity diagram, sequence diagrams were drawn and class diagram is drawn taking input as sequence diagrams. Having knowledge of above all, entity relationship diagram and relational tables which were normalized in third normal form were decided as the basement of data base tables. After that, user interface were design taking into consideration of activity diagrams, use case diagrams and tables decided for data base. World accepted colour wheel concept was used for colour matching for user interface. As the first step of implementation, database was built using My-SQL. After that, coding of the software project was done using PHP, Java script and HTML. Graphical user interface (GUI) was decided -based on interface classes and GUI was designed using Dream Viewer. Software evaluation and validation were done to ensure whether software product was according to the software-requirement specifications. Software product testing and validation were done to minimize the design errors, mistakes and slips. As a summery of this project thesis, brief description of whole chapters from introduction to evaluation and testing were described in the final chapters. Users' feed backs and customer satisfaction were good proof to say that Aim and objectives of the Activity Management and Monitoring System are achieved successfully.
- item: Thesis-AbstractActivity planning system(3/28/2011) Kumarage, KRSP; Kumarage, KRSPGarment sector could be identified as one of the most competitive industries which is driven by orders with a minimum lead time. On the other hand, the bargaining power of the suppliers is considered to be low and for these reasons, timely delivery of the orders is crucial for survival in the industry. In this context. IT has to play a vital role in achieving productivity as the w inning edge of competitive advantage. In the garment trade, when an order is received it is required to plan the completion dates of the order and the related activities. Even though the Critical Path Concept (comes under the Network Analysis in Operations Management) can be used for this task, this conceptual approach is not being taken in most of the Apparel Manufacturing firms in Sri Lanka In this project, an IT based solution would be provided to the Apparel Sector by designing and developing an "Activity Planning System" with the objective of facilitating efficient & effective planning and execution of orders w hits optimizing the usage of limited available resources./ Based on the theory of Critical Path Analysis, this project automates the Critical Path of an order (which is referred hereafter as the "Activity Plan") and gives an interface to follow up the progresses of the various activities conducted by users in multiple locations till the completion of the activities. The system automates the generating of Activity Plans for orders according to a pre-defined activity set specific to each buyer, taking the available resources and constraints into account The system determines and highlights the critical and non-critical activities and facilitates actual progress update of various activities. This would be done by maintaining target dates & actual completion dates of various tasks and updating the actual completion dates by different people in different departments at multiple destinations. It also highlights any deviations against the plans and indicates the feasibility of the achieve ing the delivery dates./ Although there are few tools available in the market which consist of some of the above features, those solutions arc too expensive to afford or do not cater to the industry specific requirements. This system economically caters to all the industry specific requirements captured in the study. The system was developed using PowerBuilder / Sybase Technology and the Analysis & Design was carried out using Object Oriented Methodology/ UML. The system also contains a web portal which was developed using Java/JSP & Apache-Tomcat Server.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAdvanced migration of schema and data across multiple databasesDissanayake, DMWE; Premaratne, SCMigration of existing databases is an unavoidable task in modern technical and business environment. Most of the time, the DBAs are forced to work with a tight budget to choose the ideal software to accomplish the migration requirement of their organization and complete the process within a limited time period. When considering the commercial and freely available data migration tools we found a number of disadvantages. Some of the tools are very expensive. Therefore the management of small scale companies may not approve purchasing such software unless they and are convinced it's a necessary expenditure as well as a good investment for the future. Even though they offer many features, some of the tools are suitable only for cloud based migrations. Some of the tools can only perform the migration process, inwards. Some tools are not available as standalone programs, so the customer has to purchase the whole software package which the required tool is included. Some tools don’t provide GUI for the users. Therefore the user must have good programming knowledge in order to work with it. In order to overcome these issues, I. M. Wijewardana presented a solution which offers an open and extensible migration process with attractive and user-friendly interfaces. However there are some important features yet to be implemented, including the features which have been suggested as future work by Wijewardana and colleagues. With this research, we have extended the work of I.M. Wijewardana and implemented the following features. Handling the effects of primary key change of a table in between two data migration sessions. Informing the relevant details to the user or take action based on user preferences in an event of existing data replacement. Incremental update of data: Facility to update tables column-wise as well as row-wise, without causing any loss of data. Handling changes when the number of columns in a table (in source database / target database) gets increased / decreased. Handling changes when the constraints of table columns get changed. Facility to migrate the parent tables of a table which were initially selected to migrate based on relationships between the tables. Handling table and column name changes, column mapping, data type mapping. Migrating data based on different criteria (Data selection via SQL queries). Rollback database to a stable / pre-migration state in an event of unsuccessful data migration
- item: Thesis-Full-textAlarm monitoring system for Hutchison Telecom HAM(7/20/2011) Udayanga, VGN; Udayanga, VGNHutchison Telecom has more then 600 BTSs (Base Transceiver Station) Sites island wide. Each site sends its failure details to its server as Alarm records. Alarms are generated in all BTSs and Alarm records are collected at Servers (BSS Servers) for daily maintenance works. Alarms are displayed on client machines locate in OMC (Operation and Maintenance Center).However there are 5 client machines for Alarm monitoring. These machines are used for dynamic monitoring, software upgrading, site creation and "Daily maintenance Report" generation other than the Alarm monitoring. Also Alarm monitoring is not an easy job, because officers have to move to each client machines and first search site location and then open site Alarm window and search current Alarms. Hutchison does not have a perfect alarm monitoring system. Sometimes the alarm indication message displayed is incorrect. Proper Alarm monitoring system is the solution for the above issue. The main intention of this project is a Real time Alarm monitoring system for GSM sites located all over the island. To understand the proposed system functionality, Use Case diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Use Case Descriptions were designed. Based on these diagrams Sequence Diagrams were designed and then Class Diagram was decided. For Database design ER diagram created and hence relational tables and Normalized to Third Normal Form. Finally Implementation and "Testing carried out for this good software system as a better Alarm Monitoring System for Hutchison Telecom. This system is the best solution for the staff of Hutchison Telecommunication (Pvt.) Ltd. The system is helped to realize most important events relate to operation and maintenance. This system successfully answered the main problems identified in the- previous Alarm monitoring system which 'was not real-time and wrong alarms create.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAnalysing citizen profiles with data miningMohotti, WA; Premarathne, SCThere is an exponential growth in issues attached with lifestyles of Sri Lankans over the past few decades. These may contribute to low down the life quality within citizens. In Sri Lanka, there are no adequate researches in the field of analyzing lifestyle data. Though there are few researches which have analyzed the causes for the socio-economic problems, such approaches are not capable of handling big data effectively and not efficient in predicting or describing the issues attach with lifestyle. Hence, the research has been conducted to analyze citizen profiles in effective way to explore different lifestyle issues. It is hypothesized that analyzing citizen profiles can be done through data mining according to the output want to achieve through predictive or descriptive techniques. The solution takes HIES data set as the input and predict the factors attach with a particular lifestyle issue or describe specific lifestyle issue with its associative causes. Having received the input, this approach preprocessed the dataset to remove the anomalies. Then build data models to represent the lifestyle issue by extracting attributes from HIES data set. Then proceed with pattern recognition for the issues. The important patterns recognized through this approach will be useful for government and policy makers to set up appropriate government policies to uplift the life quality of citizen. The overall design of the research consists oftwo research question, one question used predictive mining based solution and other one is based on descriptive mining. Classification in data mining used in finding the factors and their relationships that associated with no schooling and dropouts as those were predictive mining tasks. Clustering is used to explore the relationship between chronic diseases and family. was The overall research is designed using WEKA data mining tool and SPSS statistical tool. Finally, the data models build for citizen profile analysis using data mining techniques are evaluated for their performance using measurements such as value for accuracy, error rate, training time, TP rate, FP rate and ROC measurement.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAnalysis and mining of educational data for predicting the student's performance of information and communication technology subject in GCE (O/L) examination(2020) Sandamali PS; Premaratne SCEducational Data Mining (EDM) is find out interesting patterns and knowledge in educational organizations. This study is concerned with the student’s performance of the GCE (O/L) ICT subject. This study was investigated multiple factors affect student’s performance of the GCE (O/L) ICT subject. In this study, the classification method is used to predict the student’s performance. ID3, K-NN and Naïve Bayes method are used here. Those methods were designed using Rapid miner tool. After that qualitative model was generated and performance of student’s based on personal, social and academic factors can be predicted using this. According to this study, it may be used to predict the performance of students for the GCE (O/L) ICT subject and teachers can give special attentions and advise to students who need special attentions
- item: Thesis-Full-textAnalysis of road congestion based on weather conditions in Sri Lanka(2019) Silva ALMD; Sudantha BHAbstract Sri Lanka incurs a huge economic loss of around Rs.4 billion annually due to the road traffic congestion and air pollution with too many vehicles on a limited road network. According to the statistics a large number of Sri Lankans spend more time on the roads paying more fuel, as the number of vehicles on the roads are rapidly increasing and it takes longer to reach one’s destination. Road congestion is increasing due to many reasons such as increase of vehicle population, lack of proper vehicle parking system near urban area, lack of well-maintained road network, weather condition, etc. There are many researches which is done to monitor the road congestion based on the vehicular data. And the lack of monitoring the traffic based on the weather condition is available in Sri Lanka. This research is mainly focused on the weather condition and the traffic data. To collect the information, google maps data, open weather Map data and police report data is supposed to use. To find the correlation between classification of the traffic congestion and weather, data is analyzed. To predict the most relevant weather factor for the road congestion, data is analyzing. Aim of the research is provide a best route to travelers. System is to be analyze how the change of weather affects increase of road condition and in future analyze to be done to find how traffic congestion affects the increase of accidents.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAnalysis on secured e-payment authentication model for e-commerce portalsWalpitagamage, YS; Ranathunga, LThe research focuses on to introducing a secure e-payment authentication model for ecommerce portals. E-commerce can be defined as one of the most rapidly development mechanisms in the world economy. Therefore, a secured payment authentication model is essential for any e-commerce portal. Also today there are various security mechanisms to ensure the security of these e-commerce portals. However, the research background analysis has recognized that there are still problematic areas in existing payment methods. Therefore, this research mainly focuses on introducing a secured e-payment authentication model for e-commerce portals which will ensure the exchange of money more securely and conveniently over the internet. The introducing system is a web based electronic payment authentication processing system that can be used to make a secured electronic payment. In order to provide high security to the electronic transactions, the system validates the payments by using a onetime transaction code generating software installed into users PC or mobile phone. This code generating software uses unique hashing polynomial equation for each individual. The system only validates the transactions, only ifthe user enters the correct secure code in the transaction processing web page. The solution can mainly provide good security against the man in the middle attacks and the phishing attacks. Also this system has been designed to minimize the issues in existing electronic payment systems by providing a great convenient to the users. As a result, this research can be brought into play as a guide for e-payment authentication.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAn Analytical study of open source library software and develop a library systemPerera, WPGL; Premarathne, SMany people like to use library with enough reading materials. Fulfilling all the user requirements is a difficult work and it may not be successful. If the library can manage their existing resources in proper way, that will be a better answer for the user problems. There are many library management software tools and if the library can use that kind of management system user can find metadata information with free accessing. Accessing to the information is not easy thing. Libraries are working as a welfare organization and they can provide proper access to information. User can get access from anywhere. When the computer invented and telecommunication technologies started all the sectors has begun to change. Geographical limitations and other barriers removed out and people started to going in a new way. Like all the other sectors library sector also started to working with computer and telecommunication technologies. That was the time information age started and all the people stand for the rights to information. In-library and information sector all the services are planning with the ICT and users also expecting easy access and portable reading with new telecommunication devices. As non-profitable organizations libraries have to select proper services for the user education and the society. So, they have to consider freely available resources and they have to provide smooth and effective services to the user. But if they know the free service providers, they can use those things & can provide user satisfied library service. There is much commercial & free open source software in library field. If librarian can choose better one, they can arrange their service in a user-friendly way. Users also may like to use that type of systems because present users are very much familiar with technological learning environment than paper-based reading. So, I decide to conduct this project to identify the suitable open source library software & develop new module for the selected system. Studying the all software system we can identify the best fit for our requirement. Otherwise, if we select software without doing a proper feasibility study, after it may not match with our requirements & new services. After acquiring a one system, it is very difficult to migrate into a new system. We need to select correct one first & then we can implement system with customized features.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAnalyze quality of products in e-commerce systems with sentimental analysis(2019) Bandara PMAU; Premaratne SE-commerce websites getting extra significant and popular today since the vast differentiated and diversified information that is presented. Studies says that more than 80% of the world population is using these websites to purchase goods and services online. For these online customers, comments / feedbacks play a major role in decision making when buying the products from the market space. Hence the diversity and the popularity of the Online space, sales of these online products get increased with time. Therefore, it is not practical to review all the given product feedback and come to conclusion on purchasing the product for a consumer. Focusing on this, this study is urges to observe the success factors of online websites and how those aspects influence on online marketing to sales growth in any organization. Therefore, in this research a Analyze Quality of Products in E-commerce System is focused on analyzing the online consumers feedbacks or comments on various products using data mining techniques such as Sentimental and filtering analysis. The outcome from the study will show feature wise relativeness in the mobile phone domain. All procedures were based on the features extracted through a thorough literature review and existing apparatuses. This will aid to calculate a “Trust Score” for the online products and a general overview to achieve a higher trust score for e-commerce organization.
- item: Thesis-AbstractAnalyzing performance of acquiring firms across different sectors in Colombo stock exchange using data mining(2021) Madubashini KLN; Premaratne SCThis study is conducted to observes the post-acquisition performance of merge and acquiring deals in Sri Lanka in the long run in terms of accounting based measure and market based measure, using mean comparison and event study methods respectively, for the merger and acquisition deals announced in between 2002 and 2014. The results indicate that mergers and acquisitions negatively affect the post-acquisition performance of the acquiring companies in Sri Lanka. The results further reveal that the overreaction in response to the merger and acquisition announcement made by the market is not corrected itself within a short period of time and corrects itself in the long-run.
- item: Thesis-AbstractAnalyzing reasons for unanswered questions in stack overflow(2022) Dissanayake BAK; Wijesiriwardana CIn the digital world knowledge and learning depends on the internet, and it has many advantages to human. Stack overflow is significant site to software developers as well as all Information technology users. This research proposed analyzing reasons for unanswered questions in Stack overflow platform. An end-user of stack overflow website must be analysis in various methods, the users don’t have questions from one programming language and don’t have equal knowledge, but their answer or feedback should be correct and must help to improve knowledge and resolved the issue. In this research primary dataset mainly gathered from stack overflow question database. It considers attributes of stack overflow dataset which are stored to analyze unanswered questions based on supervised learning, classification models. In Stack Overflow more than 50% questions are not frequently use when compare with other sites, as a result of heigh filtering methods. Programmers usually update knowledge by reading and answering new problems. And share knowledge with other programmers frequently Stack overflow is a famous platform among IT users as well as programers to send question and a get answer. Most of problems immediately get an answer by other users and few questions remain without answers, and it is a problem for Stack overflow platform developers to keep these questions for long time as it take disk space only , because of platform developers remove these questions after some time. This is where this research problem starts. Find reason and help users to get answer is target of this project. Taken dataset with answered as well as unanswered questions with no upvoted or accepted answers. These unanswered are from android, localization,, JavaScript, java, xml, SharePoint, c, .net, mobil, sql, python, php, c#, html, jQuery, iOS, CSS …etc areas. At once it seems every question has an answer, when look at these counts it realized that there are lot of questions without answer. This project I want to find reason why questions posted on Stack Overflow has not answered. This reason analysis focuses 14 attributes of dataset questions. Day by day it rises questions and unanswered questions different areas of user knowledge so this will reflect developers how to get a proper answer quickly and it will make live changes in stack overflow site also. Based on dataset attribute values can not to find out proper path to analysis the unanswered questions at once. It needs to get more complicated datasets in different perspective of software development area. Research has tended to focus for several clusters based on end user question, and it is easy to get efficient answer. This analysis method has used in my research work. It will be based on structured primary dataset, taken from previous research. By using this analysis users can easily predict, which questions will have answer efficiently or not answered reason
- item: Thesis-Full-textAn Application of data mining for a library management system(2019) Ranaweera TAUI; Premaratne SData mining has become an emerging concept in today’s world. With the development of the technology in every field, a large amount of data can be collected and stored very easily. The challenge is to analyse these data from traditional analysisng techniques. The concept of data mining; which enables users to analyze data and draw conclusions through clearly defined procedures comes into play as a solution for this matter. The purpose of this research is to test the adequacy of data mining techniques to improve the library usage in Sri Lankan State Universities. A data warehouse was designed and implemented using the most important variables in the raw dataset. After cleaning and preprocessing of data, association rule mining and clustering were basically used in the data analysis phase. Interesting rules were identified and the said results were used in the next stage of the study. A Book Recommendation System was implemented in Java based on the results obtained in the previous stage. The system enables users to select library materials according to their prior borrowing patterns. My SQL, R and Java were basically used in the analysis. This research will be beneficial to enrich the library usage in state universities in Sri Lanka as well as the researchers those who are interested in Data Mining.
- item: Thesis-Full-textAn Approach to automate a modified heuristic evaluation method for assessing usability of websitesWijesundara JSS; Gamage CDThere has been a growing tendency towards greater usage of websites over the last few decades. This has resulted in a need to ensure better usability of these web sites. However, as some of the usability tests on web sites were either technology dependent, such as conformity to a particular web standard or application dependent, such as web sites built for news organizations, it was difficult to conduct a more general form of usability tests on websites. As a solution to this problem, researchers have developed various algorithms for assessing usability of websites in a more generic manner. However, as these evaluation schemes required the manual application of such algorithms, this exercise has turned out to be a tedious and time consuming task. The research presented in this thesis had been conducted to develop an automated solution for the evaluation of usability of websites. It is hypothesized that automation of heuristic evaluation of web sites can be done by web page parsing with CssParser and Jsoup libraries. The solution takes web pages and CSS files saved on disk as inputs and produces a report of usability issues as the output. Once the input set of web pages is provided, the automated solution developed in this research extracts certain attribute values from the saved CSS files and checks them against a set of predefined values. Based on the results, the usability problems are identified, and displayed as a report. The system developed is intended to be used by user interface designers, during the software interface design phase. By using the web site usability solution developed in this research, web designers will be able to improve their designs after identifying die usability problems in user interfaces. The overall design of the solution include three modules, namely v the user interface module, evaluation engine module and a database of evaluation parameters. These modules were developed using the Java language and the overall system has been implemented to work in a platform independent manner. The proof-of-concept of the automated solution for web site usability evaluation has been tested by considering 8 sample websites. The evaluation results shows that the developed scheme can evaluate the websites with an average accuracy of 67% while taking less than 30 seconds for evaluation. This clearly shows the utility of the developed system as an initial filter to identify web site designs with significant problems in their usability.
- item: Thesis-AbstractArchives management system for National Archives Department of Sri LankaSumanaweera, DUR; Wimlarathne, PGlobalization has made the people around the world inter connected. Technology has become an increasing a vital component in the service sector today. The recent developments oftechnology have formed innovative concepts and environment in Sri Lanka. As a result of the development of the technology, one of the latest concepts merges to the National Archives Department of Sri Lanka. This project is about developing an e-commerce website with Content Management System (CMS) and advance forum for National Archives Department of Sri Lanka to trade their archives online and convert their current manual service process to computerized online service. It provides the users with a catalogue of different archives content available for purchase in the store and also users can request and purchase many services. There are many disadvantages of the current paper based system. Some of them are, the customers need to visit at least two times to the premises to get archival, time consuming, very low data share ability and security papers can be misplaced and will not be able to access the data. The key objective of this project is to develop a proper e-commerce system with content manage system to help National Archives Department of Sri Lanka for convert current manual paper based system in to a computerized major proportions of their archives management activities and normal day to day activities. In order to develop content management system with an e-commerce system and advance forum system, a number of technologies must be studies and understood. This proposed system was developed using several free open source technology. Drupal was used to develop the CMS along with PHP and MySQL database management system. The proposed system will be running on an Apache web server. The proposed computer based solution is expected to be highly functional and user friendly enabling the staff ofNational Archives Department of Sri Lanka to perform well. The proposed system should eliminate data redundancy, data inconsistency. The proposed solution also improves employer abilities, employer skills, working efficiency, security and achieves the aspired targets. This website is expected to be attractive and be simple enough to understand by an average user
- item: Thesis-AbstractArtificial intelligence-based medical decision support system for haematologic diseases(7/22/2011) Hirimutugoda, YMMalaria and Thalssaemia are the life threatening diseases and an enormous global health problem. The visual analysis of blood cells is the powerful diagnostic tool for the detection of them. But it is a labour intensive repetitive task with time consuming. An accurate diagnosis in its early stage is critical to its cure. Intelligent computerized systems can provide a useful assistance to physicians to take rapid and accurate judgments for the above situation in real time. The aim of this study is to develop an automated blood image analysis system for the rapid and accurate determination of malaria, possible thalassaemia, and other abnormal red cell disorders. In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been employed together with image analysis techniques to automate the assessment of these blood disorders. Two back propagation ANN models (3 layers and 4 layers) have been used to evaluate the accuracy of the classification in the recognition of medical image patterns associated with morphological features of erythrocytes, in the blood. Prior to training, the first necessary step is to preprocess the giemsa stained blood sample images acquired from the light microscope. Both ANN architectures comprise 25,600 (160 * 160) input neurons in input layer and four output neurons in output layer. The ANN has been trained using 600 blood sample images and the trained ANN has been tested against 260 blood sample images. The efficacy of the 2 ANN architectures has been compared by comparing their error and correct recognition rate. The three layers ANN architecture has the best performance, with an error of 0.00027619 and 86.54% correct recognition rate. The trained three layer ANN acts as a final detection classifier to determine the hematologic diseases. A medical consultation system has been jointly used with this system to provide consultation power. A questioning and answering dialog on the basis of patient history, physical examination and routine diagnostic test has been conducted in the medical consultation system with image analyzing result made by the trained ANN. Keywords: Malaria, Hematology, Thalassaemia, Artificial Neural Network, Backpropagation