Ventilation of underground mines is required to dilute and remove
hazardous gases, control heat and provide oxygen for workers and machinery.
Kahatagaha- Kolongaha mines, Dodamgaslanda was selected for the present study as it
was restarted recently and therefore very little research has been done on air quantity
and quality of the mine. The objectives of this research are to make a proposal to rectify
the existing ventilation system and to upgrade the existing airflow system with
modifications to the present system. A detailed ventilation survey was carried out by
measuring the variations of airflow, pressure drop and humidity differences along four
levels of the mine (i.e. 565ft, 805ft, and 965ft and 1132ft levels) and compared with the
corresponding standard values which describe the permissible conditions to be met for
working underground. The distributions of airflows, pressures and humidity in each
level could be detailed on graphs and the areas where the additional air supplies were
identified. It was proposed to install a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity level inside
the mine. Suggestions were made to improve the present ventilation system by locating
two booster fans in level 565 ft and 805 ft, which will enhance mine air quality
increasing health and safety aspects of underground environment.