Magnesium plays a key role in the growth of a
plant by acting as the central atom of the chlorophyll molecule.
This study is carried out to develop a low-cost multi-nutrient
fertilizer by utilizing the bittern solution. This fertilizer is capable
of fulfilling the Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium requirement
of a plant effectively. A dilution series of bittern was prepared,
and a series of tests was carried out to demonstrate the
importance of multi-nutrient fertilizer to the growth of a plant.
This fertilizer contains 1.27%, 0.31% and 0.01% of highly water
soluble Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium respectively to cater
the short term requirement of a plant.
Developing an indigenous source of supply for fertilizer is
important both for the agricultural and strategic reasons. The
major drawback of conventional salt production has been
overcome by using bittern to produce a multi-nutrient source for
plants. It could also mitigate negative environmental impacts by
successfully controlling pollutant discharge. Therefore, this novel
process can be considered as a comprehensive solution towards
sustainable development.