Show simple item record Dayarathne, P 2016-04-29T09:40:21Z 2016-04-29T09:40:21Z 2016-04-29
dc.identifier.citation Dayarathne, P. (1981). A Methodology in urban renewal – a case study of Panchikawatta [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa.
dc.description.abstract This is en analytical study e.volv:tng a process the evolution of an Urban Renewal Methodology for the absolete areas of the 01ty of Colombo. The process begins with the identification of these areas \lhere conditie>n of social, economic and physical are \'lo:rse than those prevailing elsewhere in the City. Tile identification and selection of the problem areas lead to an in depth analysis. The synthesis of date the.t follows. highlights the problems and the potential of the area. At the end.,... a programme of urban renewal is formulated drawing lessons from similar approaches in other parts of the world together with a 'Zoning scheme and a detail layout plan for the Panchikawatta area development. The study consists of the followil'tg seven steps: 1. The obj eetive of the study are stated here in the light of the social. and p sical. conditions of the problem 2 • The Historical back ground of the City and the growth of ma3or problems of the city in general and a detail analysis of such problems in absolete areas relating to the socio-economic and physical fUnctions are presented here.
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title A Methodology in urban renewal – a case study of Panchikawatta en_US
dc.type Thesis-Abstract en_US
dc.identifier.faculty Architecture en_US Master of Science in Town and Country Planning en_US
dc.identifier.department The Department ot Town and Country Planning en_US 1981-05
dc.identifier.accno 35705 en_US

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