This paper discusses the results of a tutor mentor development program that utilized a community building model to train online tutors and mentors in higher education institutions and professional organizations in Sri Lanka. Based on WisCom; an instructional design model for developing online wisdom communities, this tutor mentor development program which utilized i blended format of face-to-face and online activities" in MOODLE, atempted to build a learning community between trainees, both
academics and professionals who represented diverse disciplines and organizations. A regression model examined predictors of learner satisfaction, using four independent variables: Community Building, intercraction, Course Design, and Learner Support. Interaction emerged s a strong predictor of Learner Satisfaction explaining 50.2% of the
variance in Learner Satisfaction. This finding shows the importance I designing interactive learning activities to support learning online, and contradicts the general belief that Sri Lankan participants would e less likely to interact online because they come from a traditional education system that encourages passivity and reception of ideas om a more learned teacher. Qualitative analysis showed evidence of .several types of learning online as a result of collaborative group interaction, as well as issues that contributed to non-participation, Factors that motivated participants to stay engaged in learning could classified-into three categories: (1) general enjoyment, interest and
mootivation; |2) collaborative learning and community building; and ) knowledge building. These results suggest that (he online learning sign based on WisCom led to learner satisfaction and supported intereraction Ind collaborative learning in the Sri Lankan socio-cultural context