Personal space is intangible, invisible space bubble around the individual, which emotionally charged zone to demarcate the individual territory. Within that space he can perform his personal desires and activities comfortably and effectively. When the person exists in the large intangible and in measurable space he tries to demarcate his personal space to maintain his activities comfortably, by creating personal environment around him. Such personal environment physically express as a spatial enclosure and according to the psychological needs of the person and it can be natural or man made. With that spatial enclosure person is separated from the outside forces and he is psychologically attached to such place while enhancing feeling of 'home' place. Most of the items this demarcations are man made, because person can express his personal territory as properly and dominantly such way in the physical setting this personal space and spatial enclosure vary from person to person and activity to activity according to the psychological needs of such person. 'Home' is the profound centre of human existence within fulfillment of the physical and psychological needs, in that spatial enclosure. Further it is a transformation of the personal space - emotionally charged space bubble - to the physical fabric as symbolic way through architecture. With the gradual process of the civilization the physical order and nature of the 'Home' transformed community living to the individual living as a extroverted to the introverted. During this process urbanization process started with the industrial revolution and as a result of that housing problem are is in the urban sector. As a solution for that multistory apartments immerge, but there are several problems can be seen because of the lack of physiological needs. Most important problem of the multistory apartment is isolation of the people due to the less interaction within the verticality. The degree of the isolation increase and they are more personalized. Concept of personal space related with the psychological needs of the human being such as privacy, security, and identity, place making process of the home also related with such attributes. As a result of the minimal interaction with the ground level in th vrtical living such attributes vary gradually from the ground level up to upper floor levels. Hence making of home relation to that. Because 'concept of home' refers as 'Place which provides physical and psychological needs to the dwellers. So due to the security and diminishing level of interaction, which is the psychological needs of the human being physical nature and order to the concept of home, will vary according to the level change because of the isolation in the vertical living. Thus the hypothesis of 'Dimensions of concept of home and its adaptations are varied according to the level change because of the isolation that formulated and then it has been examined it's validity. At the end of the study established there is a co -relationship between the level change and the personal space. Then understand the spatial quality of the multistory apartments within certain levels.
Kalansooriya, M.S.K. (2002). People friendly apartments : co-relationship between height and personal space [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1192