E-Learning is becoming a most needful part of our education system. To the combination of the teacher and the student is more important like teaching something. As one of the major features of the existing e learning systems, “uploading documents” have become to a major functionality. Within this research, the researcher focuses to do needful validations to this major upload functionality (When updating the uploads previously done by the same user). After doing some initiate survey among the stakeholders of LMSs, identified the requirements exactly what the researcher has to do. Also as a software developer, the researcher always took the experiences from the version controlling systems (software developers use) like Bitbucket and GIT, which are in his working environment. For full fill the requirements, the researcher found sources of some existing LMSs (Media Share android 1.1 and Moodle 3.5) and tried to apply the solutions on that. As a critical step, take a time to compare two existing systems like GIT and moodle (a version controlling system and an LMS), summarized the features, nice to have in LMSs while uploading. Then could generate own mechanism to compare two files and give a good validation for the files while uploading contents to the same place. And the researcher could process a SUS base survey among the lecturers and students about the new functions and took the SUS final result for that. And as the final result, the survey gives "Ok, we can improve more". And could handle a performance test for whole new features and could prove the performance are an acceptable level after the new implementation. The reason behind the result is the researcher could give a good outcome from the research which could keep the existing patterns of the existing system and the new methods could stay with existing interfaces and keep the other functions as it is. Users of LMS got the new features without not taking any difficulties. And could give an answer to an existing problem which was in uploading files. This research didn’t focus on PDF file uploading, as a future task to do, the researcher like to specially mention that. And this is only focused on texts. In future, researchers who find solutions for content comparison and uploading can think about the files which contain videos, audios, and images also.