111 smel!, ccuxiiry like t-.Rl LANKA whei-o the Jovernniunt is
adopting vario'js ways and means to improve the standard of
living of the masses it has become a prime importance to
provide safe drinking water. In the past, when the cost of
construction and operation and maintenance was cheap when
compared to the present day p^ractices, conventional water
treatment plants were con.-.tructed just as what was done for
thu devoj oped countrier:. This has now been found to be
unsatisfactory for use in local conditions in the way of its
desxf^ns as well as on tho operation and maintenance aspects.
Under these circumstances, it has become an urgent need to
carryout research and development on our own to produce safe
drinking "ot,i_^ ^. c. ; -.-^ sonable cost. Pebble bed f loccxXIation
type of treatment process is one such type of study which
have proved to be useful to modify the- existing plants in
the island as welJ as for new installations in the future.
The scope of this project studies is to understand the
operiitlon of '^ebble bed flocculator uncier variable perameters
such as the flow rate - turbidity , Pebble size etc.
Inorder to assess the performance of the Pebble bed floccu
lation pru'-uss c^ilots of log 2/T - t/t^were plotted and
changes fc:' varying parameters were observed and studied.
From the comparison of the results it could be clearly seen
that' it is very promissing and could be losed for medium
scaje plarits. The turbidity of raw water that could be treated
by thi::. process range from 20 NTU to lOo WT
Dharmabalan, P. (1984). A Pilot plant study of a pebble bed flocculator [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/13629