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An Analytical study of open source library software and develop a library system

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dc.contributor.advisor Premarathne, S Perera, WPGL 2019-02-18T22:28:20Z 2019-02-18T22:28:20Z
dc.description.abstract Many people like to use library with enough reading materials. Fulfilling all the user requirements is a difficult work and it may not be successful. If the library can manage their existing resources in proper way, that will be a better answer for the user problems. There are many library management software tools and if the library can use that kind of management system user can find metadata information with free accessing. Accessing to the information is not easy thing. Libraries are working as a welfare organization and they can provide proper access to information. User can get access from anywhere. When the computer invented and telecommunication technologies started all the sectors has begun to change. Geographical limitations and other barriers removed out and people started to going in a new way. Like all the other sectors library sector also started to working with computer and telecommunication technologies. That was the time information age started and all the people stand for the rights to information. In-library and information sector all the services are planning with the ICT and users also expecting easy access and portable reading with new telecommunication devices. As non-profitable organizations libraries have to select proper services for the user education and the society. So, they have to consider freely available resources and they have to provide smooth and effective services to the user. But if they know the free service providers, they can use those things & can provide user satisfied library service. There is much commercial & free open source software in library field. If librarian can choose better one, they can arrange their service in a user-friendly way. Users also may like to use that type of systems because present users are very much familiar with technological learning environment than paper-based reading. So, I decide to conduct this project to identify the suitable open source library software & develop new module for the selected system. Studying the all software system we can identify the best fit for our requirement. Otherwise, if we select software without doing a proper feasibility study, after it may not match with our requirements & new services. After acquiring a one system, it is very difficult to migrate into a new system. We need to select correct one first & then we can implement system with customized features. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject MSc in Information Technology
dc.subject INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-Dissertation
dc.subject User requirements
dc.title An Analytical study of open source library software and develop a library system en_US
dc.type Thesis-Full-text en_US
dc.identifier.faculty IT en_US Master of science in Information Technology en_US
dc.identifier.department Department of information Technology en_US 2018-05
dc.identifier.accno TH3570 en_US

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