Results of delay analysis is the basis of many claims related to time and money of the construction projects. Results of delay analysis vary depending on the person how perform the analysis, delay analysis method, nature of data available, and many other subjective parameters associate with delay analysis. There is no delay analysis method specified in any standard condition of contracts. Therefore the selection of more suitable method is a liberty of person how preform the analysis. This inspire the background ofthis research. Forensics delay analysis is the process which measure the impact of a delay event to the date of completion of the project based. This process called ‘Forensic5 because it is based on the past data. The planned sequence of activities ofthe project agreed by parties at the beginning of the project will be the basis of this process. Sequence of activities of a project or project programme, has many dependencies. Most ofthose dependencies are subjective. Therefore it is very difficult to develop a mathematical model to assess the impact of a delay event to the programme and its date of completion. There are many delay analysis methods. TLA is a one of the most accepted method even recommended by society of construction law. Assessment ofthe effectiveness of TIA method to analyze delays in construction projects is the objective ofthe research. Effective method shall be applicable, justifiable and scientific. Assessing criteria to assess the effectiveness of a delay analysis method has been developed referring to basic requirements in analyzing project delays, provisions in contract law and experts views. The impact offew delay events would be analyze by TIA method and it could be assessed by the assessing criteria. Delay event and application of TIA method and results are the parameters which shall be assessed. This process have many subjective parameters. Impact of subjective parameters related to the delay analysis process, should be nullify to obtain more ‘generalized5 results. Therefore instead of obtaining results under few cases, it is planned to study the behavior of TIA results with the variability of its subjective parameters. Then these relationships are assessed by the developed criteria. Simulation followed by a case study is the selected methodology for the research. Simulation of the TIA has been done using a model developed based on critical path method. Simulation model should be capable of assemble each simulations together to observe the impact of one delay event on other. Results ofsimulations would be graphically illustrated. Effectiveness of TIA method has been assessed in view ofscientific method of measurement and applicability to the accepted industrial requirements and norms. TIA cannot fulfill the requirements of effective delay analysis method, all the times. TIA shall be perform with proper understanding of behavior of its results. Interpretation of TIA results and final decision over the time extension claim shall be still a job, highly depend on expert judgment ofprofessionals.
Mendis, M. (2015). Assess effectiveness of TIA method in forensic delay analysis in construction projects [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/13982