In the process of understanding architectural principles different metaphors could be utilized. Explaining Architecture by using another art form as a metaphor is much easier than understand it through itself. Art is universal. Every art form share common aesthetic basis. In a simple expression art is considered nothing but an overflow of energy. This energy can be taken as a tangible thing in the final product, synchronizing with the graspers' energy. Though the end result is different Architecture and Martial art seems to express a parallelism in the approach. Martial art has shared wider principles than other art forms, since it doesn't only have rhythm as well as influence, imitations, balance etc ... Therefore in this dissertation an effort has been taken to form a theoretical basis for understanding Architecture using Martial art as a metaphor. Martial arts always engage in an intuitive response towards opponent in contrast to Architecture where a more analytical process is adopted. But still they share common roots. In this study the four main generators of Architecture - Context, User, Function and Phylosophy is explained using different Principles and styles of Martial arts. In this study the context is divided into three categories and they are explained using three different Martial art styles. Instance context - Ninjitsu Rugged context - Monkey style Congested site Wingchun When studying User as a generator, major limitations arise, since in Martial arts the designer and the user is the same. Therefore in the study a parallelism is of user is found using different styles of Martial arts that were shaped by the user group. And it further elaborates with the methods approaching into a fight. Similar to generic form in Architecture Functionality of Martial arts generates some Special styles that are fixed to that specific function. Finally when explaining higher purpose using martial arts it is seen that Martial Arts has generated higher purposes which does not directly engage into fighting and they try to achieve a more philosophical attribute. Ella Adventure Park is one of the best examples to discuss how the context and user have generated Architecture since it has a very strong natural context and 10 Use Martial art as a metaphor in explaining them. Light House Hotel – Galle is taken as another case st_udy where to explain how function and Phylosophy come in to being. In conclusion of the study it is seen that in areas like Context this attempt is totally successful and again it fails in the study of social context. In the case of User, Function and Higher purpose it is rather a gray area that cannot find a clear relationship.
Gunarathna, G.A.M.T.E. (2004). Parallelism between martial art and architecture in design process : an analytical study on acceptance for metaphoric use [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1431