The epoch of big data is evolving new possibilities for Disaster Management (DM). The
concept of Big Data has been constantly scrutinised in terms of data creation, storage,
retrieval, and analysis where professionals have identified its significance upon the
volume, velocity and variety. Big Data provides the opportunity to gather more
information in less time. Hence, analysis of Big Data can substantially enhance various
disaster resilience activities such as issuing early warnings for evacuations; help
emergency response personnel to identify areas that need urgent attention; coordination
of disaster management activities; and to identify the most effective response methods
for various situations. Therefore, Big Data is identified as a great catalyst for disaster
response and, for better understanding of the damage situation and decision-making.
Moreover, Big Data has the potential to improve disaster resilience by connecting
people, processes, data and technology. However, it is essential to understand the type
of Big Data that needs to be generated, to develop the data analysis as in necessary to
help with real time responses, decision making and tracking of disaster victim. In order
to accomplish the aim, a qualitative research approach was followed. This topical study
marked the importance of big data in predicting human behavioral patterns during a
disaster. Accordingly, the effective management of human and physical resources in
habitual disaster territories was appraised through existing case studies in developed
countries. Further, the research has successfully identified the challenges in employing
Big Data upon its legal and technological barriers.