Art is a mode o f communication. Architecture as an art it should also communicate with the user/ observer, which means it should gave a massage/ meaning in an observers mind. It means it should be meaningful. In other words, architecture needs to have a possibility to evoke feelings and emotions in an observer. Good architecture not only evokes feelings and H emotions, but also intellect a person and contemplates the observer/user from delight to wisdom, wisdom to j o y . That is the absolute meaning creates by 'Good Architecture' as a 'Universal Art'. "Rapoport (696, 697, 698) attempts to describe what "meaning" is when he claims that the environment communicates with the user. It communicates with the symbols it is made up o f and by the feelings and emotions they evoke. What is communicated should have appropriate "meaning" to make the user comfortable".
Jayalath, C. (2007). Meaning, expression & urban space : a correlation with special reference to Colombo [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/1560