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Materials as an expressive element in sacred architecture : a study with special reference to great buddhist buildings

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dc.contributor.advisor Gamage, A Wijesiri, HKG 2011-07-06T08:31:12Z 2011-07-06T08:31:12Z
dc.identifier.citation Wijesiri, H.K.G. (2007). Materials as an expressive element in sacred architecture : a study with special reference to great buddhist buildings [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa.
dc.description.abstract "There is no effect of form which the effect of material could not enhance" (George S.T.) Architecture is the composition of material in creating built form. And generating meanings from them. The nature of the material in use of transforming idea in to matter is two fold. The physical nature of a material used in a building is its time value, strength, texture, surface & colour. The selection of a material for its finish, texture & colour stimulate as emotional response. Sensory experience for we can touch, smell, see & feel the space created. It makes architecture solid & tangible. As expressive elements, material has essence (aesthetic quality) which gives original to the material. This essence of material contributes to its physical nature. It also gives rise to understanding the built form at a deeper level triggering connotations & symbols. The physical qualities (colour, texture, condition, the way of handling it, time value) & essence of the material directly contribute as a element of expression in architecture and give meaning to the built form. Considering the sacred architecture, the inter relationship between materials & architectural expressions can be identified clearly. They expressed their religions concepts through the built environment by using materials as an expressive element. And they were successful in giving sacredness quality to built forms & still the people can impressed the quality by experiencing it. They were used the colour, texture, time value & the essence of the material & they were processed them in some extend to get the sacred quality to the building
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject BUILDINGS
dc.subject Buddhist Buildings-Materials
dc.title Materials as an expressive element in sacred architecture : a study with special reference to great buddhist buildings
dc.type Thesis-Abstract
dc.identifier.faculty Architecture en_US MSc en_US
dc.identifier.department Department of Architecture en_US 2007
dc.identifier.accno 89479 en_US

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