Browsing 2021 - (Vol. 01, Issue 01) by Title

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  • Sirithunga, C; Jayasekara, B [Article-Full-text]
    Moratuwa Intelligent Robot, shortened as MIRob, is the first successful outcome of the research conducted by the Intelligent Service Robotics Group (ISRG) of the Department of Electrical Engineering-UoM. The tremendous ...
  • Jayaweera, M; Perera, H; Dhanushika, G; Gunawardane, B [Article-Full-text]
    The statistics forecast that the production of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles worldwide in 2016 was about 485 billion, and the same in 2021, has been approximately 583 billion. Although such productions in many ...
  • Karunaratne, PVM; Ranathunga, GM; De Silva, SSV [Article-Full-text]
    Historical notions of cultural values in the heritage sector have been identified by holders of curatorial expertise based at institutions with large collections of artifacts. However, the rise of new digital technologies ...
  • Karunananda, AS [Article-Full-text]
    Power of understanding is a rewarding cognitive capacity required for all of us from early childhood to the highest level of intellectual settings. Among other things, the concept of understanding plays a vital role in education.
  • Siriwardana, C [Article-Full-text]
    As a critical infrastructure, hospitals have to play a pivotal role in the health and well-being of a community. Specially during a disaster, hospitals are supposed to treat victims while continuing their day-to-day functions.
  • Vitharanage, IM; Gamage, AIT [Article-Full-text]
    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is an emerging technology widely used across multiple sectors such as human resources, healthcare, finance, accounting, manufacturing, higher education and supply chain management, etc.
  • Sewvandi, GA; Jayawardane, JTST [Article-Full-text]
    Solar energy is a commonly used alternate source of energy and it can be utilized based on the principle of the photovoltaic effect. The photovoltaic effect converts sun energy into electrical energy using photovoltaic ...
  • Widanage, KND; Perera, ULS; Dasanayake, NP; Viduranga, RKP; Siyambalagoda, SAPK; Cooray, TMGCSP; Fernando, KRT; Ranaweera, RKPS; Gopura, RARC [Article-Full-text]
    e are living in an era in which technology is shaping the world at an incredible speed. In this wake, the Bionics laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Moratuwa is doing inspiring ...
  • De Silva, MM; Perera, HN; Kumarage, AS [Article-Full-text]
    Sri Lanka was introduced to an unnamed virus on 27th January 2020 when a Chinese tourist was diagnosed with it [1]. Within 8 weeks, the virus named COVID-19 had begun infecting the local population, and the government was ...
  • Rodrigo, T [Article-Full-text]
    Majority of the younger generation of Sri Lanka in particular have a very low regard for the whole subject of politics. The reason for this has been the political dysfunction that they witness in their day-to-day lives. ...
  • Malkanthi, SN; Perera, AADAJ [Article-Full-text]
    Soil has been used as a building material in different forms, such as mud, adobe, rammed earth, and bricks. Compressed Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB), a form of soil blocks with different additives including cement, fly ...
  • Ranaweera, A; Wijekoon, A [Article-Full-text]
    We are all well aware of how the Covid-19 pandemic has caused devastating economic and social disruptions globally. The pandemic caused serious health, economic, social, business, travel, education, and workplace challenges ...
  • Jagoda, S; Karunathilake, H; Gamage, JR [Article-Full-text]
    Unsustainable packaging practices are one of the leading problems in today’s world, leading to unnecessary resource consumption, increased waste generation, environmental pollution, and an overall negative impact on ...
  • Gunawardena, H; Wickramasinghe, U [Article-Full-text]
    As the final year comprehensive design project for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Design, Department of Integrated Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, I have selected a project which is based upon ...
  • Ariyadasa, TU [Article-Full-text]
    Microalgae are highly diverse unicellular photosynthetic organisms found in aquatic environments. Microalgae produce oxygen during their proliferation, contributing to nearly 50% of the total oxygen production in the ...
  • Ovitipana, AORBEWD; Dasanayaka, SWSB [Article-Full-text]
    Colombo Municipality Region (CMR) consists of a highly complex food system that relies on the supply from distant outstations which literally collapsed during the pandemic situation. A requirement exists for empirical ...
  • Herath, OK; Perera, P; Sivakumar, T; Ayesha, B; Kumarage, AS; Perera, AS [Article-Full-text]
    Traffic Surveys are crucial for different transport studies like Origin-Destination studies, Traffic Volume estimations, Vehicle Flow characteristics Determinations, Speed and Delay Studies, Turning Movement analysis, ...