From the ancient time, according to the man's development insight in to the world the intellectual interpretation of the idea of space underwent many changes. Space had existed naturally in most intimate experiences of living organisms and particularly of the human beings long before all the conceptual crystallization. When considering total space surrounding us it's limitless, intangible and meaningless. It is considered as infinite space. But when it separated and limited from the unlimited space by boundaries, limitation it gets a meaning and it creates architectural space. Architectural product means combination of architectural forms and spaces. It fulfills various purposes of human existence. The space and forms of architectural products are design to accommodate different activities of man. Thus these spaces should possess the required attributes and qualities to facilitate those purposes and activities. Further there special qualities must express exact purposes for which they have been created. Then the Architectural product should not only for the visual satisfaction, but also for the emotional experience that person feel when moving through the product. Therefore to create a movement within spaces they should be articulated in an order and there should have an inter-relation ship between them. Finally the correct articulation of space generates the movement through the building.
Attanayake, N.P. (2002). Architecture is an orchestration of spatial progression: an examination of its modern trends of space articulation in urban domestic buildings [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/272