Architecture is an art. Architecture has become a technique rather than an art in contemporary architecture... The creation of architecture consists of basically three kinds. The first is the continuation of tradition or contemporary architecture. The second is arbitrary or dynamic architecture, where new methods, technology and economy of means are invented. The last being contemplative demands spiritual stimulation. Above first two types are necessary for the well being, continuation and flow of 'architectural stream'. But it is only them that exist in contemporary architecture. It is spiritual dimension which is the highest qualitative aspect to which architecture can be raised on. A work of architecture has to be a response to the particular 'architectural moment' where the composition of such should have contemplative flavour in achieving beauty. Therefore the third the spiritual communication with the user and observer is being diminished. The creative imagery that could be traced beneath the work of architecture, expressive of intellect of the creator is missing. The need of existence of a collective method of all above three types of creation is missing.