City of Galle had been a center of power and administration of colonial power for four and half centuries before independence. It had been a battleground and a place for liberation leaving behind many emotional historic facts. Consequently today the city has become a repository historic fact, containing buildings and historic landscaping projecting the image of social, cultural, economic and political systems of the past. The city had experienced the ravage of destruction as result of general economic development, of the country in the recent past. However the public cries along with the historic interests driven NGO's caused retardation of the destruction and allowed preservation of the city, to date. However at present a massive Regional Developments are planned for reawakening of the south. Strategies for anticipated development of south includes, southern highway, Galle port development, town center rehabilitation and development projects. It is imminent that these developments will have some form of impact on the Historic City of Galle. Galle being the center of administration, economic activities, education and politics. Impact of southern regional development schemes on the city is imminent; vary specially on the historic quarter.
Dahanayake, H. (2002). An Examination of probable impacts of the development proposals on the historic city of Galle [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/364