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Development of a GIS tool to capture changing land allotment parameters for urban runoff computation

Show simple item record Pradeep, RMM Wijesekera, NTS 2013-10-21T02:12:43Z 2013-10-21T02:12:43Z 2010
dc.description.abstract Urban flush flood is a result of storm water increasing. This increasing is a direct result of the urban land allotments changes done in the view of developments. The work is to isolate individual data layers that affected on storm generation when made changes and incorporate such changes easily to the existing data layers. The tool is GIS enabled non-technical persons target software with on-screen capability. Further it attempted to fortify the tool with a user-friendly GUI. data management capability and security features In order to provide a better solution, the storm water and engineering option affect calculations has to be incorporated to the tool.
dc.language en
dc.title Development of a GIS tool to capture changing land allotment parameters for urban runoff computation
dc.type Conference-Extended-Abstract
dc.identifier.year 2010
dc.identifier.conference Research for Industry Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa
dc.identifier.pgnos pp. 49-51
dc.identifier.proceeding 16th Annual symposium on Research and Industry

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