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Extraction and usage of pectin to enhance biodegradability of LDPE blends

Show simple item record Sitinamaluwa, HS Somasiri, GWD Samarasekara, AMPB 2013-10-21T02:12:51Z 2013-10-21T02:12:51Z 2010
dc.description.abstract Blends of pectin and low density polyethylene (LDPE) were prepared and the effect of pectin on biodegradability was analyzed Pectin was extracted front passion fruit peels hy hot acid extraction with a yield of 20 wt.%. I he physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the blends were investigated using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (f IIR). tensile test, water absorption test and optical and electron microscopy. The biodegradability wits evaluated by time dependent weight loss using soil burial test. The test results showed that weight loss up to 4.5% in 14 weeks period. Pectin addition had a positive impact on enhancement of biodegradability of LDPE blends.
dc.language en
dc.title Extraction and usage of pectin to enhance biodegradability of LDPE blends
dc.type Conference-Extended-Abstract
dc.identifier.year 2010
dc.identifier.conference Research for Industry Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa
dc.identifier.pgnos pp. 236-238
dc.identifier.proceeding 16th Annual symposium on Research and Industry

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