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Browsing UoM Conferences by Conference Proceedings "Proceedings of the CSE Symposium 2014"

Browsing UoM Conferences by Conference Proceedings "Proceedings of the CSE Symposium 2014"

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  • Senanayake, DA [Conference-Full-text]
    The web services industry has evolved to a point where a lot of services are provided for free or a free tier of services is offered, most of the times. An attempt of trying to exploit this situation is to try and implement ...
  • Kumarasinghe, CU [Conference-Full-text]
    This paper was written to give an idea about the windows network monitor extension which was developed in order to improve system security and application accountability of windows processes and to help the user to be ...
  • Kumarasiri, MKDS [Conference-Full-text]
    This paper discusses the project Automator which is a location and battery level based automatic profile changer, location based alarm and SMS sender. This is a third party software developed for Android operating ...
  • Perera, TA [Conference-Full-text]
    The need for native language support for any hand-held communication device is a must. But Android operating systems do not give much freedom when altering system fonts which require many advanced steps that needs to ...
  • Mendis, RACL [Conference-Full-text]
    This paper presents the main steps followed during the development of Easy Tuner, a brief discussion on each step, justifications for the choices made and most importantly, special/different methodologies used in the ...
  • Bashani, JPS [Conference-Full-text]
    Nowadays most use OpenOffice as it is the leading international office suite which is runs on many platforms and provides number of functionalities. OpenOfficeCalc is used for organizations for the analysis of data in ...
  • Kempitiya, T [Conference-Full-text]
    K nearest neighbour classification (KNN) is a popular non parametric and lazy algorithm for classification. gaKnn framework is a implementation of the KNN algorithm combine with genetic algorithm. It provides genetic ...
  • Pemasiri, HTAS [Conference-Full-text]
    Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a learning management system that is used in many countries throughout the world. Facebook is an online social networking service that is used by many ...
  • Muthugama, TL [Conference-Full-text]
    Usually the word processors are used for various documentation related activities. The subject materials in tutoring institutions are usually prepared using word processors. Currently one way of making tutorials or the ...
  • Madushanka, WAT [Conference-Full-text]
    This paper presents the main steps followed during the development of AndroMouse, a brief discussion on each step, justification for the choices made and most importantly, special/different methodologies used in the ...
  • Fernando, WVD [Conference-Full-text]
    This paper discusses an Android application that allows users to search for information on books more intuitively using several methods the main one being the use of optical character recognition (OCR) to read the title ...
  • Perera, I; Meedeniya, D; Perera, S [Conference-Full-text]
  • Ranasinghe, YRM [Conference-Full-text]
    Octave [1] is an open source mathematical analyzing & computing tool, similar to Matlab. This paper introduces a graphical interface to make plot manipulation in octave in more user-friendly way. Using the proposed ...
  • Sumanaweera, DN [Conference-Full-text]
    In this paper, the project on developing a web based android application named ‘WaterCommunity’ is being discussed in terms of the need for such application, the nature of the application, which technologies and tools ...