Show simple item record Perera, GIUS Femando, MSD 2013-12-30T17:57:13Z 2013-12-30T17:57:13Z 2007
dc.description.abstract Agile software paradigm was recently introduced to overcome the problems with the classical paradigms. The prime difference of the Agile process models is that it has an utterly flexible process model where anybody can alter it according to their environments.[3] On the other hand it merely relies on the product deliverables and not with the process documentation and related monitoring activities. This becomes the foremost crisis with the Agile practice in reality. Hence, the Agile process heavily depends on the connoisseur people and becomes more vulnerable to failure due to the improper practice.[2] Nevertheless, Agile triumphs over the other processes by its ability to meet rapid changing business requirements, by forming quick decisions on requirement changes as they emerge.I l] However, by the nature of agility, there is no such model or tool to assist such decisions and merely they are just from the gut feeling of the expert in the project team. This situational approach creates a high uncertainty about decisions and high probability for taking wrong decisions at critical stages of the project [4]. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.title Swift decision making for agile software paradigm - a proficient guide en_US
dc.type Conference-Extended-Abstract en_US
dc.identifier.year 2007 en_US
dc.identifier.conference ERU Research for industry en_US
dc.identifier.pgnos 171-173 en_US
dc.identifier.proceeding Proceeding of the 13th annual symposium en_US

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