Show simple item record Pathirana, H 2014-01-10T14:40:04Z 2014-01-10T14:40:04Z 2014-01-10
dc.description.abstract According to tbe Oxford English dictionary tbe meaning of costume denotes (the distinctive s!Jle of coiffilre,jelvellel)" and appare' of a period, cot/nfl)', class or a group '. Costumes are considered as things that are laid 011 the human boqy for beauty) aesthetics and junction. Bocjy shape orfigure is believed to be the c!lllllt/ative reStllt of a iuoman's skeletal structure and distribution of muscle on the borfJl. The ftlJlale figure in ma'!)' cultures has been uorsbipped as the .rymbol of ftrtility and prosperity. The femate form IS considered as more attractive than its male counterpart. In general ftmale figures are narrouer at the waist than at the bust and hip area, and accentuated with long hair that foils along the back en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject female) costume, tradition, Sri Lanka, design, eiolution en_US
dc.title Evolution of female costume in Sinhala tradition en_US
dc.type Conference-Full-text en_US
dc.identifier.year 2012 en_US
dc.identifier.conference Emerging built environments reflections of culture, technology and politics is space en_US
dc.identifier.pgnos 181-193 en_US
dc.identifier.proceeding Proceedings of the 6th FARU conference proceedings 2012 en_US

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