Transport provides a range of benefits to saaety in terms of mobili!], accessand economicgrowth. However, there
are negative impacts of transport, not least in terms of environmental degradation, damage to proper(y, traffic
accidentsand loss of life. In S ri Lanka, Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) are responsiblefor a substantial fraction of
morbidity and mortali!] and are responsiblefor moreyears of life loss than most of human diseases. Taking its
cues, this paper focuses on RTCs, the reduction of ivhich is an important aim of suitable transport policy
worldwide. In this study, the authors have tried to delineate road specificfactors that collectivelYrepresent the
principal cause of three (people, vehicle and road) out of RTCs and which is less concerned in Sri Lankan
transport researchers. In that context, the primary o~jectiveof this paper is to identify a series of relationships
between RTCs and roadpattern focusing road configuration fry using spacesyntax.