This paper is concerned the streetscape visual stimuli making streetscape confusions as we" as the visual stimuli
making trouble-free bzdirectional movements of first time visitors to an area. Pedestrian/ vehicle streets around
Saitama Universiry, Japan iuere selectedfor the stucfy. One fonvard movement movie along a streetscape with 5
movies of baceiuard movements from different streetscapes were displqyed to a group of suo/ects. S uijccts u/ere asked
to select the correct bacesiard movement analogous to the fonvard movement and a questionnaire was given to fill
Ivith the answers for individual's selection. This method tuas repeated ry changing the fonuard and backward
movies along streetscapes and the group of suo/ects. A significant variation could be identified in the backward path
selection corresponding to thefonvard movement. Visual stimuli which caused streetscape confusions and the visual
stimuli that helpful jor correctpath selection sere identified. The visual stimuli that made streetscape confusions
and that made correct selection were significantlY similar among different planned streetscape groups.