'Globalization'is a phenomenon that describes the accelerated pace at which interaction and expansion in crossborder
trade activities, open markets, migration and technology advancement take place in todqy's world. Though
hardlY any institution in the world has been able to escape the effects oj globalization, its effects on multidisciplinary
consultanry firms in Sri Lanka remains a subject little ana!yzed despite the fact that firms that are
global in nature plqy a dominant role Ivithin the domestic construction industry. This research aims at identijjing
the magnitude ojglobalization processes on Sri Lankan multi-disciplinary consultanry firms in order to help them
ulithstand the negative effects while upgrading existing practices in order to be more in tune with the demands oj the
modern norld. The prinapal methodology used in the stuc!J is a preliminary sUrJJl!),fo/lowed by a comprehensive
questionnaire sUrJJl!)administered to professionals from multi-disciplinary consultanry firms. The stuc!J tdentified
both positive and negative effects ojglobalization on local multi-disciplinary consultant) firms. Based on these
results, a framework has been developed to help local multi-disciplinary consultancy firms lvithstand the negative
effects while modijjing current practices to sustain themselves in the face oj globalization, Ivhich would require that
thl!)focus continually on innovation and research.