A Novel reclaiming agent for ground rubber tyre (GRT). Part I I: property evaluation of virgin natural rubber (NR)/Novel Reclaimed GRT revulcanisates

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Blending of recycled scrap rubber such as reclaimed rubber with virgin rubber has increased over the last few years, especially in the manufacture of tyre components. The reason for this is the growing concern about the effect of rubber product waste on the environment and the rise in the costs of virgin rubbers. In this study, physicomechanical properties such as tensile properties, tear strength, hardness, resilience, abrasion resistance, ageing performance, and swelling behaviour as well as carbon black dispersion rating of 85/15 virgin NRinovel reclaimed ground rubber tyre (GRT) revulcanisates were evaluated and compared with those of control vulcanisates. Results revealed that the abrasion volume loss of blends of virgin NR and novel reclaimed rubber revulcanisates is lower than that of revulcanisate prepared with a blend of 85/15 virgin NRI reclaimed rubber (Control (Rec)), produced locally, and comparable with that of 100% NR vulcanisate (Control (NR)).Although the tensile strength and elongation at break of the virgin NRinovel reclaimed rubber revulcanisates are lower than those of the Control (NR) vulcanisate, these values are at a level acceptable for tyre treads. Hence, the 85/15 virgin NRinovel reclaimed rubber revulcanisates prepared with the readily available, low-cost, environmentally friendly amino compound can be used as an alternative to the Control (NR) and Control (Rec) vulcanisates in tyre treads.



reclaiming; ground rubber tyre; natural rubber; rubber blends; physicomechanical properties; ageing
