Accelerated bridge construction in USA
Rush hour traffic is a common daily occurrence in the USA. Highway and bridge construction further aggravates the situation. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Departments of Transportation in several states are looking for ways to expedite construction. The Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) initiative is the result of this. It is accomplished in two ways; accelerated construction of bridges in place or moving completed bridges to position by using moving technology.
Reduced disruption to traffic due to faster construction, enhanced safety due to reduced exposure of workers to construction activities, better quality control as most of the components are fabricated offsite, reduced environmental issues due to fewer construction activities on site, and lower costs are some of the advantages of Accelerate Bridge Construction. This is achieved by the use of Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems (PBES) in the bridge superstructures and substructures or building entire spans off site and moving them to the final location.
In this paper, various prefabricated elements used in bridge superstructures, substructures, and retaining walls are presented.
Accelerated Bridge Construction, Prefabricated Bridge Elements, Segmental Piers