Identification of traditional surface decoration techniques in earthenware products of Sri Lanka
Clqy is a natural, earth made resource, JJJhichgoes back to the pre history of man, JJJithits infanry as a
useful material in the past. Clqy was identified as a material to produce culinary utensils and obiects.
When fired, c!qy gets hard enough to make durable objeas and it adds a value to the product. At the
beginning, designs were in primary stage and the onlY purpose JJJasto fulfil the requirements and
functional value, but later on people considered about the aesthetical pleasing value. People came up with
decorative effects to enhance the beauty and functionality of the product. Outer appearance or suiface
decoration gives more value and the first impression about the product. According to the above
considerations suiface appearance could be identified as an important aspect of a ceramic product.
Ciqy, Earthenware, Firing, Surface, Pinching, Engobing, Engraving, Stamping, Springing