Extending Self-con guration Algorithms of Energy Constraint Wireless Sensor Networks to Emergency Environment
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Wireless Sensor Networks have recently gained interest in building monitoring
applications as a low cost and easy to install alternative. Some examples are
smart/green buildings and emergency/rescue operations. These types of networks
require that a large number of sensors be positioned easily and that they con gure
themselves to perform the tasks needed without human intervention. This raises
the issue of self-organization of sensor nodes.
In the recent past, many researchers have investigated this topic. However,
there is a lack of suitable self-organization algorithms which can be used in emer-
gency monitoring applications in an indoor environment. This thesis proposes
a self-organization algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks suitable for an emer-
gency detection and monitoring application by considering emergency environ-
ment issues.
A distributed unequal clustering algorithm with a suitable node dying pat-
tern for an emergency monitoring application is proposed and simulated. The
proposed algorithm optimizes the energy usage of the network and prolongs the
network lifetime by multi-hop communication. The simulation result shows that
the proposed algorithms prolong the network lifetime while maintaining the cov-
erage of the building with existing nodes in a 2D environment. EDCR-LGRUC
algorithm prolong the lifetime of the network by 1000 rounds more than the
EDCR algorithm. Additional, SCAE algorithm delayed and reduced the CH fail-
ures compared to EDCR. Also, the communication failure occurred due to the
CH failure is reduced by 10% compared to EDCR. Moreover, 500 data rounds
are optimized in the proposed multi-hop algorithm compared to EDCR-MH al-
From the application point of view, the proposed algorithm is simulated in
a 3D environment. The result shows that, it achieves the same outcome as in
2D environments and that the algorithm is suitable for a wireless sensor network
deployed in a multi-story building.