Training and development framework to improve the maintenance workers’ productivity in the Sri Lankan Hotel Sector

dc.contributor.authorSatharasinghe, N
dc.contributor.authorFernando, NG
dc.contributor.authorSridarran, P
dc.description.abstractThe hospitality industry and hotels in particular, have witnessed increasing competition for high service quality and customer satisfaction. Sri Lankan hotel industry faces a range of difficulties due to lack of productivity of the maintenance workers. Training and Development (T&D) is one of the foremost part of human resource management which can influence to improve productivity of maintenance workers. Accordingly, the aim of this research is develop a T&D framework to improve the maintenance workers productivity in the hotel industry. Case study was selected as the most suitable research method for this study. The reasons being, the study needed to focus on in-depth decisions and behavioural attitudes of individuals and groups within and between organisations. Case study findings revealed that, organisations conceived a positive impression on the importance of systematic implementation of T&D to improve the productivity of the maintenance staff. However, the organisations found themselves confronted by some barriers on implementing such systematic processes. As a result, the importance of adapting such systematic processes and the benefits they may bring into the organisation remain unidentified by the organisations.en_US
dc.identifier.conference7th FARU International Research Symposium - 2014en_US
dc.identifier.departmentDepartment of Building Economicsen_US
dc.identifier.pgnospp. 88 - 96en_US
dc.identifier.placeGalle, Sri Lankaen_US
dc.identifier.proceedingPractice Based Research : exploring built environmental through evidenceen_US
dc.subjectTraining and Development, Productivity, Maintenance workersen_US
dc.titleTraining and development framework to improve the maintenance workers’ productivity in the Sri Lankan Hotel Sectoren_US

