Responsiveness of urban landscape and flyover
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Faculty of Architecture University of Moratuwa
"Urban landscapes are storehouses for these social memories, because natural features such as hills or harbours, as well as the streets, buildings and patterns of settlement, frame the lives of many people and often outlast many lifetimes." (Hayden1995,p.9) Hayden refers "these social memories", to the memories of the histories of families neighbourhood, fellow workers, and ethnic communities.Further the author mentions that urban renewal and redevelopment are also creating the memories with urban landscape in its evolution. The generated architecture must be enhancing the Jives of the people than over govern it. So that urban landscape is the overall architecture of the context and the links in the urban communities. "There will always be landscapes which are intended as settings for architecture, where Formal, Virginian, Picturesque, Deconstructed or whatever." (Jellicoe1992,p.24) The urban landscape depicts the particular urban spatial flow including each and every element which is static in the context like buildings,bridges, flyovers,trees, etc. The elements like people vehicles and even pets which are moving included in this. Ti1e classification can be done in different ways. As an example living elements and the non living elements, but these classifications should be done focusing the final objective. Present landscape was not emerged suddenly but with a continuous evolution of time. This evolution is about people and their perception of these issues. Different concepts, trends related to their lives change the built environment and the urban landscape