An Analysis of the Level of Knowledge on Prevention and Control of Breast Cancer among Female Undergraduates of University of Moratuwa
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Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer in Sri Lanka. Cancer
is often curable if detected early. This study was conducted to
investigate the level of knowledge of female undergraduates on
prevention and control of breast cancer. Adopting the survey method, a
semi- structured questionnaire was randomly distributed among 732
female undergraduates of three faculties of University of Moratuwa.
Results revealed that the majority of the respondents have heard about
breast cancer as well as some clinical features of breast cancer but their
knowledge on risk factors of breast cancer and detection methods are
not sufficient. They are aware about Breast Self-Examination (BSE) as
a method of detection of breast cancer. However, majority do not know
the technique of performing BSE. Their awareness about Well Woman
Clinic is also low. Female undergraduates seek or encounter health
related information through television, the Internet and newspapers as
well as from medical officers. Majority do not believe the use of social
media such as Facebook can be used to educate about breast cancers.
Health education is vital in the university setup as undergraduates are
future leaders. Regular awareness programmes to educate
undergraduate about health aspects is the most preferred method.
Breast Cancer, Breast Self-Examination (BSE), Health Literacy