Traffic information system for Sri Lanka
Transportation is one of the most development factors in Sri Lanka recently. Therefore it has also become the basic area for conducting research. Transportation Engineering Division at University of Moratuwa is such an institute in Sri Lanka that contribute in many research on Transportation. In addition they have the responsibility in taking decision and conclusion on planning of future development regarding to transportation in Sri Lanka. The one of the important factor for this type research is survey reports. The researchers sometimes need to conduct new surveys or they would need some passed survey reports to continue with their research. The Surveys are conducted at pre decided location that affect to the individual project or research. The mechanism that is used to collect traffic data at survey location is slightly different at many occasions .most of these differences are basically caused by "Vehicle Classifications", "data collecting time intervals " factors. This could affect to estimations of traffic counts, traffic forecasting and other relevant analytical calculations. There is no sudden way of getting analytical solution by accessing these survey reports. Though large number of traffic surveys is conducted every year but there is no mechanism to easily retrieve past data for any comparison, analysis or other estimation. Not having a proper indexing system or centralized data base is one of the reasons for the above and the other reason is the non uniformity of data collection at different locations. Sometimes The Research People needs to go through the survey reports or other specific documents regarding to particular survey, but no central location or sound file system to easily obtain them. Therefore many transport studies are conducted with minimal information due to lack of past information or spend lot of money and resources to collect information. The computerized system including file server and database server is proposed with the features of accessing these survey entries in estimation, planning and obtain analytical solution through the traffic data .All features are under privileged environment.