Wijesiriwardana CDissanayake BAK202220222022Dissanayake, B.A.K.. (2022). Analyzing reasons for unanswered questions in stack overflow [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/20266http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/20266In the digital world knowledge and learning depends on the internet, and it has many advantages to human. Stack overflow is significant site to software developers as well as all Information technology users. This research proposed analyzing reasons for unanswered questions in Stack overflow platform. An end-user of stack overflow website must be analysis in various methods, the users don’t have questions from one programming language and don’t have equal knowledge, but their answer or feedback should be correct and must help to improve knowledge and resolved the issue. In this research primary dataset mainly gathered from stack overflow question database. It considers attributes of stack overflow dataset which are stored to analyze unanswered questions based on supervised learning, classification models. In Stack Overflow more than 50% questions are not frequently use when compare with other sites, as a result of heigh filtering methods. Programmers usually update knowledge by reading and answering new problems. And share knowledge with other programmers frequently Stack overflow is a famous platform among IT users as well as programers to send question and a get answer. Most of problems immediately get an answer by other users and few questions remain without answers, and it is a problem for Stack overflow platform developers to keep these questions for long time as it take disk space only , because of platform developers remove these questions after some time. This is where this research problem starts. Find reason and help users to get answer is target of this project. Taken dataset with answered as well as unanswered questions with no upvoted or accepted answers. These unanswered are from android, localization, asp.net, JavaScript, java, xml, SharePoint, c, .net, mobil, sql, python, php, c#, html, jQuery, iOS, CSS …etc areas. At once it seems every question has an answer, when look at these counts it realized that there are lot of questions without answer. This project I want to find reason why questions posted on Stack Overflow has not answered. This reason analysis focuses 14 attributes of dataset questions. Day by day it rises questions and unanswered questions different areas of user knowledge so this will reflect developers how to get a proper answer quickly and it will make live changes in stack overflow site also. Based on dataset attribute values can not to find out proper path to analysis the unanswered questions at once. It needs to get more complicated datasets in different perspective of software development area. Research has tended to focus for several clusters based on end user question, and it is easy to get efficient answer. This analysis method has used in my research work. It will be based on structured primary dataset, taken from previous research. By using this analysis users can easily predict, which questions will have answer efficiently or not answered reasonenSUPERVISED LEARNINGWEKA DATA MINING TOOLSTACK OVERFLOWINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- DissertationCOMPUTER SCIENCE - DissertationAnalyzing reasons for unanswered questions in stack overflowThesis-AbstractITMsc. in Information TechnologyDepartment of Information TechnologyTH4816