.Withanage, DKEdirisuriya, MAVS2011-03-282011-03-283/28/2011http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/theses/handle/123/466A dissertation submitted to the Department of Informaiton Technology for the MSc in Information TechnologyABSRTACT Information and Communication Technology (ICT) acts as an important tool in achieving vital goals in Education. /Though Sri Lanka made several attempts in ICT education programmes, it has not been reached the expected standard. This study analyses the post accomplishment, current trends and future potentials of ICT Education as well as failures of the previous attempts and proposes recommendations to implementation plan./ The study mainly covers the snstainability of ICT education in primary, secondary and vocational levels of education./ Information on ICT education in Sri Lanka, major issues and aspects of people, were gathered through literature survey and by questionnaires and interviews with major stakeholders of ICT education such as officials, heads of institutes, teachers, lecturers, instructors and students. The researcher built up a conceptual model to prove the factors effect on the sustainability of ICT Education./ In education it is evident that ICT have not spread across country at the same pace. There is a large gap between urban and rural areas in terms of infrastructural facilities, qualified academic staffs, quality of training programmes, teaching and study materials. Weaknesses in course curricula, evaluation and appraisal systems, continuous supervision and follow up. policy and administration regulations, language barriers and low public awareness also make negative effects on the sustainability. The author recommends equity in the distribution of physical resources and deployment of human resources. Revision of the structure of course curricula enhancing practical component, usage of distance learning methods to increase ICT penetration of youth, continuous and on going training system are recommended as well. Also the thesis propose well organized system for the evaluation of student and appraisal of academicstaff and supervision .xiv, [91]p. : ill.enTHESIS-INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYICT-SRI LANKAICT EDUCATIONTHE SUSTAINABILITY OF ICT EDUCATION IN SRI LANKAThesis-AbstractITMScDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,91231