Kulasekera, ALGopura, RARCHemapala, KTMUPerera, N2013-10-192013-10-19http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/8033The applications of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) in electrical power systems are becoming popular due to their inherent benefits such as increased autonomy, reactivity, pro activity and social ability. This paper reviews current research on the application of multi-agent systems in micro grid schemes. The paper is mainly focused on recent developments of multi-agent systems in different aspects of micro grids such as control, market modeling, optimization and power restoration. The future directions of multi-agent systems in micro grid applications are also discussed briefly. Furthermore, this review is concluded by discussing the development of an enhanced multi-agent based distributed control framework for micro grids.Distributed generationmicro gridmicro grid controlMulti-agent systemsA Review on MultiāAgent systems in micro grid applicationsConference-Abstract2011Innovative Smart Grid TechnologiesIndiapp. 173 - 177